51 research outputs found

    On local CAC schemes for scalability of high-speed networks

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    This article has been extended from the original: “On local CAC schemes for scalability of high-speed networks” by the same authors, which was presented on the International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) held in Athens, Greece, on June 22-26, 2008Next generation networks are required to provide bandwidth on-demand for sessions with fine-time granularity. In this sense, centralized CAC (Connection Admission Control) approaches could suffer from scalability problems if the number of requests for connections is excessive. In this paper we investigate local CAC schemes where the admission decisions are performed at the network edges, based on precalculated admission quotas.The authors would like to acknowledge the BONE Network of Excellence, partially funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme, the MUSE project, partially funded by the EU Sixth FP, and the RUBENS project as part of the EUREKA CELTIC initiativ

    Efecto de un programa de educación física regular y cuentos motores en la aptitud física y desarrollo motor de escolares costarricenses

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    Changes in Cardiovascular Resistance [RCV], Trunk Expander Force [FET] and Fundamental Movement Skills [DFM] in children were determined after receiving a Regular Physical Education Program [PEFR]; or, a Motor Story Program [PCM]; and, verifying differences between Moderate and Vigorous Physical Activity [AFMV]. 55 students completed the study, divided into three groups PEFR, PCM and Control Group (GC). The groups received 20 classes, not the GC. AFMV time was accounted for using POLAR®. FITNESSGRAM® and TGMD-2® were used to measure variables. The RCV and FET in operated groups improved. The DFM in both intervention groups improved. Although the subjects maintained a Low Coefficient of Motor Development (CDMG); the programs contributed to its improvement, but not the GC that kept a very poor CDMG. The PCM and the PEFR were effective in generating changes in physical fitness and skills analyzed.Se determinaron cambios en la Resistencia Cardiovascular [RCV], Fuerza del Extensor del Tronco [FET] y Destrezas Fundamentales de Movimiento [DFM] en niños, luego de recibir un Programa de Educación Física Regular [PEFR]; o, un Programa de Cuentos Motores [PCM]; y, comprobando diferencias entre Actividad Física Moderada y Vigorosa [AFMV]. 55 estudiantes completaron el estudio, distribuidos en tres grupos PEFR, PCM y Grupo Control (GC). Los grupos recibieron 20 clases no el GC. Se contabilizó el tiempo de AFMV mediante POLAR®. Se utilizó FITNESSGRAM® y TGMD-2® para medir variables. La RCV y FET en grupos intervenidos mejoró. Las DFM en ambos grupos intervenidos mejoró. A pesar de que los sujetos mantuvieron un Coeficiente de Desarrollo Motor Grueso (CDMG) bajo; los programas coadyuvaron a su mejoría, no así el GC que conservó un CDMG muy pobre. El PCM y el PEFR fueron eficaces para generar cambios en aptitud física y destrezas analizadas

    On local CAC schemes for scalability of high-speed networks

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. J. Aracil, J. A. Hernández, A. J. Elizondo, R. Duque, and O. G de Dios, " in 10th Anniversary International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2008. Volume 3. p. 175-177Next generation networks are required to provide bandwidth on-demand for fine granularity sessions. In this sense, centralized CAC (connection admission control) approaches could suffer from scalability problems if the number of requests for connections were very high. In this paper we investigate local CAC schemes where the decisions are performed at the network edges, based on pre-calculated admission quotas.The authors would like to acknowledge the BONE Network of Excellence, partially funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme, the MUSE project, partially funded by the EU Sixth FP, and the RUBENS project as part of the EUREKA CELTIC initiativ

    Evaluation of the humoral and mucosal immune response of a multiepitope vaccine against COVID-19 in pigs

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    IntroductionThis study evaluated the immune response to a multiepitope recombinant chimeric protein (CHIVAX) containing B- and T-cell epitopes of the SARS-CoV-2 spike’s receptor binding domain (RBD) in a translational porcine model for pre-clinical studies.MethodsWe generated a multiepitope recombinant protein engineered to include six coding conserved epitopes from the RBD domain of the SARS-CoV-2 S protein. Pigs were divided into groups and immunized with different doses of the protein, with serum samples collected over time to determine antibody responses by indirect ELISA and antibody titration. Peptide recognition was also analyzed by Western blotting. A surrogate neutralization assay with recombinant ACE2 and RBDs was performed. Intranasal doses of the immunogen were also prepared and tested on Vietnamese minipigs.ResultsWhen the immunogen was administered subcutaneously, it induced specific IgG antibodies in pigs, and higher doses correlated with higher antibody levels. Antibodies from immunized pigs recognized individual peptides in the multiepitope vaccine and inhibited RBD-ACE2 binding for five variants of concern (VOC). Comparative antigen delivery methods showed that both, subcutaneous and combined subcutaneous/intranasal approaches, induced specific IgG and IgA antibodies, with the subcutaneous approach having superior neutralizing activity. CHIVAX elicited systemic immunity, evidenced by specific IgG antibodies in the serum, and local mucosal immunity, indicated by IgA antibodies in saliva, nasal, and bronchoalveolar lavage secretions. Importantly, these antibodies demonstrated neutralizing activity against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro.DiscussionThe elicited antibodies recognized individual epitopes on the chimeric protein and demonstrated the capacity to block RBD-ACE2 binding of the ancestral SARS-CoV-2 strain and four VOCs. The findings provide proof of concept for using multiepitope recombinant antigens and a combined immunization protocol to induce a neutralizing immune response against SARS-CoV-2 in the pig translational model for preclinical studies

    Evaluation of pre-game hydration status, heat stress, and fluid balance during professional soccer competition in the heat

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    This study evaluated initial hydration status (stadium arrival urine specific gravity), fluid balance (pre- and post-game nude body weight, fluid intake, urine collection), and core temperature changes (pre-game, half-time, post-game) during a professional soccer game. We monitored 17 male players (goalies included) between stadium arrival and game end (3h), playing at 34.9°C and 35.4% relative humidity, for an average Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) heat stress index of 31.9°C. Data are mean ± SD (range). Initial urine specific gravity (USG) was 1.018 ± 0.008 (1.003-1.036); seven players showed USG ≥ 1.020. Over the three hours, body mass (BM) loss was 2.58 ± 0.88kg (1.08-4.17kg), a dehydration of 3.38 ± 1.11%BM (1.68-5.34%BM). Sweat loss was 4448 ± 1216mL (2950-6224mL), vs. fluid intake of 1948 ± 954mL (655-4288mL). Despite methodological problems with many players, core temperatures greater than or equal to 39.0°C were registered in four players by halftime, and in nine by game’s end. Many of these players incurred significant dehydration during the game, compounded by initial hypohydration; thermoregulation may have been impaired to an extent we were unable to measure accurately. We suggest some new recommendations for soccer players training and competing in the heat to help them avoid substantial dehydration.Gatorade Sports Science Institute//Universidad de Costa Rica VI-245-A4-303UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Sociales::Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Movimiento Humano (CIMOHU

    Evidence of spatial clustering of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia cases in Greater Mexico City: report from the Mexican Inter-Institutional Group for the identification of the causes of childhood leukemia

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    BackgroundA heterogeneous geographic distribution of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cases has been described, possibly, related to the presence of different environmental factors. The aim of the present study was to explore the geographical distribution of childhood ALL cases in Greater Mexico City (GMC).MethodsA population-based case-control study was conducted. Children <18 years old, newly diagnosed with ALL and residents of GMC were included. Controls were patients without leukemia recruited from second-level public hospitals, frequency-matched by sex, age, and health institution with the cases. The residence address where the patients lived during the last year before diagnosis (cases) or the interview (controls) was used for geolocation. Kulldorff’s spatial scan statistic was used to detect spatial clusters (SCs). Relative risks (RR), associated p-value and number of cases included for each cluster were obtained.ResultsA total of 1054 cases with ALL were analyzed. Of these, 408 (38.7%) were distributed across eight SCs detected. A relative risk of 1.61 (p<0.0001) was observed for the main cluster. Similar results were noted for the remaining seven ones. Additionally, a proximity between SCs, electrical installations and petrochemical facilities was observed.ConclusionsThe identification of SCs in certain regions of GMC suggest the possible role of environmental factors in the etiology of childhood ALL

    Efect of a physical education regular program and motor stories in the physical suitability and motor development of costarricane schools

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    Se determinaron cambios en la Resistencia Cardiovascular [RCV], Fuerza del Extensor del Tronco [FET] y Destrezas Fundamentales de Movimiento [DFM] en niños, luego de recibir un Programa de Edu- cación Física Regular [PEFR]; o, un Programa de Cuentos Motores [PCM]; y, comprobando diferencias entre Actividad Física Moderada y Vigorosa [AFMV]. 55 estudiantes completaron el estudio, distribuidos en tres gru- pos PEFR, PCM y Grupo Control (GC). Los grupos recibieron 20 clases no el GC. Se contabilizó el tiempo de AFMV mediante POLAR®. Se utilizó FITNESSGRAM® y TGMD-2® para medir variables. La RCV y FET en grupos intervenidos mejoró. Las DFM en ambos grupos intervenidos me- joró. A pesar de que los sujetos mantuvieron un Coeiciente de Desarrollo Motor Grueso (CDMG) bajo; los programas coadyuvaron a su mejoría, no así el GC que conservó un CDMG muy pobre. El PCM y el PEFR fueron eicaces para generar cambios en aptitud física y destrezas analizadas.Changes in Cardiovascular Resistance [RCV], Trunk Expander Force [FET] and Fundamental Movement Skills [DFM] in children were determined after receiving a Regular Physical Education Program [PEFR]; or, a Motor Story Program [PCM]; and, verifying diferences between Moderate and Vigorous Physical Activity [AFMV]. 55 students completed the study, divided into three groups PEFR, PCM and Control Group (GC). he groups received 20 classes, not the GC. AFMV time was accounted for using POLAR®. FITNESSGRAM® and TGMD-2® were used to measure variables. he RCV and FET in operated groups improved. he DFM in both intervention groups improved. Although the subjects maintained a Low Coeicient of Motor Development (CDMG); the programs contrib- uted to its improvement, but not the GC that kept a very poor CDMG. he PCM and the PEFR were efective in generating changes in physical itness and skills analyzed

    Estimación de la ingesta de fitoestrógenos en población femenina Exposure of phytoestrogens intake through diet in a sample of females

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    Introducción: Los fitoestrógenos son compuestos naturales que forman parte de numerosos alimentos de origen vegetal y que podrían modular tanto aspectos relacionados con hormonas, como reacciones de tipo antioxidante, por lo que conocer las ingestas de estos compuestos en diferentes poblaciones aclararía aspectos importantes sobre sus respuestas en el organismo. Objetivo: Valorar la exposición de fitoestrógenos por medio de la dieta, en una muestra de mujeres de todas las edades pertenecientes a la comunidad universitaria (docentes, administrativas y estudiantes), residentes en la provincia de Granada, España. Material y método: 52 mujeres adultas, con edades entre 20 y 63 años completaron individualmente un cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos (FFQ) compuesto por un total de 144 alimentos. Se ponderó el consumo diario de fitoestrógenos totales estandarizando los valores refiriendo estos a la daidzeína como sustancia patrón (mg/día). El análisis estadístico se realizó con SPSS 15.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA), con un nivel de significancia de p Introduction: The phytoestrogens are naturally occurring compounds that are part of many foods of plant origin and could therefore modulate aspects related hormones, such as type of antioxidant reactions, learning about intakes of these compounds in different populations clarify important aspects on their responses on the human body. Objective: To evaluate the exposure of phytoestrogens through diet, in a sample of women of all ages belonging to the university community (teachers, students and administrative), residents in the province of Granada,Spain. Material and method: 52 adult females, aged between 20 and 63 years completed a questionnaire individually Frequency of Food Consumption (FFQ) composed of a total of 144 foods. It weighted the total daily consumption of phytoestrogens standardizing these values referring to the daidzein as substance pattern (mg/day). Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 15.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA), with a level of significance of p < 0.05. Results: The results show that the total intake of phytoestrogens was (0.89 mg/day), and most of phytoestrogens was consumed in the form of lignanos. The total consumption of isoflavones, was 0.12 mg/day, of lignanos was 1.32 mg/day intake coumestrol was not significative. A linear regression analysis determined the equation to calculate intake phytoestrogens took into account 9 food groups (R: 0.918; p < 0.001). Discussion: Average intake of phytoestrogens in Spain, is comparable to intakes reported by similar studies in Germany, England and the United States (< 1 mg/ day). Conclusions: There were no significant differences in the intake of phytoestrogens, when comparing results by age, educational level, marital status or physical activity. The intake of phytoestrogens (mg/day) can be estimated from the intake (g/day) from 9 food groups

    On local CAC schemes for scalability of high-speed networks

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    Abstract — Next generation networks are required to provide bandwidth on-demand for sessions with fine-time granularity. In this sense, centralized CAC (Connection Admission Control) approaches could suffer from scalability problems if the number of requests for connections is excessive. In this paper we investigate local CAC schemes where the admission decisions are performed at the network edges, based on precalculated admission quotas