4 research outputs found


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    This research is aimed to describe the mathematical problem solving abilities with Polya steps to the high school student grade XI based on Honey-Mumford’s learning style. This research was qualitative research with descriptive method. Questionnaires, mathematical problem solving ability test, and interview were used as data collection techniques. The research instruments that used here were researcher, Honey-Mumford model learning style questionnaires (LSQ questionnaire), questions for mathematical problem solving ability test, and interview guidelines. The source of the data for this research were students of class XI IPA at SMA Muhamadiyah Singaparna in the academic year 2018/2019. Data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing were used as the data analysis techniques. The results showed that students with activist learning style were able to take steps to understanding the problem, devising a plan, carring out the plan, and then looking back for the question number 1. Meanwhile, Students with reflector learning style were able to take steps to understanding the problem, devising a plan, carring out the plan, and then looking back for the question number 1, and also able to take steps to understanding the problem and carring out the plan for the steps in mathematical problem solving abilities for question number 2. In the other side, students with pragmatic type of learning style were able to take steps to understanding the problem, devising a plan, carring out the plan, looking back for the question number 1, and then carry out the solution plan for question number 2. Other than that, students with theorist learning style were able to take steps to understanding the problem, devising a plan, carring out the plan, and then looking back for the question number

    Penggunaan Aplikasi Laiba Sebagai Media Edukasi Mengenai Kewajiban Menuntut Ilmu Dalam Islam

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    Technology plays an important role in human life, one of which is in the field of education. The rapid development of technology, especially since the pandemic, has encouraged the emergence of various media or applications that are useful in student learning. Seeking knowledge means effort or endeavor in learning a science, both worldly knowledge or hereafter science. We have observed several 2nd grade students at SDN Panyingkiran II, Kab. Sumedang. This research was conducted using a design and development research model. Where the results of this study indicate the design and product in the form of an Android-based application and named the Laiba Application. By making this application, it is expected that students can understand the meaning of the obligation to study in Islam. Another goal is to make it easier for elementary school students to access or study learning materials regarding Hadith, the obligation to seek knowledge, even if they are at home or in other places. Based on the observations that have been made, by showing the application that we have made and asking some questions, we can draw some conclusions about the application that we have made, namely (1) All students agree that the application is interesting. Because in addition to reading material with cute icons, this Laiba application also contains funny animated videos and practice questions that can be filled out repeatedly and the use of the application is easy to use, even the use of space or memory on the cellphone does not take up much space. large, (2) Some of the children listened with focus. (3) Some children understand and can re-explain the material discussed and given

    Identifikasi Phanerochaete chrysosporium Yang Diiradiasi Sinar Gamma dengan Marka RAPD

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    Phanerochaete chrysosporium merupakan jamur paling potensial yang berperan dalam proses delignifikasi karena menghasilkan enzim lignin peroksidase (LiP) dan mangan peroksidase (MnP). Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan daya lignnolitiknya dilakukan perbaikan genetiknya dengan iradiasi sinar gamma. Informasi tentang perubahan genetik akibat iradiasi pada jamur Phanerochaete chrysosporium sangat diperlukan dalam rangka meningkatkan kemampuan isolat tersebut untuk proses bioremediasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeteksi mutan jamur P. chrysosporium hasil iradiasi sinar gamma pada dosis 250-2000 Gy dengan menggunakan marka Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Tiga oligonukleotida primer RAPD digunakan untuk mengamplifikasi genom DNA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dosis iradiasi berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan P. chrysosporium. Nilai D50 pada dosis 1000 Gy. 3 primer, yaitu OPA-1, OPA-4, dan OPD-6 menghasilkan pita-pita polimorfik yang digunakan untuk menganalisis hasil mutasi pada dosis 500; 750; 1000; dan 2000 Gy. Profil DNA-RAPD menunjukkan variasi genetik yang tinggi antara isolat yang diradiasi dan isolat kontrol (0 Gy) dengan formasi 3-5 kluster. Analisis dendrogram menunjukkan nilai koefisien kesamaan (similarity coefficient) antara 0.71-0.91. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa RAPD merupakan teknik yang mudah untuk mendeteksi adanya mutasi pada DNA akibat iradiasi

    Marker Assisted Selection for Bacterial Leaf Blight Rice Mutant Lines Resistant

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    Induction of mutation using gamma rays for improving of Mira-1 rice variety has been conducted. Rice mutant lines M2 generation have been obtained from mutation by the doses of 25, 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 Gy of gamma rays. Selection of mutant lines tolerant to the disease was only observed in the field neither genetically. Marker assisted selection is a tool to obtain a new rice variety tolerant to the disease of bacterial leaf blight (BLB) genetically. Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzae (Xa) was the pathogen of BLB, and the identification of rice mutant lines which were containing of Xa5, Xa13 and Xa21 genes have been done using Polymerase Chain Reaction ( PCR ) method. The result showed that one mutant line, and four mutant lines from mutation by the doses of 25 Gy and 150 Gy were containing Xa5, Xa13 and Xa21 genes the same as that of Code rice variety as positive control, and none in Kencana Bali rice variety as negative control. Mira-1 rice variety as the parent plant was only contains Xa5 and Xa21 genes. The doses of 50 Gy and 100 Gy were very affective on removing of all bands for identification of those genes. The purpose of this research was to obtain the mutant lines which were contain of those Xa genes as indicator for resistant to BLB disease genetically