86 research outputs found

    Harmonic maps in unfashionable geometries

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    We describe some general constructions on a real smooth projective 4-quadric which provide analogues of the Willmore functional and conformal Gauss map in both Lie sphere and projective differential geometry. Extrema of these functionals are characterized by harmonicity of this Gauss map.Comment: plain TeX, uses bbmsl for blackboard bold, 20 page

    Discrete constant mean curvature nets in space forms: Steiner's formula and Christoffel duality

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    We show that the discrete principal nets in quadrics of constant curvature that have constant mixed area mean curvature can be characterized by the existence of a K\"onigs dual in a concentric quadric.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, pdfLaTeX (plain pdfTeX source included as bak file

    Periodic discrete conformal maps

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    A discrete conformal map (DCM) maps the square lattice to the Riemann sphere such that the image of every irreducible square has the same cross-ratio. This paper shows that every periodic DCM can be determined from spectral data (a hyperelliptic compact Riemann surface, called the spectral curve, equipped with some marked points). Each point of the map corresponds to a line bundle over the spectral curve so that the map corresponds to a discrete subgroup of the Jacobi variety. We derive an explicit formula for the generic maps using Riemann theta functions, describe the typical singularities and give a geometric interpretation of DCM's as a discrete version of the Schwarzian KdV equation. As such, the DCM equation is a discrete soliton equation and we describe the dressing action of a loop group on the set of DCM's. We also show that this action corresponds to a lattice of isospectral Darboux transforms for the finite gap solutions of the KdV equation.Comment: 41 pages, 10 figures, LaTeX2

    On Guichard's nets and Cyclic systems

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    In the first part, we give a self contained introduction to the theory of cyclic systems in n-dimensional space which can be considered as immersions into certain Grassmannians. We show how the (metric) geometries on spaces of constant curvature arise as subgeometries of Moebius geometry which provides a slightly new viewpoint. In the second part we characterize Guichard nets which are given by cyclic systems as being Moebius equivalent to 1-parameter families of linear Weingarten surfaces. This provides a new method to study families of parallel Weingarten surfaces in space forms. In particular, analogs of Bonnet's theorem on parallel constant mean curvature surfaces can be easily obtained in this setting.Comment: 25 pages, plain Te
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