6 research outputs found

    Influence of Brand Image, Perceived Price, and Word-of-Mouth on Purchase Intention of Lunio Design Products

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    The creative industry is an important factor in creative economic activities. This research aims to analyze the influence of brand image, price perception, and word-of-mouth on purchase intentions for Lunio products. This study uses a quantitative approach by distributing questionnaires to respondents to test the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The independent variables used in this research are brand image, price perception, and word-of-mouth, while the dependent variable is purchase intention. The research population is potential client candidates aged 15–16 years, in high school grades 10–12, and attending private high schools in Surabaya. Lunio sampling used a purposive sampling technique with a total sample of 100 people. This study uses the multiple linear regression analysis method. The results show that brand image is an important variable that significantly influences the intention to buy Lunio Design products. The price perception variable also influences purchase intention, though its significance level is lower compared to the other two variables. Word-of-mouth has the strongest impact on purchase intention. In conclusion, these findings underscore the importance of brand image, price perception, and word-of-mouth in shaping consumer purchase intentions

    Pengaruh Social Media Marketing on Instagram Melalui Brand Awareness dan Purchase Intention Produk Mangkok Nusantara

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    Indonesia is a country that gets technologcal increase that impacts on social media and internet users get more increased annually . Social media also becomes one of the aspect that has very great effect in community environment. The parpose of this research is to research and analyze the effect of social media marketing on Instagram towards brand awareness and purchase intention of Mangkok Nusantara product. The method that is used in this research is quantitative. The population that is used is respondents who know the object of research, that is, Mangkok Nusantara, the sampling technique that is used is purposive sampling technique. The number of samples in this research is 130 respondents. The data collection method uses questionnaire method that uses Likert Scale with Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis method with helping tool of SmartPLS 3.0. The results of this research indicate that social media marketing affects significant on brand awareness, social media marketing affets significant on purchase intention, brand awareness affects significant on purchase intention, brand awareness mediates the relationship between social media marketing and purchase intention of Mangkok Nusantara product

    The effect of Supply Chain Practices on Business Performance in PT.Putra Tunggal Perkasa

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    Supply chain management has evolved into value chain management driven by consumer needs. Besides pursuing increased efficiency, it recognizes the importance of consumer needs and attempts to capture the intricacies of consumer value as a source of differentiation and competitiveness in the supply chain. The purpose of this study is to look at the effect of supply chain practices on PT. Mighty only son. This study uses a quantitative method with 30 respondents consisting of all non-driver staff. Based on the results of research on customer relationship variables, information quality, information technology can be concluded that these variables have an impact on business performance partially

    Akselerasi Digitalisasi Sentra Wisata Kuliner Wiyung Kota Surabaya Dalam Rangka Meraih Keunggulan Kompetitif Pasca COVID-19

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    UMKM memiliki keunggulan yakni cepat beradaptasi karena struktur organisasi dan pengelolaannya secara sederhana. Akan tetapi, UMKM seringkali terkendala dengan keterbatasan modal dan pengetahuan. Salah satu sentra kuliner yang cukup berkembang di Surabaya adalah Sentra Wisata Kuliner Wiyung yang berlokasi di Jalan Wiyung Pondok Indah masih banyak permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh para pedagang UMKM di Sentra Wisata Kuliner Wiyung. Akar masalah yang diidentifikasi adalah lambatnya adopsi digitalisasi di kalangan pedagang UMKM di Sentra Wisata Kuliner Wiyung. Berdasarkan akar permasalahan tersebut kami mengidentifikasi adanya dua masalah utama yakni masalah kemampuan digitalisasi pemasaran dan digitalisasi di bidang keuangan. Guna mengatasi permasalahan ini maka melalui program insentif Pengabdian masyarakat Terintegrasi dengan mbkm Berbasis kinerja IKU bagi PTS Tahun 2022 maka dibuat kegiatan akselerasi digitalisasi yang dibagi kedalam tiga kegiatan utama. Pertama, dengan kegiatan talk show dari para narasumber pelaku digital marketing dan content creator youtube di bidang kuliner untuk memberikan insight tentang bagaimana dalam mengemas produk dan jasa pada usaha kuliner agar menarik bagi calon konsumen dan mempertahankan standar mutu. Kedua, workshop tentang pelatihan Google Business dan QRIS untuk membantu digitalisasi dalam marketing dan keuangan


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    Technological development that keeps on developing gives very great impact for producers who run in electronic field in Indonesia. Television as information media that occupies the second and the fouth rank of both conventional television and online television. Based on the result of the pre-survey that is done, the factors of price, product quality, and after-sales service are the factors that are mostly agreed by the respondents in doing purchasing decisions of Sharp television. Based on the phenomenon that has occurred and described, the writer wants to test and analyze whether price, product quality, and after-sales service variables can have a significant influence on purchasing decisions of Sharp brand televisions. This research uses quantitative research and has 190 samples to support the research, so that the sampling in this research uses purposive sampling in which there are requirements in determining the sample. The data collection procedure uses a questionnaire, while the measurement scale that is used is Likert scale. Data analysis technique that is used in this research is multiple linear regression and hypothesis test uses t test. The result of the research shows that price and product quality influence significantly on consumer satisfaction, while after-sales service does not inflluence significantly on sharp television. The suggestion that is proposed by management must pay attention to the importance of price, product quality to increase the purchasing decision of Sharp television.Technological development that keeps on developing gives very great impact for producers who run in electronic field in Indonesia. Television as information media that occupies the second and the fouth rank either conventional television and online television. Based on the result of pre-survey that is done, the factors of price, product quality, and after-sales service are the factors that mostly agreed by the respondents in doing purchasing decision of Sharp television. Based on the phenomenon that has been occurred and described, the writer wants to test and analyze whether price, product quality, and after-sales service variables can have  significant influence on purchasing decision of Sharp brand televisions. This research uses quantitative research and has 190 samples to support the research, so that the sampling in this research uses purposive sampling in which there are requirements in determining the sample. Data collection procedure uses  questionnaire, while measurement scale that is used is  Likert scale. Data analysis technique that is used in this research is multiple linear regression and hypothesis test uses t test. The result of the research shows that price and product quality influence significant on consumer satisfaction, while after-sales service does not inflluence significant on sharp television. The suggestion that is proposed by management must pay attention to the importance of price, product quality to increase purchasing decision of  Sharp television