36 research outputs found

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    Tendencias cognitivas en los pensamientos articulados en pacientes depresivos y no depresivos. Cognitive bias in the articuled thoughts of depressed and non depressed psychiatric patients. J. White, G. Davison, D. Haaga D, K. White. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. Febrero 1992; 180: 77-81 M.L. Catalina Zamora Entrevista diagnóstica estructurada para hipocondriasis. A structured diagnostic interview fir hypochondriasis. A. Barsky, P Cleary, G. Wyshak, R. Spitzer, J. Williams, M. Klerman. Journal of Nervous. M.L. Catalina Zamora ¿Paranoide-esquizoide o simbiótico?. Paranoid-schizoid or symbiotic?. K. Carstairs, Filadelfia. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis. Int J Psycho-Anal. 1992; parte 1ª: pp 71-85. A. E. Nafs Transferencias psicopática, paranoide y depresiva. Psychopatic, paranoid and depressive transferences. F Kernberg. Department of Psychiatry. The New York Hospital. Cornell medical Center. International Journal of Psycho-Analysi's. Int J Psycho Anal 1992; Vol 73, Parte 1.a: pp 13-28 A. E. Nafs Prevalencia y estabilidad a corto plazo de sintomas depresivos en escolares Prevalence and shortterni stability of depressive symptoms in shoolchildren B. Larson, L. Me/in Acta Psychiatrica. J.C. García Álvarez Mecanismos neuroendocrinos de la depresión y su precipitación por eventos vitales. Neuroendocrine mechanisms and the precipitation of depresion by life events s. Check/ety. British Journal of Psychiatry. 1992; 160, Supi 15 M.I, de la Hera Cabero, Uso a largo plazo de tianeptina en 380 pacientes deprimidos. Long-Term use of tianeptine in 380 depressed patients. H. Loo, H. Ganry, H. Oufour, J.o. Gudfi, R. Ma/ka, J.P Ofie, H. Scharbach, J. Tigno/, C. Marey, A. Kamoun. British Journal of Psychiatry. 1992; 160, Suppl 15: 61-65. M.I, de la Hera Cabero ¿Están relacionadas la esquizofrenia y los trastornos afectivos?. Are Schizophrenia and affective disorder related?. A selective literature review M. Alan Taylor. Mo. del Oepartamento de Psiquiatría y Ciencias de la Conducta de la Universidad de Ciencias de la Salud. Escuela de Medicina de Chicago. Mar García Pérez. La eficacia de la psicoterapia breve dinámica: un meta-análisis. The eficacy of brief dynamic psichotherapy: a meta-analysis. P Crits-Christoph, PH.o. Am Journal of Psychiatry, Febrero 1992; 149: 2 C. Herraez Martín de Valmaseda El estado de la cuestión en... Alteraciones neuropsicológicas en HIV (+) asintomáticos C. Polo Usaola, J.C. García Alvare

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    Leyendo Freud en inglés: problemas, paradojas y una solución. Reading Freud in english: problems, paradoxes, and a solution Sander L. Gilman. Ithaca, New York. The International Review of Psycho-Analysis. Vol. 18, Parte-3, Pago 331-344 Antonio Nafs Psiquiatría Infantil: Su relevancia para la Psiquiatría General. K. Minde~ D. Benoit, The Montreal Children's Hospital. Queen's University Kingston, Ontario British Journal of Psychiatry. 1991; 159: 173-184. Daniel Olivares Zarco Síndrome de Stress Post-Traumático en la comunidad: Un estudio epidemiológico. Pos-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the community: An epidemiological study. Jonathan R.T Davidson, Dana Hughes, Dan G. Blazer, Linda K. George. Fronthe. Departament of Psychiatry Duke University Medical Center Durham, North Carolina, USA. Psichological Medicine. Vol 21. N.O 3 Agosto 1991. Pago 713-723 J.C. García Alvarez ¿Puede la buspirona inducir fenómenos de rebote, dependencia o abuso?. Can buspirone induce rebound, dependence or abuse?. Maleolm Lader. British Journal of Psychiatry 1991; 159 (suppl 12): 45-51. M.a Isabel de la Hera Cabero Test de supresión de dexametasona en niños The dexamethasone suppression test in children S.P Tyrer, M.L. Barret, TP Berney, S. Bhate, M.J. Watson, T Fundudis, l. Kolvin British Journal of Psychiatry 1991; 159 (suppl 11): pags 41-48 M.a Isabel de la Hera Cabero Psicodinámica del suicidio, con particular referencia al joven. Psychodynamics of suicide, with particular reference to the young. Herbert Hendin. American Journal of Psychiatry. 148: 9, September 1991. Clara Herráez Martín de Valmaseda Trastornos por uso de sustancias en pacientes con fatiga crónica. Sustance use disorders in patients with chronic fatigue. Henry R. Krazler, Victor M. Hesselbrock, Thomas J. Lane Asociados al Centro Médico de Veteranos de Newington. Prof. Asistente y Prof. del Dpto. de Psiquiatría de la Escuela Universitaria de Medicina de Connecticut. Hospital and Community Psychiatry. Septiembre 1991; vol 42, n.o 9: pag 924-928 M.a del Mar García Pérez Estudios neuroendocrinos en psicosis puerperal. Neuroendocrine challenge studies in puerperal psychoses. E.S. Paykel, A. Martín del Campo, W White, R. Hartan British Journal of Psychiatry. Agosto 1991; 159: 262-266. Mª. del Mar García Pérez El ejercicio de la Medicina Intensiva como situación de estrés. Otto Zegers. Actas Luso-Esp. Neurol. Psiquiatr. 1991; 19, 5: 243-251José A. García-Noblejas Sánchez-Migalló

    Local wind speed forecasting based on WRF-HDWind coupling

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    [EN] Wind speed forecasts obtained by Numerical Weather Prediction models are limited for fine interpretation in heterogeneous terrain, in which different roughnesses and orographies occur. This limitation is derived from the use of low-resolution and grid-box averaged data. In this paper a dynamical downscaling method is presented to increase the local accuracy of wind speed forecasts. The proposed method divides the wind speed forecasting into two steps. In the first one, the mesoscale model WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) is used for getting wind speed forecasts at specific points of the study domain. On a second stage, these values are used for feeding the HDWind microscale model. HDWind is a local model that provides both a high-resolution wind field that covers the entire study domain and values of wind speed and direction at very located points. As an example of use of the proposed method, we calculate a high-resolution wind field in an urban-interface area from Badajoz, a South-West Spanish city located near the Portugal border. The results obtained are compared with the values read by a weathervane tower of the Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) in order to prove that the microscale model improves the forecasts obtained by the mesoscale model