23 research outputs found

    Intelligence, Self-Confidence and Entrepreneurship

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    I investigate the effect of human capital on entrepreneurship using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth - 1979. I find that individuals with higher measured intelligence and self-confidence are more likely to be entrepreneurs. Furthermore I present evidence suggesting that intelligence and self-confidence affect business ownership through two different channels: intelligence increases business survival while self-confidence increases business creation. Finally, once we control for intelligence and self-confidence the effect of formal college education almost completely vanishes. These results are robust to controlling for selection into entrepreneurship and selection into college

    The American Negro: A problem in expectancies.

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    Income Evaluation and Happiness in the Case of an Income Decline

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    Income evaluation and happiness in a number of life domains of people who had experienced an income decline were studied. 800 Participants in a survey indicated whether they had sought information and had taken precautionary measures to mitigate the effects of the lower income. By using Categorical Principal Components Analysis on this data, two scales capturing their reported behavior were constructed. The scales significantly explained people's income evaluation and happiness, in addition to their household income, family composition, and reasons for the income drop. Conclusions for budget advice and education in household financial management were drawn. Copyright 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd..