1,623 research outputs found

    From N-parameter fractional Brownian motions to N-parameter multifractional Brownian motions

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    Multifractional Brownian motion is an extension of the well-known fractional Brownian motion where the Holder regularity is allowed to vary along the paths. In this paper, two kind of multi-parameter extensions of mBm are studied: one is isotropic while the other is not. For each of these processes, a moving average representation, a harmonizable representation, and the covariance structure are given. The Holder regularity is then studied. In particular, the case of an irregular exponent function H is investigated. In this situation, the almost sure pointwise and local Holder exponents of the multi-parameter mBm are proved to be equal to the correspondent exponents of H. Eventually, a local asymptotic self-similarity property is proved. The limit process can be another process than fBm.Comment: 36 page

    A set-indexed Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process

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    The purpose of this article is a set-indexed extension of the well-known Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. The first part is devoted to a stationary definition of the random field and ends up with the proof of a complete characterization by its L2L^2-continuity, stationarity and set-indexed Markov properties. This specific Markov transition system allows to define a general \emph{set-indexed Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (SIOU) process} with any initial probability measure. Finally, in the multiparameter case, the SIOU process is proved to admit a natural integral representation.Comment: 13 page

    Relational Data Mining Through Extraction of Representative Exemplars

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    With the growing interest on Network Analysis, Relational Data Mining is becoming an emphasized domain of Data Mining. This paper addresses the problem of extracting representative elements from a relational dataset. After defining the notion of degree of representativeness, computed using the Borda aggregation procedure, we present the extraction of exemplars which are the representative elements of the dataset. We use these concepts to build a network on the dataset. We expose the main properties of these notions and we propose two typical applications of our framework. The first application consists in resuming and structuring a set of binary images and the second in mining co-authoring relation in a research team

    The Multiparameter Fractional Brownian Motion

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    We define and study the multiparameter fractional Brownian motion. This process is a generalization of both the classical fractional Brownian motion and the multiparameter Brownian motion, when the condition of independence is relaxed. Relations with the L\'evy fractional Brownian motion and with the fractional Brownian sheet are discussed. Different notions of stationarity of the increments for a multiparameter process are studied and applied to the fractional property. Using self-similarity we present a characterization for such processes. Finally, behavior of the multiparameter fractional Brownian motion along increasing paths is analysed.Comment: 9 page

    Local H\"older regularity for set-indexed processes

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    In this paper, we study the H\"older regularity of set-indexed stochastic processes defined in the framework of Ivanoff-Merzbach. The first key result is a Kolmogorov-like H\"older-continuity Theorem, whose novelty is illustrated on an example which could not have been treated with anterior tools. Increments for set-indexed processes are usually not simply written as XUXVX_U-X_V, hence we considered different notions of H\"older-continuity. Then, the localization of these properties leads to various definitions of H\"older exponents, which we compare to one another. In the case of Gaussian processes, almost sure values are proved for these exponents, uniformly along the sample paths. As an application, the local regularity of the set-indexed fractional Brownian motion is proved to be equal to the Hurst parameter uniformly, with probability one.Comment: 32 page

    A Characterization of the Set-indexed Fractional Brownian Motion by Increasing Paths

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    We prove that a set-indexed process is a set-indexed fractional Brownian motion if and only if its projections on all the increasing paths are one-parameter time changed fractional Brownian motions. As an application, we present an integral representation for such processes.Comment: 6 page

    Stochastic 2-microlocal analysis

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    A lot is known about the H\"older regularity of stochastic processes, in particular in the case of Gaussian processes. Recently, a finer analysis of the local regularity of functions, termed 2-microlocal analysis, has been introduced in a deterministic frame: through the computation of the so-called 2-microlocal frontier, it allows in particular to predict the evolution of regularity under the action of (pseudo-) differential operators. In this work, we develop a 2-microlocal analysis for the study of certain stochastic processes. We show that moments of the increments allow, under fairly general conditions, to obtain almost sure lower bounds for the 2-microlocal frontier. In the case of Gaussian processes, more precise results may be obtained: the incremental covariance yields the almost sure value of the 2-microlocal frontier. As an application, we obtain new and refined regularity properties of fractional Brownian motion, multifractional Brownian motion, stochastic generalized Weierstrass functions, Wiener and stable integrals.Comment: 35 page

    Improving Semantic Embedding Consistency by Metric Learning for Zero-Shot Classification

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    This paper addresses the task of zero-shot image classification. The key contribution of the proposed approach is to control the semantic embedding of images -- one of the main ingredients of zero-shot learning -- by formulating it as a metric learning problem. The optimized empirical criterion associates two types of sub-task constraints: metric discriminating capacity and accurate attribute prediction. This results in a novel expression of zero-shot learning not requiring the notion of class in the training phase: only pairs of image/attributes, augmented with a consistency indicator, are given as ground truth. At test time, the learned model can predict the consistency of a test image with a given set of attributes , allowing flexible ways to produce recognition inferences. Despite its simplicity, the proposed approach gives state-of-the-art results on four challenging datasets used for zero-shot recognition evaluation.Comment: in ECCV 2016, Oct 2016, amsterdam, Netherlands. 201

    Generating Visual Representations for Zero-Shot Classification

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    This paper addresses the task of learning an image clas-sifier when some categories are defined by semantic descriptions only (e.g. visual attributes) while the others are defined by exemplar images as well. This task is often referred to as the Zero-Shot classification task (ZSC). Most of the previous methods rely on learning a common embedding space allowing to compare visual features of unknown categories with semantic descriptions. This paper argues that these approaches are limited as i) efficient discrimi-native classifiers can't be used ii) classification tasks with seen and unseen categories (Generalized Zero-Shot Classification or GZSC) can't be addressed efficiently. In contrast , this paper suggests to address ZSC and GZSC by i) learning a conditional generator using seen classes ii) generate artificial training examples for the categories without exemplars. ZSC is then turned into a standard supervised learning problem. Experiments with 4 generative models and 5 datasets experimentally validate the approach, giving state-of-the-art results on both ZSC and GZSC