73 research outputs found

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    Diabetes clinic attendance improves diabetes management in an urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population

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    Background: Optimal diabetes management involves frequent monitoring and achievement of outcome targets. A primary care diabetes clinic that provides a 'one-stop shop' may facilitate more regular review and improve patient care. Methods: A retrospective clinical audit was conducted of adult patients with type 2 diabetes, who attended an urban Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service (ACCHS) in Canberra during 2012 (n = 65). Diabetes clinic attendees were compared with non-attendees for the proportion meeting guidelines targets from The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Results: The average age of the patients was 56 years and 29% were smokers. There was a statistically significant difference between diabetes clinic attendees and non-attendees in meeting diabetes check guidelines, pneumococcal vaccination and use of hypoglycaemic medication. Despite this difference, clinical outcomes between the two groups were not statistically different. Discussion: A comprehensive diabetes clinic may improve management in the ACCHS setting. The clinic promotes regular checks and higher vaccination rates, although insufficient evidence exists to show that this translates to better clinical outcomes. This model may be transferrable to other primary care settings

    Evaluating Patient Experience at a Novel Health Service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Prisoners: A Pilot Study

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    BackgroundThe Winnunga Alexander Maconochie Centre Health and Wellbeing Service (AMCHWS) is the first prison health service operated by an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation in Australia. This pilot study developed and implemented a patient experience survey to evaluate the novel model of healthcare delivered by the Winnunga AMCHWS to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners. MethodsPatients accessing the Winnunga AMCHWS between February and May 2020 were invited to participate in the study. Descriptive data were analysed and compiled for demographics, patient satisfaction, patient perception of care quality, cultural safety, and patient thoughts on the Winnunga AMCHWS. FindingsSixteen of 26 eligible patients participated in the survey (62% response rate). At least 75% of patients were satisfied with the waiting time to see staff at the Winnunga AMCHWS most or all of the time. All 16 patients reported that Winnunga AMCHWS staff always treated them with dignity and respect. Of 14 patients who identified as Aboriginal, nine felt that they were treated better by staff because of their Aboriginal identity while the other five felt their Aboriginal identity made no difference to their treatment by the staff. InterpretationThis patient experience survey of the Winnunga AMCHWS found that it has provided highly satisfactory, timely, respectful, and culturally safe care to patients. Due to the limitations of this study, continual evaluation of the Winnunga AMCHWS and future studies to evaluate the continuity of care, health, and re-offending rates of released patients are needed to fully evaluate the Winnunga AMCHWS model

    Economic properties of local Herzegovinian Poluranka potato variety

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    Poluranka je lokalna hercegovačka sorta krumpira koja je nekad bila dominantna na brdsko-planinskom području Hercegovine. Uvođenjem modernih produktivnih kultivara ova sorta je potisnuta iz proizvodnje. Danas se uzgaja veoma rijetko i prijeti joj potpuni nestanak. Gospodarska svojstva ove sorte ispitana su u usporedbi s modernim visoko produktivnim kultivarima koji su danas najčešće u proizvodnji. Izvršena je i karakterizacija morfoloških svojstava prema tehničkom vodiču IPGRI. Dvogodišnja ispitivanja pokazala su da je sorta Poluranka inferiorna po prinosu u odnosu na introducirane sorte. Sadržaj škroba i suhe tvari kao najvažnijih parametara koji određuju kvalitetu i hranidbenu vrijednost krumpira značajno su viši u Poluranki nego u ostalim sortama. Budući da su ta svojstva nasljedno uvjetovana ovu sortu moguće je upotrijebiti u oplemenjivačkim programima za razvoj sorti poboljšane kvalitete. Čuvanje sjemena ove stare sorte doprinijet će usto održavanju genetske raznolikosti u krumpiru.Poluranka is a local Herzegovinian potato variety, which used to dominate in the production in hilly-mountain area of Herzegovina. Introduction of modern high productive varieties supplanted this variety from the production. Its growing today is at a neglected level and it is endangered to completely disappeare from its habitat. Agronomic properties of this variety in comparison to modern most grown varieties were investigated. The characterization of morphological properties according to IPGRI descriptor was also done. Three year investigation demonstrated that the Poluranka variety was inferior by yield to foreign varieties. The content of starch and dry matter as the most important quality parameters were significantly higher in Poluranka than in other varieties. As these properties are under genetic control Poluranka is good material for breeding new cultivars of improved quality. Collecting and maintenance of seed of this traditional variety will contribute to the preserving of genetic diversity as well


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    Moderna biotehnologija odnosno genetičko inženjerstvo i pored značajnih osporavanja našlo je široku primjenu u različitim gospodarskim djelatnostima od medicine, farmacije, industrije i poljoprivrede do različitih tretmana u okolišu. U okolišu kao prirodnom okruženju ljudi i drugih organizama genetičko inženjerstvo, ovisno o načinu primjene, može imati štetan učinak ili može biti korisno. Među štetnim učincima GMO-a na okoliš najčešće se spominje razmjena gena između genetski modificiranih i konvencionalnih biljaka, što dovodi do genetskoga onečišćenja. Osim toga genetski modificirane biljke mogu biti štetne za korisne neciljane vrste, mogu predstavljati opasnost za ekosustav tla, a ne znaju se dugotrajni učinci genetski modificiranih organizama. No genetičko inženjerstvo može imati i korisne učinke na okoliš. Ponajprije smanjuje se količina pesticida, a osim toga GMO može smanjiti ili potpuno odstraniti otpadne ili neke štetne tvari iz okoliša poput štetnih kemikalija, teških metala i slično. Jedan od korisnih postupaka u čišćenju okoliša bila bi razgradnja plastičnih tvari koje danas u okolišu predstavljaju veliki problem. No kada se procjenjuju štetni učinci GMO-a na okoliš, uvijek ih treba uspoređivati s konvencionalnim postupcima jer i oni mogu imati neke neželjene učinke.Despite cirticism, modern biotechnology and genetic engineering have found wide application in various fields of economy such as medicine, pharmacy, industry and agriculture as well as in a variety of environmental treatments. Depending on its application, genetic engineering may be either detrimental or useful for the natural environment of humans and other organisms. Among hazardous effects of GMO on the environment, the most frequent one is the gene exchange between genetically modified and conventional plants, which leads to genetic contamination. In addition, genetically modified plants may be toxic to non-target species, they may pose a threat to the ecosystem of soil, while the long-term effects of genetically modified organisms are still not known. However, genetic engineering may have beneficial effects on the environment. Apart from reducing the amount of pesticides, GMO may reduce or completely remove some harmful waste or environmental pollutants such as hazardous chemicals and heavy metals. One of useful methods in cleaning the environment would be degradation of plastic substances which pose a major problem today. Nevertheless, when estimating the adverse effects of GMOs on the environment they should always be compared to conventional methods since these can have some side effects too

    Impresión 3D de alimentos en la producción de la carne

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    Three-dimensional printing (3D) also known as additive manufacturing (AM) is a developing technology for food manufacturing, which offers novel food products with unique, complex and personalized design geometries, elaborated textures and tailored nutritional content. Today, 3D printing is being applied in military and space food, elderly food and sweets food. This technology offers a potential solution to overcome weaknesses of currently used food techniques, such as lower production efficiency and high manufacturing cost. Main aim of this review is to analyze the potential applications of 3D printing technology for meat processing including 3D printers, meat formulation and several aspects affecting the printability and post processing feasibility of 3D printed meat products.Trodimenzionalan ispis (3D), odnosno aditivna proizvodnja (engl. Additive Manufacturing, AM), je tehnologija u razvoju koja se upotrebljava u proizvodnji hrane, a omogućava razvoj novih prehrambenih proizvoda s jedinstvenim, složenim i personaliziranim geometrijama dizajna, razrađenim teksturama i prilagođenim nutritivnim sadržajem. Danas se 3D ispis primjenjuje u proizvodnji hrane za posebne namjene (za vojnike, astronaute, starije osobe) te u konditorskoj industriji. Ova tehnologija predstavlja potencijalno rješenje za otklanjanje problema postojećih tehnika procesiranja hrane s posebnom namjenom, poput niže učinkovitosti i visokih troškova proizvodnje. Glavni je cilj ovoga rada analizirati potencijalne primjene tehnologije 3D ispisa u preradi mesa, uključujući 3D pisače, mesne formulacije i druge aspekte koji utječu na mogućnost ispisa i naknadne obrade 3D ispisanih proizvoda od mesa.Der dreidimensionale Druck (3D) (engl. Additive Manufacturing, AM) ist eine Technologie in der Entwicklungsphase, die in der Lebensmittelproduktion eingesetzt wird und die die Entwicklung neuer Lebensmittelprodukte mit einheitlichen, komplexen und personalisierten Designgeometrien, erarbeiteten Texturen und einem angepassten Nährwertgehalt ermöglicht. Heute wird der 3D-Druck bei der Produktion von Lebensmitteln für Soldaten und Astronauten, ältere Personen und für Nachtische verwendet. Diese Technologie stellt eine potentielle Lösung für die Beseitigung von Schwierigkeiten auf, die sich aus der Verwendung von modernen Techniken der Lebensmittelprozessierung ergeben, wie zum Beispiel die geringere Effizienz und hohe Produktionskosten. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit ist es, die potentielle Anwendung der 3D-Drucktechnologie bei der Fleischbearbeitung zu prüfen, einschließlich der 3D-Drucker, Fleischformulationen und sonstigen Aspekte, die sich auf die Möglichkeiten des Drucks und der Nachbearbeitung der 3D gedruckten Fleischerzeugnisse auswirken.La stampa tridimensionale (3D), nota anche con il nome di produzione additiva (in inglese Additive Manufacturing, AM), è una tecnologia in via di sviluppo che si utilizza nell’industria alimentare, consentendo lo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti alimentari con un design dalle geometrie uniche, complesso e personalizzato, con consistenze elaborate e contenuti nutrizionali adatti caso per caso. Oggi la stampa 3D trova applicazione nella produzione di prodotti alimentari in ambiente militare e per gli astronauti, per gli anziani e per la produzione di dessert. Questa tecnologia rappresenta una potenziale soluzione per la rimozione di ogni problema che discende dall’uso di tecniche all’avanguardia del processo alimentare, come la bassa efficienza e gli alti costi di produzione. L’obiettivo principale di questo studio consiste nell’analizzare la potenziale applicazione della tecnologia della stampa 3D nella lavorazione della carne, comprese le stampanti 3D, le formule a base di carne e gli altri aspetti che incidono sulla possibilità di stampa e di ulteriore elaborazione dei prodotti di carne stampati in 3D.La impresión tridimensional (3D), también conocida como manufactura por adición (en. Additive Manufacturing, AM), es tecnología en desarrollo usada en la producción de alimentos que facilita el desarrollo de nuevos productos alimenticios con geometrías del diseño singulares, complejas y personalizadas, texturas elaboradas y el contenido nutritivo individualizado. Hoy en día la impresión 3D de alimentos se usa en la producción de la comida para los soldados y astronautas, personas mayores y para los postres. Esta tecnología representa una solución potencial para eliminar las dificultades que surgen en las técnicas modernas del procesamiento de alimentos, como la baja eficiencia y los costos altos de la producción. El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue analizar las aplicaciones potenciales de la tecnología de la impresión 3D en el procesamiento de la carne, incluyendo las impresoras 3D, formulaciones de carne y otras dimensiones que pueden influir sobre las posibilidades de la imp

    Blokovi perifernih živaca u bolesnika s prijelomom kuka

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    Hip fractures represent a major public health issue with increasing incidence as a population ages. The aim of this review is to describe peripheral nerve block techniques (the fascia iliaca compartment block and the pericapsular nerve group block) as pain management for hip fractures in emergency medicine, and to emphasize their benefits. Hip fractures are extremely painful injuries. The pain itself is unpleasant for patients and if left untreated it can lead to multiple complications during preoperative, operative and postoperative patient management. Pain management for elderly hip fracture patients is often challenging. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are not recommended due to their side effects, the increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding, renal function impairment and platelet aggregation inhibition. Paracetamol alone is often insufficient, and opioids have many potentially harmful side effects, such as delirium development. Peripheral nerve blocks for hip fractures are safe and effective, also in emergency medicine settings. The benefits for patients are greater pain relief, especially during movement, less opioid requirements and decreased incidence of delirium. Regional analgesia should be routinely used in hip fracture pain management.Prijelom kuka predstavlja značajan javno zdravstveni problem čija će incidencija rasti sa starenjem populacije. Cilj ovog preglednog članka je opisati blokove perifernih živaca u liječenju boli kod bolesnika s prijelomom kuka, (bloka ilijakalne fascije i bloka perikapsularnih živaca), te naglasiti prednosti njihove primjene. Prijelom kuka je izrazito bolna ozljeda. Bol sama po sebi je neugodna za bolesnika, a ukoliko je neodgovarajuće liječena može dovesti do višestrukih komplikacija tijekom prijeoperacijskog, operacijskog i poslijeoperacijskog zbrinjavanja bolesnika. Unatoč postojanju brojnih analgetika, liječenje boli u starijih bolesnika s prijelomom kuka često je zahtjevno. Nesteroidni protuupalni lijekovi se ne preporučuju radi svojih neželjenih učinaka, paracetamol je često nedovoljan, a opioidi također mogu imati brojne neželjene učinke, uključujući razvoj akutnog smetenog stanja. Primjena blokova perifernih živaca je sigurna i učinkovita, također u uvjetima hitne medicine. Koristi za bolesnike su bolje ublažavanje boli, osobito prilikom pomicanja, smanjena potreba za primjenom opioida i smanjena incidencija akutnog smetenog stanja. Primjena blokova perifenih živaca u liječenju boli kod bolesnika s prijelomom kuka trebala bi postati svakodnevnica u kliničkoj praksi


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    U ovom radu analizirane su se zaštite na dokumentima i vrijednosnim papirima. Radile su se usporedbe raznih novčanica i osobnih dokunemata u vizualnom i ultraljubičastom dijelu spektralnog područja. Barijerno skaniranje provedeno je na uređaju za digitalnu forenziku Projectina Docucentar 4500, na Tehničkom veleučilištu u Zagrebu. Ovaj sofisticirani instrument omogućuje razdvajanje svjetlosnog spektra u specifičnim rasponima, što ga razlikuje od komercijalno dostupnih uređaja za utvrđivanje autentičnosti dokumenata i novčanica. Rezultati istraživanja koristit će dizajnerima prigodom kreiranja kompleksnih zadatka kao što su dizajn sigurnosne grafike. Ovakva forenzička analitička metoda skaniranja vrijednosnih papira u ultravioletnom i vizualnom spektru, kao sastavni dio analize u postupku dizajna, predstavlja precizan i kvalitetan temelj svakom dizajneru u njegovom kreativnom procesu dizajniranja. Primjeri iz analize pokazuju važnost provjere dokumenata i vrijednosnica izvan područja vidljivog ljudskom oku za rad dizajnera.This paper analyzes the protection of the documents and securities. Comparisons of various banknotes and personal dokuments were done in visual and ultraviolet part of the spectrum. Barrier scanning was performed at Polytechnicn of Zagreb on its digital forensics device called Projectina Docucentar 4500. This sophisticated instrument allows the separation of the light spectrum in specific ranges, thus making it different from commercially available devices for authentication of documents and notes. The research results will be used by designers during creation of complex tasks such as design of scurity graphics. Such forensic analytical method of scanning documents and banknotes in the ultraviolet and visual spectrum, as an integral part of the analysis phase in the process of design, is accurate and useful foundation for every designer’s creative process of design. Examples of the analysis show the importance of checking documents and securities outside the area visible to the human eye