10 research outputs found
Psychology and aggression
- Author
- Abrahamsen D.
- Adorno T.W.
- Alexander F.
- Allen F.H.
- Ammons Carol H.
- Anastasi Anne
- Anastasi Anne.
- Anderson H.H.
- Anderson H.H.
- Bacon Catherine L.
- Baldwin A.L.
- Banay R.S.
- Barker R.
- Barnes H.E.
- Batchelor I.R.C.
- Bathurst J.E.
- Beaglehole E.
- Beaver A.P.
- Bender Lauretta
- Bieber I.
- Billig A.L.
- Body Margaret K.
- Bramwell M.J.
- Bridgeman O.
- Caille R.K.
- Cannon W.B.
- Carothers J.C.
- Cavan Ruth S.
- Child I.L.
- Clark G.
- Colom G.A.
- Conklin E.S.
- D'Evelyn Katherine.
- Deutsch A.
- Deutsch Helene.
- Devereaux G.
- Dunnington Margaret J.
- Durkheim E.
- Eissler Ruth S.
- Ellis H.
- Elton B. McNeil
- Erikson E.
- Estabrooks G.H.
- Farberow N.L.
- Farrar C.B.
- Fauqier W.
- Fenichel O.
- Fidler R.F.
- Fite M.D.
- Ford C.S.
- Foster S.
- Fowler Claire.
- Frankel E.
- Frederiksen N.
- French J.R.P.
- Freud Anna.
- Gardner G.E.
- Gerard D.L.
- Gerard Margaret W.
- Glueck S.
- Goitein P.L.
- Goodenough Florence.
- Gordon A.L.
- Haggard E.A.
- Hall Muriel Barton.
- Halliburton J.K.
- Harlan H.
- Harms E.
- Harris I.D.
- Hattwick B.W.
- Hattwick L.A.
- Healy W.
- Henry A.F.
- Hertz Marguerite R.
- Hill L.B.
- Himmelweit Hilde.
- Hollander B.
- Hollenberg Eleanor
- Hora T.
- Horney Karen.
- Hull C.L.
- Huschka Mabel.
- Husman B.F.
- Isaacs Susan.
- James W.
- Jenkins R.L.
- Jersild A.T.
- Jersild A.T.
- Johnson Adelaide M.
- Johnson Adelaide M.
- Johnson W.R.
- Jost J.
- Kahn M.W.
- Kallmann F.J.
- Kardiner A.
- Knight R.P.
- Levin H.
- Lewin B.D.
- Lewin K.
- Lewin K.
- Lottier S.
- Macfarlane J.W.
- Mahler Margaret S.
- Maier N.R.F.
- Mason P.
- Masserman J.
- Maudry M.
- McDougall W.
- McNeil E.B.
- McNeil E.B.
- Menninger K.
- Merrill M.A.
- Miller N.E.
- Morgan Patricia K.
- Moulton R.W.
- Mummery Dorothy V.
- Murphy Lo ls B.
- Murray H.A. , et. al.
- Nacht S.
- Nunberg H.
- O'Connor W.A.
- Pace M.L.
- Palmer H.
- Pearson G.H.J.
- Pintler Margaret H.
- Pitluck Patricia.
- Porte J.V.
- Radke Marian J.
- Radke Marian J.
- Radke-Yarrow Marian
- Rappaport D.
- Reckless W.C.
- Redl F.
- Reichard Suzanne
- Reik T.
- Ricketts A.F.
- Rittwagen Marjorie.
- Rosenzweig S.
- Sadler W.S.
- Sappenfield B.R.
- Schachter M.
- Schilder P.
- Scott J.P.
- Sears Pauline S.
- Sears R.R.
- Sears R.R.
- Sears R.R.
- Seib C.B.
- Seward J.P.
- Shaw C.R.
- Shaw C.R., et al.
- Siegel Alberta E.
- Sobel R.
- Sutherland E.H.
- Symonds P.M.
- Thom D.A.
- Thorndike E.L.
- Tolsma F.J.
- Walters J.
- Wellisch E.
- White Mary Alice
- Whiting J.W.M.
- Whitman H.
- Wittman Mary P.
- Zander A.F.
- Zuckermann S.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1959
- Field of study
Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68264/2/10.1177_002200275900300301.pd
On Models, Behaviorism and the Neural Basis of Learning
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Eicosanoid-mediated proinflammatory activity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ExoU
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Feedback Approximation of the Stochastic Growth Model by Genetic Neural Networks
- Author
- B.F. Ingram
- C.A. Sims
- C.A.J. Fletcher
- C.I. Jones
- E.R. McGrattan
- G. Tauchen
- J. Duffy
- J. Eaton
- J. Hertz
- J. Kim
- J.B. Taylor
- J.E. Gagnon
- J.H. Holland
- J.M. Miranda
- K. Hornik
- K.L. Judd
- K.L. Judd
- K.S. Narenda
- L.J. Christiano
- L.J. Christiano
- M. Nedim Alemdar
- N.M. Alemdar
- N.M. Alemdar
- P.M. Romer
- R. Hecht-Nielsen
- R.C. Fair
- R.G. King
- S. Schmitt-Grohé
- S. Sirakaya
- S. Sirakaya
- S.J. Turnovsky
- Stephen Turnovsky
- T.F. Cooley
- T.J. Sargent
- W.A. Brock
- W.J. Haan den
- W.J. Hann den
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
stochastic growth model, genetic algorithms, neural networks,
Effects of Smoking/Nicotine on Anxiety, Heart Rate, and Lateralization of EEG During a Stressful Movie
- Author
- Armitage A.K.
- Benowitz N.L.
- Boyd G.M.
- Cherry N.
- Cooley J.W.
- Davidson R.J.
- Elbert T.
- Eysenck H.J.
- Eysenck H.J.
- Eysenck H.J.
- Eysenck H.J.
- Gilbert D.G.
- Golding J.
- Goldstein L.
- Hall R.A.
- Herning R.I.
- Hertz B.F.
- Industrial Accident Prevention Association
- Jenkins C.D.
- Knott V.J.
- Lacey J.I.
- Lazarus R.S.
- Lazarus R.S.
- Lerner J.V.
- Ley R.G.
- Lukas S.E.
- McNair D.M.
- Pomerleau O.F.
- Redmond A.
- Roessler R.
- Schachter S.
- Schachter S.
- Schneider N.G.
- Schultze M.J.
- Seltzer C.C.
- Spielberger C.D.
- Spielberger C.D.
- Warburton D.M.
- Wilder J.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Evidence for Social and Cultural Change in Central Vanuatu Between 3000 and 2000 BP: Comparing Funerary and Dietary Patterns of the First and Later Generations at Teouma, Efate
- Author
- Bedford S.
- Bedford S.
- Bedford S.
- Bedford S.
- Bedford S.
- Bedford S.
- Bronk Ramsey C.
- Clark G.
- Clark G.R.
- Clark G.R.
- Dickinson W.R.
- Duday H.
- Estelle Herrscher
- Frédérique Valentin
- Green R.C.
- Hallie Buckley
- Herrscher E.
- Hertz R.
- Horrocks M.
- Kinaston R.L.
- Kirch P.V.
- Kirch P.V.
- Kirch P.V.
- Kirch P.V.
- Leach B.F.
- Matthew Spriggs
- Phillips D.L.
- Pietrusewsky M.
- Pietrusewsky M.
- Sand C.
- Sand C.
- Schroeder S.
- Spriggs M.
- Spriggs M.
- Spriggs M.
- Steadman D.W.
- Stuart Bedford
- Summerhayes G.
- Summerhayes G.
- Valentin F.
- Valentin F.
- Valentin F.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Specificity of simple hormone response elements in androgen regulated genes
- Author
- A.J. Adler
- A.J. Adler
- A.S. Baldwin
- B. Gametchu
- B.F. Luisi
- C-I. Wong
- C. Cairns
- C.M. Gorman
- D.B. Lubahn
- D.B. Lubahn
- D.D. Moore
- Elizabeth M. Wilson
- F. Claessens
- Frank S. French
- H. Gronemeyer
- I. Alroy
- J-A. Tan
- J. Drouin
- J. Ham
- J.-A. Tan
- J.A. Simental
- J.S. Strobl
- J.T. Kadonaga
- J.W. Funder
- Jiann-an Tan
- K-C. Ho
- K. Dahlman-Wright
- K. Dahlman-Wright
- K. Umaesono
- Keith B. Marschke
- L.P. Freedman
- L.P. Freedman
- M. Beato
- M. Danielsn
- M. Truss
- M.A. Carson-Jurica
- P. DeVos
- P.J. Roche
- P.P. Hertz
- P.S. Rennie
- P.S. Rennie
- R. Schule
- R. Shule
- R.M. Evans
- S. Akira
- S. Green
- S. Kasper
- S.D. Lund
- S.E. Rundlett
- S.E. Rundlett
- S.H. Denison
- S.K. Nordeen
- S.R. Kupfer
- S.Y. Tsai
- Stuart R. Kupfer
- U. Strahle
- V.E. Quarmby
- W.B. Wehrenberg
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Biological Cell Manipulation/Measurement/ Analysis under E-SEM
- Author
- A. Bianco
- A. Bonorat
- A. Sakaguchi-Nakashima
- A. Touhami
- A.E. Pelling
- A.E. Smith
- A.M. Donald
- A.R. Bausch
- B.F. Brehm-Stecher
- C.J. O’Kane
- C.T. Gibson
- D. Botstein
- D.-A. Mendels
- D.S. Hwang
- E. A-Hassan
- E.H. Lee
- E.H. Lee
- E.H. Lee
- F. Ahimou
- F. Foury
- F.M. Harold
- F.M. Klis
- G. De-Deus
- G.C. Johnston
- G.K. Stylios
- G.M. Pharr
- H. Bianchi
- H. Hertz
- H. Lu
- H.M. Shapiro
- H.W. Wu
- I. Brigger
- I. Brigger
- I. Obataya
- I. Obataya
- I.M. Tolic-Norrelykke
- I.N. Sneddon
- J. Guck
- J. Kucsera
- J.D. Stenson
- J.E. Sader
- J.E. Sader
- J.J. Abbott
- J.R.M. Radok
- K.C. Thomas
- L. Cheng
- L.H. Hartwell
- M. Bester-Rogac
- M. Dao
- M. Dembo
- M. Kim
- M. Mancini
- M. Radmacher
- M. Sato
- M. Sokabe
- M.A. King
- M.B. Elowitz
- M.B. Goodman
- M.R. Ahmad
- N.G. Stephen
- O. Thoumine
- O. Thoumine
- P.H. Puech
- P.R. Raimann
- R. Gueta
- R.A. Speer
- R.B. King
- S. Fields
- S. Kuyucak
- S.A. Klotz
- S.B. Aksu
- S.P. Leary
- S.P. Timoshenko
- S.W. Han
- T. McKnight
- T. Moriguchi
- T.S. Lanero
- T.S. Lanero
- V. Labhasetwar
- V. Raicu
- W.C. O’Mara
- W.H. Mager
- X. Li
- Y. Tan
- Y.-T. Cheng
- Y.-T. Cheng
- Y.-T. Cheng
- Y.S. Chu
- Z. Misirli
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2013
- Field of study
Workplace Approaches to Obesity Prevention
- Author
- A. Bandura
- A. Lara
- A. Steckler
- A. Steckler
- A.J. Caban
- A.K. Yancey
- A.K. Yancey
- A.K. Yancey
- A.K. Yancey
- A.K. Yancey
- A.K. Yancey
- A.K. Yancey
- A.K. Yancey
- A.K. Yancey
- A.M. Wolf
- B. Giles-Corti
- B. Marcus
- B. Sternfeld
- B.F. Oldenburg
- C. McKeever
- California Nutrition Network &California Department of Health Service
- D. Stokols
- D. Thompson
- D.H. Passe
- D.L. Katz
- D.M. Matson-Koffman
- D.N. Lakdawalla
- D.R. Backman
- E. Finkelstein
- E.A. Finkelstein
- E.M. Rogers
- E.W. Maibach
- F. Wang
- G. Colditz
- G. Nicoll
- G. Sorensen
- G. Sorensen
- G. Sorensen
- G. Sorensen
- G. Sorensen
- G.D. Kaplan
- G.J. Langley
- I.H. Steenhuis
- Institute of Medicine (U.S.)
- Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee to Assess Worksite Preventive Health Program Needs for NASA Employees
- J. Daly
- J. Leslie
- J.A. Stewart
- J.E. Riedel
- J.M. Linenger
- J.O. Hill
- J.O. Hill
- J.P. Pierce
- K. Day
- K. Glanz
- K.E. Thorpe
- K.J. Coleman
- K.L. Eastman
- K.M. Emmons
- L. Breslow
- L. Englberger
- L. Linnan
- L.D. Fox
- L.H. Anderson
- L.M. Powell
- L.M. VanLanduyt
- M. Peterson
- M.A. Sevick
- M.C. Whitt
- M.J. Wheatley
- M.K. Campbell
- M.K. Hunt
- M.L. Vincent
- M.P. O’Donnell
- M.P. O’Donnell
- M.S. Westerterp-Plantenga
- N.P. Pronk
- N.P. Pronk
- P. Ekkekakis
- P. Hemp
- P. Peltomaki
- P. Puska
- P.A. Estabrooks
- P.B. Crawford
- R. Elbel
- R. Ewing
- R. Sturm
- R.E. Andersen
- R.E. Glasgow
- R.E. Thayer
- R.J. Ozminkowski
- R.J. Ozminkowski
- R.J. Shephard
- R.K. Dishman
- R.L. Galbally
- R.P. Hertz
- R.W. Jeffery
- R.Z. Goetzel
- S. Kumanyika
- S. Kumanyika
- S. Titze
- S. Wilcox
- S.A. Beresford
- S.A. French
- S.A. Seabury
- S.J. Algert
- S.J. Pronk
- S.K. Kumanyika
- S.L. Hammond
- S.M. Matsudo
- S.N. Blair
- S.Y. Kimm
- T. Golaszewski
- T. Pohjonen
- T. Stahl
- Task Force on Community Preventive Services
- United States. Dept. of Health and Human Services
- W.B. Baun
- W.C. Taylor
- W.K. Mummery
- W.R. Bixby
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study
Innate Host Defense of Human Vaginal and CervicalMucosae
- Author
- A. Aroutcheva
- A. Biragyn
- A. Fleming
- A. Kossel
- A. Oren
- A. Panyutich
- A. Pivarcsi
- A.J. Ouellette
- A.J. Ouellette
- A.J. Quayle
- A.J. Quayle
- A.L. Hughes
- A.M. Cole
- A.M. Cole
- A.V. Panyutich
- A.V. Panyutich
- B. Agerberth
- B. Agerberth
- B. Yasin
- B.F. Miller
- B.J. Horowitz
- B.K. Patterson
- B.S. Schonwetter
- C. Münk
- C. Zhao
- C.B. Park
- C.E. Mackewicz
- C.J. Hertz
- C.L. Bevins
- C.R. Monell
- D. Brown Jr
- D. Ghosh
- D. Tran
- D.C. Shugars
- D.E. Jones
- D.E. Jones
- D.L. Draper
- D.L. Patton
- D.S. Chapple
- E. Gazit
- E.V. Valore
- E.V. Valore
- E.V. Valore
- F. Niyonsaba
- F.B. Hashemi
- F.Y. Chen
- G. Diamond
- G. Grouard
- G. Reid
- G.M. Morrison
- G.R. Zimmermann
- H. Nakashima
- H.C. Wiesenfeld
- H.J. Aho
- H.R. Ibrahim
- J. Harder
- J. Harder
- J. Shi
- J. Turner
- J. Wecke
- J.A. Hobbs
- J.A. McGregor
- J.A. Turpin
- J.B. Cowland
- J.D. Sobel
- J.D. Sobel
- J.F. Tomee
- J.G. Hirsch
- J.H. Andersen
- J.H. Chang
- J.J. Bullen
- J.L. Edwards
- J.N. Wasserheit
- J.R. Schwebke
- J.W. Larrick
- K. Hasegawa
- K. Matsuzaki
- K. Ogata
- K. Pillay
- K.A. Daher
- K.A. Joiner
- K.J. Agnew
- K.W. Bensch
- L. Edwards
- L. Leonova
- L. Liu
- L. Zhang
- L. Zhang
- L.A. Duits
- L.A. Duits
- L.J. Cibley
- M. Faurschou
- M. Hein
- M. Steinbakk
- M. Trabi
- M. Zanetti
- M. Zasloff
- M.C. Harmsen
- M.E. Mangoni
- M.E. Quinones-Mateu
- M.E. Selsted
- M.E. Selsted
- M.E. Selsted
- M.E. Selsted
- M.M. Barousse
- M.N. Becker
- M.P. Manitz
- M.R. Zariffard
- M.S. Alcouloumre
- N.H. Salzman
- N.J. Laible
- N.M. Frohm
- O.E. Sorensen
- O.E. Sorensen
- P. Brandtzaeg
- P. Negroni
- P. Puddu
- P.A. Clohessy
- P.B. McCray
- P.G. Sohnle
- P.J. Swart
- P.K. Singh
- P.K. Singh
- P.L. Fidel Jr
- P.L. Fidel Jr
- P.L. Fidel Jr
- P.M. Abuja
- P.S. Hiemstra
- R. Bals
- R. Bals
- R. Helmig
- R.B. Balu
- R.B. Balu
- R.C. Brunham
- R.I. Lehrer
- R.I. Lehrer
- R.I. Lehrer
- R.I. Lehrer
- R.I. Lehrer
- R.M. Steinman
- R.R. Arnold
- R.T.3. Ellison
- S. Lee-Huang
- S. Lee-Huang
- S. Sinha
- S.A. Wang
- S.B. Aley
- S.D. Meredith
- S.J. Ludtke
- S.K. Ghosh
- S.L. Hillier
- S.S. Harwig
- T. Ayabe
- T. Birchler
- T. Chimura
- T. Ganz
- T. Ganz
- T. Ganz
- T. Ganz
- T. Ganz
- T. Ganz
- T.B. McNeely
- T.B. McNeely
- T.E. Taha
- T.E. Taha
- T.L. Chang
- T.L. Chang
- T.L. Cherpes
- T.M. Weiss
- T.X. Nguyen
- V. Brinkmann
- V.C. Vaughan
- W. Bellamy
- W. Cates Jr
- W. Wang
- W.M. Shafer
- X. Wang
- X.D. Qu
- Y. Satoh
- Y. Satoh
- Y. Shai
- Y.Q. Tang
- Y.Q. Wang
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2006
- Field of study