69 research outputs found

    Trends in Numbers and Changes in the Distribution of Feral Goats (Capra Hircus) in the South Australian Pastoral Zone

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    Trends in numbers and changes in the distribution of feral goats in the South Australian pastoral zone (217,300 km2) during 1978-94 were determined by winter aerial surveys. Only the presence or absence of goats on sample units was scored between 1978 and 1988. On the assumption of a random distribution of goat groups, these indices were transformed to densities of goat groups. Between 1989 and 1994 actual goat numbers were recorded on each sample unit, allowing goat density to be estimated. Goats were consistently at their highest densities in the south-east of the pastoral zone, a region dominated by open mallee scrub and chenopod shrubland. Densities of goat groups fluctuated from a low in 1984, following a drought, to a peak in 1990, following above-average rainfalls, when there were an estimated 193,700 - 29,600 goats in the pastoral zone. This estimate is conservative because it is uncorrected for the visibility bias associated with sighting groups and undercounting their sizes. The estimate also excludes the Flinders Ranges for which a similar number of goats has been estimated

    The Prehistory of Potyviruses: Their Initial Radiation Was during the Dawn of Agriculture

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    Background: Potyviruses are found world wide, are spread by probing aphids and cause considerable crop damage. Potyvirus is one of the two largest plant virus genera and contains about 15% of all named plant virus species. When and why did the potyviruses become so numerous? Here we answer the first question and discuss the other. Methods and Findings: We have inferred the phylogenies of the partial coat protein gene sequences of about 50 potyviruses, and studied in detail the phylogenies of some using various methods and evolutionary models. Their phylogenies have been calibrated using historical isolation and outbreak events: the plum pox virus epidemic which swept through Europe in the 20th century, incursions of potyviruses into Australia after agriculture was established by European colonists, the likely transport of cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus in cowpea seed from Africa to the Americas with the 16th century slave trade and the similar transport of papaya ringspot virus from India to the Americas. Conclusions/Significance: Our studies indicate that the partial coat protein genes of potyviruses have an evolutionary rate of about 1.1561024 nucleotide substitutions/site/year, and the initial radiation of the potyviruses occurred only about 6,600 years ago, and hence coincided with the dawn of agriculture. We discuss the ways in which agriculture may have triggered the prehistoric emergence of potyviruses and fostered their speciation

    Bridging conventional and molecular genetics of sorghum insect resistance

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    Sustainable production of sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, depends on effective control of insect pests as they continue to compete with humans for the sorghum crop. Insect pests are a major constraint in sorghum production, and nearly 150 insect species are serious pests of this crop worldwide and cause more than 9% loss annually. Annual losses due to insect pests in sorghum have been estimated to be 1,089millioninthesemiaridtropics(ICRISATAnnualreport1991.InternationalCropResearchInstituteforSemiaridTropics.Patancheru,AndhraPradesh,India,1992),butdifferinginmagnitudeonaregionalbasis.KeyinsectpestsintheUSAincludethegreenbug,Schizaphisgraminum(Rondani);sorghummidge,Stenodiplosissorghicola(Coquillett);andvariouscaterpillarsintheSouthernareas.Forexample,damagebygreenbugtosorghumisestimatedtocostUSproducers1,089 million in the semiarid tropics (ICRISAT Annual report 1991. International Crop Research Institute for Semi-arid Tropics. Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India, 1992), but differing in magnitude on a regional basis. Key insect pests in the USA include the greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani); sorghum midge, Stenodiplosis sorghicola (Coquillett); and various caterpillars in the Southern areas. For example, damage by greenbug to sorghum is estimated to cost US producers 248 million annually. The major insect pests of sorghum on a global basis are the greenbug, sorghum midge, sorghum shoot fly (Atherigona soccata Rond.), stem borers (Chilo partellus Swin. and Busseola fusca Fuller), and armyworms (Mythimna separata Walk and Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith). Recent advances in sorghum genetics, genomics, and breeding have led to development of some cutting-edge molecular technologies that are complementary to genetic improvement of this crop for insect pest management. Genome sequencing and genome mapping have accelerated the pace of gene discovery in sorghum..

    The lifetime risk of revision following total hip arthroplasty

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    Inheritance of osmotic adjustment to water stress in three grain sorghum crosses

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    Water stress is one of the major constraints to the grain yield of sorghum in tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world. Osmotic adjustment has been widely proposed as a plant attribute that confers adaptation to water stress. The inheritance of osmotic adjustment to water stress was investigated in a series of generations derived from the three possible bi-parental crosses between two inbred sorghum lines with a high capacity for osmotic adjustment (Tx2813 and TAM422; high-OA lines) and one with a low capacity (QL27; low-OA line). Broad-sense heritability on a single-plant basis was generally found to be high. Analysis of segregation ratios by the mixture method of clustering identified two independent major genes for high osmotic adjustment. The line Tx2813 possessed a recessive gene which is given the symbol oa1; the line TAM422 possessed an additive gene which is given the symbol OA2. There was some evidence that there may be other minor genes which influence the expression of osmotic adjustment in these crosses as two putative transgressive segregants, with higher osmotic adjustment than the parents, were identified from the cross between Tx2813 and TAM422. Populations of recombinant inbred lines were developed and characterised for osmotic adjustment for two of the crosses (QL27 x TAM422, low-OA x high-OA; Tx2813 x TAM422, high-oal x high-OA2). These will be used to conduct experiments which test hypotheses about the contribution of the high-osmotic-adjustment genes to the grain yield of sorghum under a range of water-stress conditions

    Steam and Condensate Advisor

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    This paper describes a collaborative project to develop an operational expert system prototype that will help mill operators and engineers to troubleshoot and optimize the steam and condensate portion of paper machine dryer sections. The objectives of the collaborating organizations and the functionality of the prototype are presented. The prototype's lifecycle and prospects for further development are discussed.Cet article d\ue9crit un projet de d\ue9veloppement d'un prototype de syst\ue8me expert op\ue9rationnel, fait en collaboration, qui aidera les op\ue9rateurs et les techniciens de l'usine \ue0 assurer le d\ue9pannage et \ue0 optimiser la partie vapeur et condensat du train de s\ue9chage de la machine \ue0 papier. On y pr\ue9sente les objectifs des organisations qui collaborent au projet et la fonctionnalit\ue9 du prototype et on aborde le cycle de vie ainsi que les perspectives de d\ue9veloppement ult\ue9rieur de ce prototype.NRC publication: Ye