90 research outputs found

    Conscript Your Friends into Larger Anonymity Sets with JavaScript

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    We present the design and prototype implementation of ConScript, a framework for using JavaScript to allow casual Web users to participate in an anonymous communication system. When a Web user visits a cooperative Web site, the site serves a JavaScript application that instructs the browser to create and submit "dummy" messages into the anonymity system. Users who want to send non-dummy messages through the anonymity system use a browser plug-in to replace these dummy messages with real messages. Creating such conscripted anonymity sets can increase the anonymity set size available to users of remailer, e-voting, and verifiable shuffle-style anonymity systems. We outline ConScript's architecture, we address a number of potential attacks against ConScript, and we discuss the ethical issues related to deploying such a system. Our implementation results demonstrate the practicality of ConScript: a workstation running our ConScript prototype JavaScript client generates a dummy message for a mix-net in 81 milliseconds and it generates a dummy message for a DoS-resistant DC-net in 156 milliseconds.Comment: An abbreviated version of this paper will appear at the WPES 2013 worksho

    Private Blocklist Lookups with Checklist

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    This paper presents Checklist, a system for private blocklist lookups. In Checklist, a client can determine whether a particular string appears on a server-held blocklist of strings, without leaking its string to the server. Checklist is the first blocklist-lookup system that (1) leaks no information about the client\u27s string to the server, (2) does not require the client to store the blocklist in its entirety, and (3) allows the server to respond to the client\u27s query in time sublinear in the blocklist size. To make this possible, we construct a new two-server private-information-retrieval protocol that is both asymptotically and concretely faster, in terms of server-side time, than those of prior work. We evaluate Checklist in the context of Google\u27s “Safe Browsing” blocklist, which all major browsers use to prevent web clients from visiting malware-hosting URLs. Today, lookups to this blocklist leak partial hashes of a subset of clients\u27 visited URLs to Google\u27s servers. We have modified Firefox to perform Safe-Browsing blocklist lookups via Checklist servers, which eliminates the leakage of partial URL hashes from the Firefox client to the blocklist servers. This privacy gain comes at the cost of increasing communication by a factor of 3.3×, and the server-side compute costs by 9.8×. Checklist reduces end-to-end server-side costs by 6.7×, compared to what would be possible with prior state-of-the-art two-server private information retrieval

    The Discrete-Logarithm Problem with Preprocessing

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    This paper studies discrete-log algorithms that use preprocessing. In our model, an adversary may use a very large amount of precomputation to produce an advice string about a specific group (e.g., NIST P-256). In a subsequent online phase, the adversary\u27s task is to use the preprocessed advice to quickly compute discrete logarithms in the group. Motivated by surprising recent preprocessing attacks on the discrete-log problem, we study the power and limits of such algorithms. In particular, we focus on generic algorithms -- these are algorithms that operate in every cyclic group. We show that any generic discrete-log algorithm with preprocessing that uses an SS-bit advice string, runs in online time TT, and succeeds with probability ϵ\epsilon, in a group of prime order NN, must satisfy ST2=Ω~(ϵN)ST^2 = \tilde{\Omega}(\epsilon N). Our lower bound, which is tight up to logarithmic factors, uses a synthesis of incompressibility techniques and classic methods for generic-group lower bounds. We apply our techniques to prove related lower bounds for the CDH, DDH, and multiple-discrete-log problems. Finally, we demonstrate two new generic preprocessing attacks: one for the multiple-discrete-log problem and one for certain decisional-type problems in groups. This latter result demonstrates that, for generic algorithms with preprocessing, distinguishing tuples of the form (g,gx,g(x2))(g, g^x, g^{(x^2)}) from random is much easier than the discrete-log problem

    Dissent: Accountable Group Anonymity

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    Users often wish to participate in online groups anonymously, but misbehaving users may abuse this anonymity to disrupt the group. Messaging protocols such as Mix-nets and DC-nets leave online groups vulnerable to denial-of-service and Sybil attacks, while accountable voting protocols are unusable or inefficient for general anonymous messaging. We present the first general messaging protocol that offers provable anonymity with accountability for moderate-size groups, and efficiently handles unbalanced loads where few members have much data to transmit in a given round. The N group members first cooperatively shuffle an N x N matrix of pseudorandom seeds, then use these seeds in N "pre-planned" DC-nets protocol runs. Each DC-nets run transmits the variable-length bulk data comprising one member's message, using the minimum number of bits required for anonymity under our attack model. The protocol preserves message integrity and one-to-one correspondence between members and messages, makes denial-of-service attacks by members traceable to the culprit, and efficiently handles large and unbalanced message loads. A working prototype demonstrates the protocol's practicality for anonymous messaging in groups of 40+ member nodes
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