7 research outputs found


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    Prarancangan pabrik margarine ini menggunakan metode Interstifikasi Enzimatik dengan bahan baku minyak jagung dan RBDP Stearin. Minyak jagung dipeoleh dari PT. Khalifa Global Indo, sementara RBDP Stearin diperoleh dari PT. Pamina Adolina. Kapasitas produksi pabrik ini adalah 10.000 Ton/Tahun dengan hari kerja 330 hari/tahun. Bentuk perusahaan yang direncanakan adalah Perseroan Terbatas (PT) dengan menggunakan metode struktur garis dan staf. Kebutuhan tenaga kerja untuk menjalankan perusahaan ini berjumlah 157 orang. Lokasi pabrik direncanakan didirikan di Desa Terban, Kecamatan Karang Baru, Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang, Provinsi Aceh, dengan luas tanah 26.000 m2. Sumber air pabrik ini berasal dari Kr.Tamiang dengan total kebutuhan air sebesar 1.978,675 kg/jam, sertauntuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik sebesar 0,587 MW diperoleh dari generatordiesel. Hasil analisa ekonomi yang diperoleh adalah sebagai berikut : 1. Fixed Capital Investment = Rp 162.698.021.675 2. Working Capital Investment = Rp 28.711.415.590 3. Total Capital Investment = Rp 191.409.437.265 4. Total Biaya Produksi = Rp 662.701.133.564 5. Hasil Penjualan = Rp 695.964.292.250 6. Laba Bersih = Rp 24.947.369.015 7. Pay Out Time (POT) = 4 tahun 6 bulan 8. Rate Of Return (ROR) = 13,034% 9. Break-even Point (BEP) = 53,19


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    Pemanfaatan asap cair dari berbagai sumber bahan baku sebagai pengawet telah banyak diaplikasikan pada produk pangan, salah satunya dengan metode coating yang biasanya diaplikasikan dengan penambahan kitosan untuk menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui keefektivan coating dari kombinasi kitosan dan asap cair pada pengawetan bakso. Asap cair yang digunakan terbuat dari sekam padi yang dipirolisis pada suhu 340 oC. Coating dibuat dengan melarutkan kitosan 0,5; 1 dan 1,5 % ke dalam 100 ml asap cair dengan konsentrasi 3% dan 5%. Pengawetan dilakukan dengan merendam bakso dalam larutan edible coating selama 15 menit, kemudian disimpan pada suhu ruang dengan pengamatan setiap 6 jam. Uji ketahanan makanan dilakukan dengan uji aktivitas antibakteri, Total Plate Count (TPC), dan Total Volatile Base Nitrogen (TVB-N)

    Comparative analysis of HHV and LHV values of biocoke fuel from palm oil mill solid waste

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    This research aims to investigate and compare the energy value of different biocoke and raw palm oil-biomass. Applying pressure and heating simultaneously during biocoke production is a direct method used in this research. The results of the proximate analysis showed that the water content in each sample tested was below 10%. The water content can be reduced to 5% for all samples except oil palm-midrib. The highest raw biomass heating value was recorded from palm-kernel-shell at 16.83 MJ/kg; the lowest oil palm-midrib was 14.60%. Meanwhile, the highest lower heating value was recorded from biocoke at 19.08 MJ/kg, and the weakest empty-fruit-bunches 17.01 MJ/kg

    Analysis of chemical compounds and energy value for biocoke fuel by FTIR and TGA

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    The main objective of this research is to analyze the functional groups and the amount of energy in biocoke at different temperatures. Biocoke production is carried out simultaneously using pressure and heating methods. The Fourier transform infrared measurement range is 400–4000 cm−1, room temperature 18oC–25 °C, and humidity <65%. The spectrum of biocoke at pyrolysis temperatures of 150 °C and 190 °C has a %transmittance that is similar and a lower percentage compared to the spectrum of biocoke temperatures of 160 °C, 170 °C and 180 °C. Biocoke fuel samples with a temperature of 190 °C produced a higher-heating-value of 23.03 MJ/kg and lower-heating-value of 17.01 MJ/kg

    Analysis of combustion characteristics and chemical properties for biocoke fuel

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    Analyses of the characteristics and properties of biocoke fuel from several biomass wastes were carried out to determine the energy potential of the fuel. Biocoke production in this research uses heating and pressure methods simultaneously under constant conditions. Experimental results using thermogravimetric analysis show that biocoke empty-fruit-bunches (EFB) have a higher energy potential of 26.57 MJ/kg. Meanwhile, mangrove biocoke recorded the lowest ash content at 1.81% compared to EFB at 5.09%. The carbon content of mangrove biocoke is 58.02%, slightly higher than that of EFB, 56.70%, but EFB is higher than that of other biomass. Overall, the energy content recorded in biocoke increased significantly compared to raw biomass

    Adsorbent Characterization from Cocoa Shell Pyrolysis (Theobroma cacao L) and its Application in Mercury Ion Reduction

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    In this paper, we describe the characterization and application of adsorbent derived from the pyrolysis of cocoa shells, which is a natural source of adsorbent materials. The adsorbent that was used in this experiment is an environmentally friendly adsorbent that was prepared by the pyrolysis of cocoa shells. For 1.5 hours, the pyrolysis process was carried out at temperatures ranging from 300 to 380 °C. The adsorbent was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and analysis with an X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyzer. Water-ash content and iodine absorption capacity were also determined in accordance with SNI 06-3730-1995. At a contact time of 90 minutes, the adsorption capacity of mercury ions was found to be 0.106 mg/gram. In this study, the adsorption of mercury ions with the adsorbent followed pseudo-second-order models with an R2 value of 0.9929