54 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk visual multimedia supported conceptual change text (VMMSCCText) yang teruji dan valid untuk pengajaran remedial materi kelistrikan dan kemagnetan bagi mahasiswa calon guru sekolah dasar. Penelitian dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya kebutuhan akan teks pengubahan konsepsi untuk keperluan pengajaran remedial matakuliah konsep dasar IPA yang berorientasi konstruksi dan rekonstruksi konsepsi sehubungan masih banyak ditemukannya keadaan miskonsepsi pada para mahasiswa calon guru SD setelah mereka mengikuti perkuliahan reguler dengan dosen pengampunya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan yang mencakup empat tahap yaitu: tahap analisis kebutuhan, tahap pengembangan produk, tahap ujicoba lapangan dan tahap revisi produk. Uji implementasi VMMSCCText yang dikembangkan dilakukan pada skala terbatas dan skala lebih luas dengan menggunakan metode penelitian pre-experiment dan desain one group pretest-posttest. Subyek penelitian pada ujicoba lapangan terbatas berjumlah 20 orang sedangkan pada ujicoba lapangan lebih luas berjumlah 48 orang mahasiswa calon guru SD pada salah satu perguruan tinggi di Provinsi Riau. Keadaan konsepsi mahasiswa calon guru SD pada saat sebelum dan setelah aktivitas VMMSCCText didiagnosis dengan menggunakan tes konsepsi kelistrikan dan kemagnetan dalam format four tier test. Hasil implementasi VMMSCCText dalam kegiatan pengajaran remedial matakuliah konsep dasar IPA menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan VMMSCCText memiliki keefektifan yang tinggi (>75%) dalam mereduksi jumlah mahasiswa yang mengalami miskonsepsi, mempertahankan kekonsistenan konsepsi ilmiah yang baru diakomodasi, memfasilitasi learning progression pada kategori berprogres dengan baik (>75%), dan mencapai level conceptual change konstruksi dan rekonstruksi. Berdasarkan data hasil skala sikap, implementasi VMMSCCText yang dikembangkan dalam kegiatan pengajaran remedial mendapat respon positif dari sebagian besar mahasiswa, mereka berpandangan bahwa VMMSCCText yang dikembangkan dapat mengubah konsepsi mereka terkait konsep-konsep pada materi kelistrikan dan kemagnetan dari keadaan miskonsepsi atau tidak memiliki konsepsi menjadi konsepsi yang ilmiah.---- This study aims to produce a valid and tested product visual multimedia supported conceptual change text (VMMSCCText) for the remedial teaching of electricity and magnetism content for prospective elementary school teachers. The research is motivated by the need for conceptual change text for remedial teaching purposes of basic science concept course oriented to construction and reconstruction of conceptions in relation to the existence of misconception amongst prospective elementary teachers after they attend regular lectures with their lecturers. This research is conducted by using research and development method which includes four stages namely: requirement analysis phase, product development stage, field test phase and Disseminate phase. The implementation test of the developed-VMMSCCText has been conducted on a limited scale and larger scale using pre-experiment research method and one group pretest-posttest design. Subjects on the limited field have been tested to 20 people whereas in broader field testing amounted to 48 prospective primary school teachers at one of the universities in the Riau Province. Prospective primary school teachers’ conceptions at the time before and after VMMSCCText activities have ever been diagnosed utilizing a conceptions test in the format of a four-tier test. The results of VMMSCCText implementation in the remedial teaching activities on the basic concepts of science shows that the use of VMMSCCText has a high effectiveness (>75%) in reducing the number of students experiencing misconceptions, maintaining the consistency of the new scientific conceptions accommodated, facilitating learning progression in well-structured categories (>75%), and achieving conceptual change levels of construction and reconstruction. Based on attitude scale data, the implementation of VMMSCCText developed in remedial teaching activities received positive response from most of the students, they believed that the developed-VMMSCCText is able to change their conception related to concepts on electricity and magnetism content from misconceptions or lack of knowledge into scientific conception


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    Telah dilakukan investigasi untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang profil learning progression mahasiswa calon guru SD setelah aktivitas Visual Multimedia Supported Conceptual Change Text (VMMSCCText). Sebelumnya, VMMSCCText telah dikembangkan untuk memfasilitasi learning progression mahasiswa calon guru SD hanya dengan membaca text. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil learning progression mahasiswa calon guru SD terkait konsep benda netral setelah mengikuti aktivitas VMMSCCText. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif yang diimplementasikan pada 30 orang mahasiswa PGSD FKIP Universitas Riau pada mata kuliah Konsep Dasar IPA. Profil learning progression pada mahasiswa diinvestigasi dengan uji diagnostik dalam format four tier test (FTT) dan penilaian pada LKM, kemudian dianalisis berdasarkan tipe learning progression. Tipe learning progression terdiri dari 1) Konsisten dengan konsepsi ilmiah (Tipe I); 2) Berprogres dengan baik (Tipe II); 3) Tidak berprogres (Tipe III); dan Mengalami Degradasi (Tipe IV). Hasil penelitian dengan VMMSCCText menunjukkan tipe I sekitar 13,33%, tipe II sekitar 80%, tipe III 6,67% dan tipe IV sekitar 0%. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa VMMSCCText mampu meremediasi miskonsepsi dan mengembangkan learning progression mahasiswa calon guru SD

    Need Analysis to Develop a Physics Module Integrated Natural Disaster and Mitigation

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    Physics is the study of phenomena, symptoms and interactions of objects that occur in nature. One of the phenomena that often occurs is natural disasters. Natural disasters are a series of events that occur naturally or non-naturally that can harm humans and anything in nature. Natural disasters can be prevented or reduced by doing mitigation. Mitigation is an effort carried out before a natural disaster occurs which aims to reduce or prevent the occurrence of natural disasters. In learning physics, natural disasters can be analyzed in physics concepts so that a teacher can make natural disaster phenomena a phenomenon that can increase students' knowledge in studying physics. Therefore, teachers need teaching materials that are integrated with natural disasters and mitigation to support learning to convey and analyze the role of physics in natural disaster phenomena and mitigation. The purpose of this study was to describe the teacher's need for the development of an integrated physics module for natural disasters and mitigation as teaching materials in physics learning. This research is qualitative research with the subject of research is physics teacher from several schools in Riau. Data collection was carried out using a non-test method by providing a questionnaire in the form of a google form. The results of the questionnaire show that most teachers need physics teaching materials in the form of an integrated physics module for natural disasters and mitigation.Physics is the study of phenomena, symptoms and interactions of objects that occur in nature. One of the phenomena that often occurs is natural disasters. Natural disasters are a series of events that occur naturally or non-naturally that can harm humans and anything in nature. Natural disasters can be prevented or reduced by doing mitigation. Mitigation is an effort carried out before a natural disaster occurs which aims to reduce or prevent the occurrence of natural disasters. In learning physics, natural disasters can be analyzed in physics concepts so that a teacher can make natural disaster phenomena a phenomenon that can increase students' knowledge in studying physics. Therefore, teachers need teaching materials that are integrated with natural disasters and mitigation to support learning to convey and analyze the role of physics in natural disaster phenomena and mitigation. The purpose of this study was to describe the teacher's need for the development of an integrated physics module for natural disasters and mitigation as teaching materials in physics learning. This research is a qualitative research with the subject of research is physics teacher from several schools in Riau. Data collection was carried out using a non-test method by providing a questionnaire in the form of a google form. The results of the questionnaire show that most teachers need physics teaching materials in the form of an integrated physics module for natural disasters and mitigatio


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    The implementation of problem-based learning model it will endeavor that active students in the teaching and learning process, be active in thinking and can develop students' problem-solving skills so as to create active and independent learning so that student learning outcomes. To strengthen the scientific approach it is advisable to apply problem-based learning to encourage students to be creative and contextual both individually and in the group's purpose of this study was to improve the learning outcomes of class IV students in Theme I SDN 158 Pekanbaru by applying a problem-based learning model. This type of research is classroom action research, with a collaborative pattern, the purpose of this classroom action research is to improve student learning outcomes, and improve the quality of applied learning practices. The research subjects were grade IVA students at SDN 158 Pekanbaru, which numbered 31 people. Consisting of 13 women and 18 men. The instruments of data collection in this study were observation sheets of teacher and student activities, observation sheets of student attitudes and test of learning outcomes. Data analysis techniques in this study used descriptive quantitative data analysis techniques. The results of this study are the application of a problem-based learning model can improve student learning outcomes in sub-theme 2 and sub-theme 3, namely the baseline score (UH subteam 1), which averages 69.03 increases in the daily repeat cycle I (UH sub-theme 2) average 73.70 and the daily repetition of cycle II (UH subteam 3) increased again to 84.03. The activities of teachers and students at each meeting in the first cycle and second cycle experienced an increase, although sometimes there were ups and downs

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi di Sekolah Dasar

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    Pembelajaran berdiferensiasi sangat penting diimplementasikan di sekolah dasar, mengingat hal tersebut akan sangat bermanfaat bagi siswa untuk menunjukan kemampuannya baik itu kognitif maupun non kognitif. Riset ini bertujuan untuk mengukur berapa besar pengaruh pembelajaran berdiferensiasi di sekolah dasar, terutama pada aspek kognitif. Metode riset mengadopsi riset kuasi eksperimen dengan sampel siswa kelas empat sekolah dasar yang berjumlah empat puluh delapan siswa. Hasil riset menunjukan bahwa pembelajaran berdiferensiasi berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan aspek kognitif siswa sekolah dasar. Teridentifikasi juga gaya belajar mereka kedalam tiga kelompok, yaitu visual, auditori, dan kinestetik. Pembelajaran berdiferensiasi sangat penting dilakukan guru untuk memetakan gaya belajar siswa, dengan demikian guru akan mudah untuk menentukan pembelajaran. Kemampuan siswa akan lebih meningkatkan apabila guru memiliki profil siswa yang lengkap


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    This research is motivated by the not yet optimal learning outcomes of sixth grade science in Pekanbaru Elementary School, through the results of direct interviews with several elementary school students in sixth grade, it is known that most students find it easier to learn while listening to audio rather than visual and kinesthetic. This study aims to find out: (1) the influence of quantum learning model nuances of Mozart's music on learning outcomes of class VIb Science at SD Negeri 82 Pekanbaru; and (2) the influence of the quantum learning model with Beathoven music nuances on learning outcomes of science class VI in SD Negeri 58 Pekanbaru. This research is an experimental research with true-experimental design, namely posttest only control design. The results showed that: (1) there was the influence of quantum learning model nuances of Mozart's music on learning outcomes of class VIb Science in SD Negeri 82 Pekanbaru. It is known from the value of the tcount> value t table (3.037> 2.064). Thus, the research hypothesis which is said is thought to have the influence of quantum learning model nuances of Mozart's music on learning outcomes of science class VIb SD Negeri 82 Pekanbaru, accepted; and (2) there is the influence of the quantum learning model nuanced by Beathoven music on learning outcomes of the sixth grade science of Pekanbaru Pekanbaru Elementary School. It is known from the value of tcount> ttable (2.834> 2.093). However, after comparing the two learning outcomes of the experimental group, it was found that there was no difference, because tcount <value t table (0.509 <2.014). Thus, the research hypothesis which is said to be presumed to have the influence of the quantum learning model nuances of Beathoven music on the learning outcomes of class VIa Science in Pekanbaru Elementary School 58, was accepted

    Validation and Testing of STEM Project-Based Virtual Learning Modules to Improve Higher-Level Thinking Skills

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    The research objective was to develop a STEM project-based virtual learning module to improve students' higher-level thinking abilities. This research is a Research and Development research by following the steps of the EDDIE model (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implementation and Evaluation). The Analysis stage is an analysis of the initial study on the need for the development of STEM-based Virtual Learning Media. This stage is carried out through survey research. The Design stage is the stage of designing Virtual STEM learning, designing the form of the technology, placing HOT elements, STEM project design, manufacturing techniques, and calculating the size and aesthetics of the media. The Develop stage, making the media into media is declared valid according to the validator, where the validator consists of 2 material experts, 3 media experts, 2 pedagogical experts, and 2 teachers. The Implementation phase is the module testing stage for students. The results obtained were that the project-based STEM virtual learning module was valid with an average assessment score of more than 3. And the results of the module trial on students showed that this module had been declared interesting, useful, and easy to use. The next stage is a project-based virtual STEM module that can be tested through experimental researc

    Extracting Indigenous Riau-Malays’ Scientific Literacy through Lancang Kuning Folklore with Thematic Learning in the Primary School Context

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    This research aims to extract the story or take the essence from folklore the Lancang Kuning its scientific literacy value for thematic learning in primary school. Scientific literacy is an understanding of science and its application to the needs of the community. The method used is the descriptive qualitative analysis of interviews and documentation strategies and evaluation of data. Results from this research that obtain it some value in scientific literacy in the people story Lancang Kuning text that can then be applied in teaching in primary school using thematic learning. From these results, it can be concluded that since time immemorial been their aspects of scientific literacy are taught parents to their children either through folklore or of other matters related to culture
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