81 research outputs found

    Real-time digital video multiplexer synchronisation implementation with CPLD

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    This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.---- Copyright IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.Many video applications in security areas such as close circuit television (CCTV) require multiple video channels which must be multiplexed into a single video streanm. The industry can only afford to have a few frames or fields per camera. This paper emphasises on a novel hardware design using an algorithm for synchronising the analogue video inputs. Therefore the proposed multiplexer system is able to achieve a constant stream of 50 digital video fields per second using a CPLD (Complex Programmable Logic Device) for 625/50 video system

    Zooplancton et micronecton dans la région du Dôme d'Angola en février-mars 1971 et rélation avec les thons

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    Diurnal variations and geographic distribution of zooplankton and micronekton are studied in the Angola Dome. The small zooplankton species (Copepodids, Copepods, Amphipods, Ostracods, Chaetognaths, etc.) undertake vertical migrations within a 100 m water layer. Most of the micronekton species are below this layer during the day and move towards the surface during the night. The whole region prospected is rich in zooplankton and micronekton species that are present in the upper 100 m layer during the day. Only the South-West region is poor. On the contrary, this latter region is abundant in species that migrate below this layer during the day. The authors think there are 3 main difficulties in establishing good relationships between micronekton and tunas distribution: 1 - inability of micronekton nets to catch the tunas preys; 2 - the great diversity of tunas food; and 3 - the too large delay between micronekton studies and those of stomach contents of tunas

    Évaluation de la production primaire et de la chlorophylle à partir des données hydrologiques. Application au Golfe de Guinée

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    Quantitative relationships between nitrate distribution, chlorophyll and primary integrated values have been used to evaluate the phytoplankton abundance in the Gulf of Guinea. Data of Guinee I cruise (May-July 1968) of the R.V. Jean Charcot have been used. They show a large oligotrophic convergence area (< 250 mg C/m2/J). A relationship previously found between the depth of the nitracline (first level where the nitrate appears) and the depth of the thermal maximum gradient is confirmed. From a practical point of view, this relationship is very useful since it allows, when the biological or chemical data are not available, a rough estimation of phytoplankton integrated biomass and production in the water column, from a temperature profile

    Production primaire, secondaire et régéneration des sels nutritifs dans l'upwelling de Mauritanie

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    Primary and secondary productions and nutrient regeneration in the Mauritanian upwelling area were studied by following a drogue for 9 days, from the point of upwelling till the water mass dives under offshore waters. The lag between phytoplanktonic bloom, zooplanktonic peak and bacterial activity is very short and may be explained by a well-settled biological cycle connected with an undercurrent. Organic production was estimated in two ways: (1) from chlorophyll 'a' values, considering a C/Chla ratio of 25 during the 5.5 day phytoplankton growth period, primary production computed by this method reaches 13.5 g C/m2; (2) from 14C values net primary production calculated for the same period reaches 10.5 g C/m2 and total organic production (net production + organic excretion) reaches 19.5 g C/m2. Organic production computed ratios, delta O/ delta C/ delta N/ delta Si/ delta P are equal to 130/43/11/7.4/1. Secondary production and 'grazing' are estimated from mesozooplankton respiration values and have a huge increase during the bloom. Net secondary production is assessed to be 1.0-4.2 g C/m2 for 6 days. Evidence of nutrient regeneration as ammonia, phosphate and silicate is given and regeneration rates are calculated. Zooplankton excretion plays an important part in nitrogen and phosphorus regeneration. Bacterial activity is induced by zooplankton organic excretion, then increased by phytoplankton decomposition at the end of the bloom

    Broadening Responsibilities: Consideration Of The Potential To Broaden The Role Of Uniformed Fire Service Employees

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    What is this report about? This report, commissioned by the National Joint Council for Local Authority Fire and Rescue Services (NJC), aims to identify what impact, if any, firefighters can have on the delivery of emergency medical response and wider community health interventions in the UK. What are the overall conclusions? Appropriately trained and equipped firefighters co-responding1 to targeted, specific time critical medical events, such as cardiac arrest, can improve patient survival rates. The data also indicate that there is support from fire service staff – and a potential need from members of the public, particularly the elderly, isolated or vulnerable – to expand ‘wider work’. This includes winter warmth assessments, Safe and Well checks, community defibrillator training and client referrals when staff believe someone may have dementia, are vulnerable or even, for example, have substance dependencies such as an alcohol addiction. However, there is currently insufficient data to estimate the net benefit of this work

    The use of the salinity maximum of the Equatorial Undercurrent for estimating nutrient enrichment and primary production in the Gulf of Guinea. Peep §ea Res.,26

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    Abstract-In the Atlantic Ocean the summer equatorial nutrient enrichment seems due to the increased vertical mixing induced by the vertical shear between the westward South Equatorial Current and the eastward Equatorial Undercurrent. The high salinity core of the undercurrent is a good indicator of the intensity of vertical mixing: its salinity decreases as vertical mixing increases. There is a linear relationship between the salinity of the core and the nitrate enrichment of the surface layer, and at times when nitrate is limiting, the salinity maximum of the Equatorial Undercurrent can be used as a measure of the primary production

    Size structure of phytoplankton biomass in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean

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    Abstract-The size structure of chlorophyll a (Chl a) and phaeopigments ((20, (10, (3, &lt;2, and &lt;1 ym) has been studied along three transects (4O, 23&quot;, and 35OW) covering the entire equatorial Atlantic Ocean, with special attention to the small sizes (&lt;3 pm). Everywhere in the studied area, even in the equatorial upwelling, the bulk of Chl a is within organisms which pass through a 3 pm Nuclepore filter. The vertical distribution of the (1 pm Chl a is closely related to the depth of the nitracline. In the nitrate-depleted mixed layer, the (1 ym Chl a always dominates, and represents 71% of the total Chl a on the average. At the top of the nitracline, the &lt; 1 ym Chl a concentration is maximum but represents only 50% of the total Chl a. In the nitrate-rich waters, whatever the depth, the percentage of (1 pm Chl a is everywhere (50% and decreases downwards. At the bottom of the photic zone, the &lt; 1 prn Chl a values are nearly zero. When integrated over the whole euphotic layer, the &lt; 1 ym Chl a represents about 25% of the total Chl a when nitrate is present at surface; this percentage reaches 60% when the top of the nitracline deepens to 100 m depth. Preliminary measurements of photosynthetic activity (light gradient and time course experiments) indicate that the &lt; 1 ym fraction contains actively photosynthetic organisms but also organisms which are able to fix CO1 in the darkness in a significant proportion. The roles of sinking, nutrients, and light in the vertical distribution of picoplankton are discussed. Our results indicate that the size distribution of Chl a (and especially the relationship between abundance of picoplankton and nitrate distribution) is the same throughout the whole equatorial (MALONE, 1980). Recent studies have focused attention on a smaller size class of autotrophic organisms-the picoplankton ((2 pm, according to SIEBURTH et al., 1978). WATERBURY et al. (1979) and JOHNSON and SIEBURTH (1 979) show the existence of small unicellular cyanobacteria (procaryotes) with a widespread geographical distribution and the ability to achieve considerable densities. Recently, LI et al. (1983) in the eastern tropical Pacific, and PLATT et al. (1983) in the tropical North Atlantic (west of Azores) concluded that autotrophic picoplankton (&lt; 1 prn) are capable of supplying 60% (range 20 to 80%) of the total primary production in the open ecosystem. These two last results are extremely important because they modify our concepts on the biological structure of the pelagic ecosystem, but they are limited in space and time. We .I
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