12 research outputs found

    Comparison between the vitek immunodiagnostic assay system and PCR for the detection of Salmonella spp. in foods

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    Objectives: To compare the methods of the automated Immunodiagnostic Assay System and the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) to detect Salmonella spp. In food sold in the city of Santa Marta -Colombia. Materials and methods: The standardization of the PCR for detecting Salmonella spp was previously reported by us within 12 hours. The determinations were carried out with the help of the Public Health Laboratory of Magdalena, Colombia. 65 samples of food were studied: beef 14(21.5%), sausages 18(27.7%), chicken 7(10.8%), fish 3(4.6%), flours 13(20%), dairy products 5(7.7%) sauces 4(6.2%) y salads 1(1.5%) in the city of Santa Marta-Colombia between September and November 2010. A microbiological analysis was done on the 65 samples to determine Salmonella spp. in the Public Health Laboratory of Magdalena according to protocol of automated Vitek Immunodiagnostic Assay System. An aliquot of no selective pre-enrichment was sent to the molecular biology laboratory of Cooperativa de Colombia University to be analyzed for PCR. Results: The results show that the food analyzed in the public health laboratory presented Salmonella spp. only in sausages 5/65 (7.7%), while these samples analyzed using PCR showed Salmonella spp. in 36/65 (55.4%). Conclusions: The results indicate that PCR can be applied to get faster and better results to do regular epidemiological [email protected]

    Análisis del polimorfismo del gen APOE en la población de Barranquilla, Colombia

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    Introduction: The genetic variability present in the APOE gene polymorphism is considered an important factor associated with predisposition to diseases affecting lipid metabolism, as well as heart diseases and Alzheimer's disease, among others. Understanding it as a risk factor in different populations and ethnic groups is a useful tool. Objective: To analyze the APOE gene polymorphism and determine allelic and genotypic frequencies of a representative sample of population from Barranquilla, Colombia. Materials and methods: We performed a descriptive and comparative study. The sample size was 227 unrelated individuals from Barranquilla, Colombia Results: The most frequent allele was the e3, with 85%, followed by the e4 allele (13%) and e2 (1.8%). The genotypes found were: e3/e3: 71.8%, e3/e4: 24.2%, e2/e3: 2.2%, e2/e4: 1.3% and e4/e4: 0.4%. The e2/e2 genotype was not found in this study. The sample exhibited the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Conclusion: The frequency of the e3 allele and the e3/e3 genotype was similar to that reported in the literature in countries like Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, and in some Colombian Amerindian ethnic groups. The e2/e2 genotype was absent. This result is consistent with those found in other population groups worldwide. The frequency of the e4 allele and the genotypes associated in this population could be related to the presence of diseases such as hypercholesterolemia, myocardial infarction and Alzheimer

    Análisis del polimorfismo del gen APOE en la población de Barranquilla, Colombia

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    Introduction: The genetic variability present in the APOE gene polymorphism is considered an important factor associated with predisposition to diseases affecting lipid metabolism, as well as heart diseases and Alzheimer's disease, among others. Understanding it as a risk factor in different populations and ethnic groups is a useful tool. Objective: To analyze the APOE gene polymorphism and determine allelic and genotypic frequencies of a representative sample of population from Barranquilla, Colombia. Materials and methods: We performed a descriptive and comparative study. The sample size was 227 unrelated individuals from Barranquilla, Colombia Results: The most frequent allele was the e3, with 85%, followed by the e4 allele (13%) and e2 (1.8%). The genotypes found were: e3/e3: 71.8%, e3/e4: 24.2%, e2/e3: 2.2%, e2/e4: 1.3% and e4/e4: 0.4%. The e2/e2 genotype was not found in this study. The sample exhibited the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Conclusion: The frequency of the e3 allele and the e3/e3 genotype was similar to that reported in the literature in countries like Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, and in some Colombian Amerindian ethnic groups. The e2/e2 genotype was absent. This result is consistent with those found in other population groups worldwide. The frequency of the e4 allele and the genotypes associated in this population could be related to the presence of diseases such as hypercholesterolemia, myocardial infarction and [email protected]

    Enhanced Conversion in the Direct Synthesis of Diethyl Carbonate from Ethanol and CO 2 by Process Intensification

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    To overcome the low equilibrium conversion in the direct synthesis of diethyl carbonate from ethanol and CO 2 under moderate reaction conditions, the reaction was conducted in a membrane reactor packed with pelletized Cu-Ni:3-1 supported on activated carbon. A SiO 2 /?-Al 2 O 3 commercial membrane and zeolite A membranes synthesized on commercial Al 2 O 3 supports were evaluated in the membrane reactor. Although characterization of the membranes by X-ray diffraction confirmed the presence of a zeolite A layer on the supports, gas permeation and permselectivity tests of ethanol and water evidenced some defects of the synthesized membranes. An increase in conversion with respect to a conventional packed-bed reactor was observed in the membrane reactors prepared on Al 2 O 3 , but equilibrium conversion was not attained. However, with the commercial membrane, the ethanol conversion was higher than the equilibrium conversion. © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, [email protected]

    Enhanced Conversion in the Direct Synthesis of Diethyl Carbonate from Ethanol and CO 2 by Process Intensification

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    To overcome the low equilibrium conversion in the direct synthesis of diethyl carbonate from ethanol and CO 2 under moderate reaction conditions, the reaction was conducted in a membrane reactor packed with pelletized Cu-Ni:3-1 supported on activated carbon. A SiO 2 /?-Al 2 O 3 commercial membrane and zeolite A membranes synthesized on commercial Al 2 O 3 supports were evaluated in the membrane reactor. Although characterization of the membranes by X-ray diffraction confirmed the presence of a zeolite A layer on the supports, gas permeation and permselectivity tests of ethanol and water evidenced some defects of the synthesized membranes. An increase in conversion with respect to a conventional packed-bed reactor was observed in the membrane reactors prepared on Al 2 O 3 , but equilibrium conversion was not attained. However, with the commercial membrane, the ethanol conversion was higher than the equilibrium conversion. © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, [email protected]

    HLA in North Colombia Chimila Amerindians.

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    HLA-A,-B,-C,-DRB1 and -DQB1 alleles have been studied in Chimila Amerindians from Sabana de San Angel (North Colombian Coast) by using high resolution molecular typing. A frequent extended haplotype was found:HLA-A*24:02-B*51:10-C*15:02-BRB1*04:07-DQB1*03:02 (28.7%) which has also been described in Amerinndian Mayos Mexican population (Mexico, California Gulf, Pacific Ocean). Other haplotypes had already been found in Amerindians from Mexico (Pacific and Atlantic Coast), Peru (highlands and Amazon Basin), Bolivia and North USA. A geographic pattern according to HLA allele or haplotype frequencies is lacking in Amerindians, as already known. Also, five new extended haplotypes were found in Chimila Amerindians. Their HLA-A*24:02 high frequencies characteristic is shared with aboriginal populations of Taiwan; also, HLA-C*01:02 high frequencies are found in New Zealand Maoris, New Caledonians and Kimberly Aborigines from Australia. Finally, this study may show a model of evolutionary factors acting and rising one HLA allele frequency (-A*24:02), but not in others that belong to the same or different HLA loci. © [email protected]

    HLA in Colombia Wayu from Guajira Peninsula Amerindians: Pacific Ocean relationships.

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    Wayu Amerindians live around Guajira Peninsula shared by Colombia and Venezuela. Wayu from Colombia have been studied for their HLA profile and these data put in context with both genetic and cultural relatedness to Pacific Islanders. HLA-A*24 and HLA-B*35 (most likely HLA-A*24:02 and HLA-B*35:05) and HLA-DRB1*04:03 and HLA-DQB1*03:02 are shared both by Wayu and other Amerindians and Pacific Islanders in specific high frequency. Our findings further suggest a genetic relationship between Amerindians (also Wiwa/Arsario and Chimila from Colombia; Uros from Peru) and Pacific Islanders. Titikaka Lake (Peru/Bolivia) Amerindians (Aymara, Uros and Quechua) share also cultural traits, like Tiwanaku (Titikaka Culture giant statues) and Easter Island Culture giant statues or “Moais”. © 201

    HLA genes in Barranquilla (North Colombia): Searching for cryptic Amerindian genes

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    America First Inhabitants population (Amerindians, Na Dene and Eskimos) underwent a drastic population reduction and gene exchange after Europeans and Africans arrival after 1492 AD. Barranquilla population may be a good model to study present day population admixture in South America. HLA-A, -B and -DRB1 DNA typing has been performed in 188 unrelated individuals originated in the area and speak Spanish language; they showed apparent European/African and mixed characters. HLA genetic European/African features were found and only 1.85% Amerindian one. This contrasts with neighboring Cuban population where 10% HLA Amerindian characters appear. © [email protected]