15 research outputs found

    The evaluation of lean manufacturing implementation and their impact to manufacturing performance

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    With more challenges in competition worldwide, manufacturing industry needs more active to provide high levels of performance and commitment. To win the competition through more customer satisfaction, manufacturing companies have to opted not only high skill human resources, latest technologies but also have the reliable and modern manufacturing optimization strategy. Lean manufacturing tools have been widely used by manufacturing companies to achieve these objectives. Many researchers have researched and explained the application of these different LM tools in industry that are mostly located in developed countries, very few have examined the application of these tools in developing countries (such as Indonesia). This paper aims to evaluate LM tools implementation and their impact on manufacturing performance in the Indonesian manufacturing companies. 50 questionnaires have been taken from 15 companies, only 32 were responded and only 30 items were suitable to be processed. Data processing was performed with Smart-PLS 3.0 program. All of 8 tools/indicators was found valid and reliable to represent LM tools and have a Positive and Moderate relationship with manufacturing performance (MP) with R2 = 40.6% means variability of MP 40.6% could be explained by 8 LM tools and the rest by others factors

    A study of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and lean manufacturing tools and their impact on manufacturing performance

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    In Indonesia, companies that have correctly implement TPM and LM are still very limited. They also implement TPM without being integrated with LM. To look beyond their implementation and their impact to manufacturing performance, a research through survey method have been conducted. The 250 questionnaires have been sent to 125 manufacturing companies located in Jakarta, Bekasi, Tangerang, Bandung and Lampung. 105 have been returned but only 91 questionnaires suitable for further processing using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with Smart-PLS as a programming tool. Almost all of 8 Pillars of TPM were considered valid, reliable and significant to represent the TPM implementation in Indonesia. All of 8 LM tools were also considered valid, reliable and significant. TPM have a strong correlation with LM and a moderate correlation with MP. LM also has moderate correlation with MP. TPM pillars and LM tools together affect MP as much as 60.9% (R2 = 0.609). It also means that 60.9% variability of MP can be explained by TPM and LM while 39.1% can be explained by other


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    In this global era where the level of competition is higher, in addition to the influence of the suitable marketing strategy is also required strategy from the side of production/productivity. PT. XYZ is a company engaged in the manufacturing of snacks especially biscuits. The problem that often occurs in this company is the number of biscuits that are not in accordance with the standard and the production does not reach the target set because the machine suddenly breaks down frequently. To overcome the problems PT. XYZ then choose to implement the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) strategy. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of 8 TPM Pillars and measure the effects on manufacturing performance in the form of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and Waste. This study uses questionnaire-based survey method. The number of samples distributed is 40 units. Which returned and filled 33 questionnaires and which is worth to be processed as many as 30 samples. Then tested the validity and reliability of data using SPSS program. Validity critical value R = 0.361 for n = 30 and error rate 5%. For reliability test, R value = 0.60 was selected. From the validity test, there are 7 items of questions that are not valid so it is not included in the next process. For the reliability test of the questionnaire is quite reliable with the value of Cronbach's alpha of 0.811. From the CFA analysis, only 6 of 8 TPM pillars are significant while for manufacturing performance only OEE variable is significant. Correlation between 8 Pillars of TPM and manufacturing performance is Strong enough with a value of R = 0.862, which also means 74.3% (R2) variable manufacturing performance can be explained/influenced by variable 8 Pillar TPM and 26.7% the rest by other variables

    Penentuan Prioritas Usulan Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan Kekayaan Intelektual dengan Penggunaan Metode Fuzzy ServQual dan Importance Performance Analysis

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    Peran Kekayaan Intelektual bagi suatu negara adalah memacu inovasi. Demi mendukung tujuan The World Class IP Office, DJKI perlu mengejar pertumbuhan inovasi agar bisa sejajar dengan 5 Kantor Kekayaan Intelektual teratas. Hal tersebut bisa tercapai dengan membangun sistem kekayaan intelektual yang kuat. Sistem kekayaan intelektual yang kuat diwujudkan dengan layanan kekayaan intelektual yang prima. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kualitas layanan kekayaan intelektual yang dirasakan masyarakat pengguna dan menentukan layanan kekayaan intelektual yang menjadi prioritas perbaikan. Metode integrasi Fuzzy-ServQual dan Importance Performance Analysis digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Dimensi Servqual yang digunakan terdiri dari bukti fisik (tangibles), kehandalan (reliability), daya tanggap (responsiveness), jaminan (assurance), dan empati (emphaty). Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi atribut layanan kekayaan intelektual yang diharapkan oleh pelanggan dapat ditingkatkan. Hasil perhitungan melalui analisis Servqual menunjukkan bahwa nilai gap setiap dimensi Servqual belum dapat memenuhi harapan pelanggan.  Dimensi kualitas yang memiliki rata-rata gap terbesar adalah dimensi Responsiveness (Daya Tanggap) dengan nilai gap -0,645, sehingga aspek perbaikan yang dapat diusulkan untuk menjadi prioritas dalam meningkatkan kualitas layanan yang diberikan oleh DJKI adalah dimensi Responsiveness (Daya Tanggap) dengan indikator penilaian berupa: (a) ketepatan waktu antara realisasi dan janji layanan; (b) konsistensi dalam pemberian layanan sejak awal hingga tuntas pelayanan; (c) kemudahan tahapan prosedur layanan ditinjau dari sisi kesederhanaan alur layanan; (d) kejelasan wewenang dan tanggung jawab petugas dalam penyelenggaraan layanan


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    The purpose of this research is to generate a mapping the level of internal customer internalization of the PTS brands based on intellectual commitment and emotional commitment, as well as its influence on the power of WOM. The sample used is PTS' lecturer in Jakarta area as internal customer. Measurement of brand internalization in this research through the assessment of intellectual commitment, and emotional commitment of lecturers to PTS' brand. Data were collected through answers from questionnaires containing sample opinions on research variables. While the model of the influence of intellectual commitment and emotional commitment to WOM is done by using the model of Structural Equation Model (SEM) processed using the PLS program. The result of this research concludes that the lecturer is in the segment of brand activist. Another result of this research is intellectual commitment and emotional commitment are statistically significant influence on WOM. So that the WOM strength of the lecturer, can be built through the improvement of brand understanding, brand trust and brand delivery lecturers


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    It is obvious to harness the intermittent renewable energy resources, energy storage applications, such as a lithium-ion battery, are very important. α‒type MnO2 is considered as an attractive cathode material for lithium-ion battery due to its relatively large (2 × 2) tunnel structure, remarkable discharge capacity, low cost, and environmental benignity. However, low intrinsic electronic conductivity of α‒type MnO2 limits its full utilization as a cathode for a lithium-ion battery. Therefore, studies to enhance the α‒type MnO2 properties are undoubted of great interest. While previous computational studies have been focused on pristine α‒type MnO2, in the present report, we present the theoretical research on potassium-intercalated α‒type MnO2 using first principle Density Functional Theory calculations for the first time. Our results showed that potassium-intercalated α‒type MnO2 improved the electronic conductivity which beneficial for energy storage application. The structural transformation of potassium-intercalated α‒type MnO2 upon lithium insertion are also discussed. Our results may open the avenue for further utilization of potassium-intercalated α‒type MnO2 materials for not only the lithium-ion battery but also other type energy storage systems


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    Rumah Sehat adalah bangunan rumah tinggal yang memenuhi syarat kesehatan, yaitu rumah yang memiliki jamban yang sehat, sarana air bersih, tempat pembuangan sampah, sarana pembuangan air limbah, ventilasi rumah yang baik, kepadatan hunian rumah yang sesuai dan lantai rumah yang tidak terbuat dari tanah. Rumah pada dasarnya merupakan tempat hunian yang sangat penting bagi kehidupan setiap orang. Rumah tidak sekedar sebagai tempat untuk melepas lelah setelah bekerja seharian, namun didalamnya terkandung arti yang penting sebagai tempat untuk membangu kehidupan keluarga sehat dan sejahtera. Rumah yang sehat dan layak huni tidak harus berwujud rumah mewah dan besar namun rumah yang sederhana dapat juga menjadi rumah yang sehat dan layak dihuni Rumah sehat adalah kondisi fisik, kimia, biologi didalam rumah dan perumahan sehingga memungkinkan penghuni atau masyarakat memperoleh derajat kesehatan yang optimal

    Total productive maintenance (TPM) implementation based on lean manufacturing tools in Indonesian manufacturing industries

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    Only a few companies in Indonesia have implemented Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and Lean Manufacturing (LM) properly. They also implemented LM separately with TPM. To look beyond their implementation, a research through survey method will be conducted to identify the status of TPM and LM practices. The data recorded through the survey will be calculated and analysed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with Smart-PLS as a programming tool. The expected results were to provide updated barriers and enablers factors in implementing TPM and LM, to produced reliable CFA (measurement) models for TPM, LM and MP and proposing reference model (structural model) of the relationship between TPM, LM, and MP for manufacturing industries in Indonesia

    Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Pendidikan Dengan Menggunakan Metode Eduqual dan Importance Analysis Performance

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    Pendidikan merupakan hal utama yang akan menopang kemajuan suatu negara. Perguruan tinggi merupakan lembaga pendidikan yang berperan untuk mendidik dan menyiapkan masyarakan untuk memiliki kemampuan akademik dan profesional yang dapat menerapkan, mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan. Keberhasilan penyelengara pendidikan sangat ditentukan oleh kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap pelayanan yang diberikan, dan mengetahui  aspek mana saja yang berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan dimensi Education Quality (eduqual) yang terdiri dari aspek hasil belajar, ketanggapan, fasilitas fisik, pengembangan pribadi, akademik dan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) untuk mengindentifikasi dan melihat keinginan yang diharapkan oleh mahasiswa untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelayanan pendidikan. Responden pengukuran kualitas pelayanan dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa angkatan 2017-2020 dengan menggunakan teknik pengambilan sample quota sampling. Hasil kuesioner yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan ujivaliditas dan reliabilitas. Hasil  perhitungan  GAP dimensi eduqual menunjukan masing – masing dimensi masih belum dapat memenuhi harapan mahasiswa. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan Importance Performance Analysis dimensi fasilitas fisik yang menjadi fokus yang menjadi perbaikan perguruan tinggi