5 research outputs found

    Peran Keluarga dengan Penerapan Asuhan Keperawatan pada Pasien Stroke

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between the role of the family and the application of nursing care to stroke patients. This research method uses a cross-sectional design. The results of this research show that p-value = 0.000 is more minor than α = 0.05. In conclusion, there is a relationship between the role of the family and the implementation of nursing care for stroke patients Keywords: Family Nursing Care, Family, Strok

    Analisis Foot Spa Diabetic terhadap Sirkulasi Darah Perifer Kaki Pasien DM Tipe 1 dan 2

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of diabetic foot spa on foot peripheral blood circulation in patients with type 1 and 2 DM. The method used was a pre-experimental study with a one-group pre-post test design. The population in this study were 32 respondents. Sampling technique with purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the statistical test paired t-test obtained a p value = 0.001 which means that diabetic foot spa is effective in improving the peripheral blood circulation of the feet in patients with type 1 and 2 DM.  Health Center. Conclusion Diabetic foot spa is effective in improving the peripheral blood circulation of the feet. in type 1 and 2 DM patients.   Keywords: Blood Circulation, Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetic Foot Spa

    Peran dan Fungsi Manajer Keperawatan di Puskesmas

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    This study aims to determine the role and function of the nursing manager at the puskesmas. The method used is a case study with a situational analysis of data obtained through interviews and document studies. The stages start from assessment, problem identification, problem analysis, problem priority setting and making a plan of action. The intervention starts with drafting guidelines and self-assessment, hiring experts, outreach and evaluation. The study results indicate that the nursing manager's role and function can be improved by developing guidelines and self-assessment referring to the literature, which includes three main managerial roles and five management functions with an average self-assessment value of 95%, which can be implemented. In conclusion, the role and function of the head of nursing are vital in supporting nursing governance and improving nurse performance.  Keywords: Management Function, Nursing, Manager, Rol

    Hubungan Efikasi Diri Dengan Stress Keluarga Dimasa New Normal Covid-19

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    ABSTRACT The new normal period is an effort to return the lives of citizens to normal with new adaptations as an effort to save people's lives and keep the country empowered to carry out its functions. So as not to cause emotional and physical and psychological pressure. Efforts to overcome family stress in the new normal, one of which is by getting back up after going through the covid-19 pandemic. Families need to have good self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is an individual's belief in his ability to be able to control and carry out tasks in order to achieve a goal. To purpose provide an overview of the relationship between self-efficacy and family stress in the new normal period of covid-19. This type of research is quantitative with a descriptive quantitative research design with a cross sectional approach, namely the variables in the research object are measured or collected at the same time. The sample size is 256 people. The sampling technique used in this research is random sampling. The results of the statistical test of the relationship between self-efficacy and family stress in the new normal covid- 19 through the chi square test obtained p-value = 0.000, p value < (0.05) which means H0 is rejected, so it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between self-efficacy and family stress in the new normal covid-19. Based on the results of this study, there is a significant relationship between self-efficacy and family stress during the new normal covid-19. It is hoped that further researchers will develop research to look for educational factors that cause the relationship between self-efficacy and family stress in the new normal covid-19. Keywords: Self-Efficacy, Covid-19, New Normal, Family Stress ABSTRAK Masa new normal merupakan upaya mengembalikan kehidupan warga secara normal dengan adaptasi baru sebagai upaya menyelamatkan hidup warga dan menjaga negara agar tetap bisa berdaya menjalankan fungsinya. Agar tidak menimbulkan emosi dan tekanan fisik maupun psikologisnya. Upaya untuk mengatasi stress keluarga dimasa new normal, salah satunya dengan bangkit kembali setelah melewati pandemi covid-19. Keluarga perlu memiliki efikasi diri yang baik. Efikasi diri adalah keyakinan individu akan kemampuan yang dimilikinya untuk dapat mengendalikan serta menjalankan tugas guna tercapainya suatu tujuan. Tujuan penelitian untuk memberikan gambaran tentang Hubungan Efikasi Diri Dengan Stress Keluarga Dimasa New normal covid-19. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan secara cross sectional yaitu variable pada objek penelitian diukur atau dikumpulkan kala waktu yang bersamaan. Besar sampel yaitu 256 orang. Tehnik sampling yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah random sampling. Hasil uji statistik hubungan efikasi diri dengan stress keluarga dimasa new normal covid-19 melalui uji chi square didapatkan p-value = 0,000, nilai p < α (0,05) yang artinya H0 ditolak, sehingga didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara efikasi diri dan stress keluarga dimasa new normal covid-19. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini bahwa adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara efikasi diri dan stress keluarga dimasa new normal covid-19. Diharapkan bagi peneliti selanjutnya mengembangkan penelitian untuk mencari faktor pendidikan yang menyebabkan hubungan efikasi diri dengan stress keluarga dimasa new normal. Kata Kunci: Efikasi Diri, Covid-19, New Normal, Stress Keluarg

    Analisis Intervensi Optimalisasi Kemampuan untuk Meningkatkan Harga Diri Pada Klien Stroke

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    ABSTRACT Stroke is a condition that occurs when blood flow to a part of the brain is suddenly disrupted. This condition can have psychological effects including hopelessness and low self-esteem. The purpose of this research is to identify ability optimization, which is a person's ability to move his body until there is independence for a person. This research method is descriptive and case study. The interventions carried out are teaching ROM and motivating patients to use their body parts so that the patient's self-esteem can increase. The results of this study are optimization in stroke patients. The conclusion is that increasing the ability and self-esteem of clients who have had a stroke really needs to be done in stroke patients and other patients. Keywords: Low Self-Esteem, Stroke, Bibliography Optimization  ABSTRAK Stroke yaitu suatu kondisi yang terjadi ketika aliran darah ke bagian otak secara tiba- tiba sehingga dapat mengalami gangguan. Kondisi ini dapat menimbulkan dampak psikologi termasuk keputusasaan dan harga diri rendah. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi Optimalisasi kemampuan adalah kemampuan seseorang dalam pergerakan tubuhnya sampai adanya kemandirian bagi seseorang. Metode Penelitian ini bersifat deskritif dan studi kasus. Intervensi yang dilakukan adalah mengajarkan ROM dan memotivasi pasien untuk menggunakan bagian tubuhnya sehingga harga diri pasien dapat meningkat.  Hasil Penelitian ini optimalisasi pada pasien stroke. Kesimpulan adanya  peningkatan kemampuan dan harga diri pada klien yang terkena stroke ini sangat perlu dilakukan pada pasien stroke dan pasien lain. Kata Kunci: Harga Diri Rendah, Stroke, Optimalisasi Daftar Pustak