4 research outputs found

    Performance Management System (PMS): An Important Performance Measurement Tool for Modern Organizations

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    Performance management system (PMS) is the heart of any “people management” process in an organization. Organizations exist to perform. If employees do not perform, organizations would not survive. If employees perform at their peak level, organizations would be competitive and productivity would increase.  Performance management supports an organisation in the achievement of strategic goals and objectives. It assists managers in setting clear performance expectation goals for all employees that are aligned with the strategic goals. It provides a structure for employees to develop the skills they need to achieve the organisation’s strategic goals. The key features of PMS involve setting objectives, measurable performance criteria expected of the individual employee must be made known to him/her from the beginning of the year. There is regular day-to-day meeting as well as periodic formal feedback meetings with subordinates. An unbiased annual assessment of performance based on specific measurable targets set at the beginning of the corporate year is carried out. During these end of year assessment/appraisal face-to-face meetings, achievements and non-achievements of targets are discussed objectively. Necessary steps are then taken to either recognize performance or improve performance, enhance career development, promote, reward and compensate as deemed fit. The study shows how important PMS is to modern organizations when it comes to performance measurement. The study then concludes and recommends among other things that efforts should be made by organisations to ensure effective and efficient performance management system that would ultimately recognize employees’ efforts, improve performance, enhance career development which would go a long way to achieve organisational strategic goals and bring about competitive advantage

    Relationship between Work-Life Balance and Organizational Commitment: (A Case Study of Student-Workers of the Evening School Programme at Secretaryship and Management Department, Accra Polytechnic)

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    The quest for work-life balance practices is being championed by many organizations in Ghana. It has also received a lot of attention in the field of research. This has come about as a result of awakenings for equilibrium between employees’ work-life, career ambition and lifestyle. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between work-life balance and organizational commitment among student-workers in the department of Secretaryship and Management Studies of Accra Polytechnic. To achieve this aim, the researchers used a survey design which included research design (questionnaire) and sampling method (random). twenty respondents were selected from first year. Questionnaire and interviews were some of the data collection methods used by the researchers. Tables and charts were used to analyze the data collected. The result of the study showed that there is some significant relationship between work-life balance and organizational commitment among student-workers at the Department of Secretaryship and Management Studies, Accra Polytechnic. Student-workers are employees from different organizations who have taken advantage of Accra Polytechnic’s evening programmes to further their education. Hence, they are combining work, education and family life.The research was concluded with recommendations to help improve the balance further by introducing strategies like telecommuting, a compressed workweek, job sharing and encourage student- workers to take their vacations, more institutional support by way of retreat and seminars to enlighten staff on how to reduce stress in their work- life, making the job content less stressful, student-workers must practice proper time management in order to maximize the work hours at their disposal and to opt for studying on  distance, residential or online courses to reduce the stress they go through on a regular or evening school programme, this the researchers believe would ensure a high organizational commitment of the student-workers to their organization. Keywords: Work-life balance, Organizational commitment, Student-workers, Educatio

    Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Hotel Employees in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana

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    This study examines the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on hotel employees in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana using the conservation of resource and human relations theories to ascertain the level of impact. Data was collected from 511 hotel employees from 58 hotels using questionnaires. The employees were randomly sampled. Stepwise Regression in Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 16 model was used to run the analysis. Nine independent variables were included in a stepwise regression model. Six came out as significant and explained 51.6% of the variation in the percentage of their salary that staff received during the current COVID-19 pandemic. The remaining 48.4% was explained by other factors such as the years of service and whether the facility shut down during the lockdown. It was further identified that about 80% of the respondents had their salaries reduced, and that work schedules and working hours were altered, particularly during the lockdown and closure of the country’s borders. It is recommended that hotels should network, be more customer-oriented, be health- and safety-focused, frequently update their communication channels, and make digitalisation and human resource development a priority as measures to help the industry in its recovery process

    Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Hotel Employees in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana

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    This study examines the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on hotel employees in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana using the conservation of resource and human relations theories to ascertain the level of impact. Data was collected from 511 hotel employees from 58 hotels using questionnaires. The employees were randomly sampled. Stepwise Regression in Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 16 model was used to run the analysis. Nine independent variables were included in a stepwise regression model. Six came out as significant and explained 51.6% of the variation in the percentage of their salary that staff received during the current COVID-19 pandemic. The remaining 48.4% was explained by other factors such as the years of service and whether the facility shut down during the lockdown. It was further identified that about 80% of the respondents had their salaries reduced, and that work schedules and working hours were altered, particularly during the lockdown and closure of the country’s borders. It is recommended that hotels should network, be more customer-oriented, be health- and safety-focused, frequently update their communication channels, and make digitalisation and human resource development a priority as measures to help the industry in its recovery process