351 research outputs found

    Fast Registration of Cardiac Perfusion MRI

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    This abstract presents a novel method for registration of cardiac perfusion MRI sequences. By performing complex analyses of variance and clustering in an annotated training set off-line, our method provides real-time segmentation in an on-line setting. This renders the method feasible for live motion-compensation in MR scanners. Changes in image intensity during the bolus passage are modelled by an Active Appearance Model augmented with a cluster analysis of the training set. Preliminary validation carried out using five subjects showed acceptable segmentation accuracy produced very rapidly (below 40 ms per image)

    Closed life-cycle aquaculture of sea lettuce (Ulva fenestrata): performance and biochemical profile differ in early developmental stages

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    Sea lettuce (Ulva) aquaculture has increased the last decade due to high productivity, wide environmental tolerance, and interesting functional and nutritional properties of the crop. Research focus has mainly been on adult biomass production, but knowledge of performance and biochemical content of early developmental stages – which are the basis to any large-scale production - is still limited. The life-history of Ulva alternates between a diploid sporophytic life-stage and a haplontic gametophytic life-stage. Whereas the sporophyte give raise to recombinant gametophytes through zoids, gametophytes can give raise to parthenogenetically developing, clonal gametes in absence of a mating partner. This study shows that recombinant gametophytes have a faster ontogenetic development, higher growth rate, as well as higher protein, fatty acid, and pigment contents compared to clonal gametophytes of the crop Ulva fenestrata. Nutrient addition is required for a normal development, but temperature and swarmer density have relatively small effects on the hatchery success, relative growth rate and biochemical profile of the juvenile biomass. Our study reveals that the selection of the life-history-phase in novel sea lettuce crop strains could largely contribute to the emerging seaweed aquaculture sector

    Patients with type 1 diabetes and albuminuria have a reduced brain glycolytic capability that is correlated with brain atrophy

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    IntroductionPatients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) demonstrate brain alterations, including white matter lesions and cerebral atrophy. In this case–control study, we investigated if a reason for this atrophy could be because of diabetes-related complications affecting cerebrovascular or cerebral glycolytic functions. Cerebral physiological dysfunction can lead to energy deficiencies and, consequently, neurodegeneration.MethodsWe examined 33 patients with T1D [18 females, mean age: 50.8 years (range: 26–72)] and 19 matched healthy controls [7 females, mean age: 45.0 years (range: 24–64)]. Eleven (33%) of the patients had albuminuria. Total brain volume, brain parenchymal fraction, gray matter volume and white matter volume were measured by anatomical MRI. Cerebral vascular and glycolytic functions were investigated by measuring global cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) and cerebral lactate concentration in response to the inhalation of hypoxic air (12-14% fractional oxygen) using phase-contrast MRI and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) techniques. The inspiration of hypoxic air challenges both cerebrovascular and cerebral glycolytic physiology, and an impaired response will reveal a physiologic dysfunction.ResultsPatients with T1D and albuminuria had lower total brain volume, brain parenchymal fraction, and gray matter volume than healthy controls and patients without albuminuria. The inhalation of hypoxic air increased CBF and lactate in all groups. Patients with albuminuria had a significantly (p = 0.032) lower lactate response compared to healthy controls. The CBF response was lower in patients with albuminuria compared to healthy controls, however not significantly (p = 0.24) different. CMRO2 was unaffected by the hypoxic challenge in all groups (p > 0.16). A low lactate response was associated with brain atrophy, characterized by reduced total brain volume (p = 0.003) and reduced gray matter volume (p = 0.013).DiscussionWe observed a reduced response of the lactate concentration as an indication of impaired glycolytic activity, which correlated with brain atrophy. Inadequacies in upregulating cerebral glycolytic activity, perhaps from reduced glucose transporters in the brain or hypoxia-inducible factor 1 pathway dysfunction, could be a complication in diabetes contributing to the development of neurodegeneration and declining brain health

    Effect of storage conditions on lipid oxidation, nutrient loss and colour of dried seaweeds, Porphyra umbilicalis and Ulva fenestrata, subjected to different pretreatments

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    Here we evaluated the levels of lipid oxidation products, fatty acids, ascorbic acid and colour of Porphyra and Ulva after oven-drying at 40 \ub0C, and during subsequent storage for ≥370 days under light, semi-light and dark conditions. Part of the seaweed was pre-soaked in freshwater or pre-coated with a whey protein mixture. Controls consisted of freeze-dried seaweeds. Throughout storage there was a moderate development of the lipid oxidation-derived aldehydes, malondialdehyde, 4-hydroxy-trans-2-hexenal and 4-hydroxy-trans-2-nonenal, while there was a great loss of unsaturated fatty acids and ascorbic acid. Light storage and freeze-drying stimulated the fatty acid loss as well as pigment bleaching, seen as increased a*-values. For Ulva, the coating reduced malondialdehyde, 4-hydroxy-trans-2-hexenal and 4-hydroxy-trans-2-nonenal formation during drying and slightly prevented loss of polyunsaturated fatty acids during light storage. Pre-soaking in freshwater had no effect on the seaweed stability, although it reduced the ash content and thereby increased the relative content of ascorbic acid and fatty acids of the biomasses

    The contribution of common genetic risk variants for ADHD to a general factor of childhood psychopathology

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    Common genetic risk variants have been implicated in the etiology of clinical ADHD diagnoses and symptoms in the general population. However, given the extensive comorbidity across ADHD and other psychiatric conditions, the extent to which genetic variants associated with ADHD also influence broader psychopathology dimensions remains unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the associations between ADHD polygenic risk scores (PRS) and a broad range of childhood psychiatric problems, and to quantify the extent to which such associations can be attributed to a general factor of childhood psychopathology. We derived ADHD PRS for 13,457 children aged 9 or 12 from the Child and Adolescent Twin Study in Sweden, using results from an independent meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of ADHD diagnosis and symptoms. We estimated associations between ADHD PRS, a general psychopathology factor, and several dimensions of neurodevelopmental, externalizing and internalizing symptoms, using structural equation modelling. Higher ADHD PRS were statistically significantly associated with elevated neurodevelopmental, externalizing and depressive symptoms (R2=0.26%-1.69%), but not with anxiety. After accounting for a general psychopathology factor, on which all symptoms loaded positively (mean loading=0.50, range=0.09-0.91), an association with specific hyperactivity/impulsivity remained significant. ADHD PRS explained ~1% (p-value<0.0001) of the variance in the general psychopathology factor and ~0.50% (p-value<0.0001) in specific hyperactivity/impulsivity. Our results suggest that common genetic risk variants associated with ADHD, and captured by PRS, also influence a general genetic liability towards broad childhood psychopathology in the general population, in addition to a specific association with hyperactivity/impulsivity symptoms

    Sustainable large-scale aquaculture of the northern hemisphere sea lettuce, ulva fenestrata, in an off-shore seafarm

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    The growing world population demands an increase in sustainable resources for biorefining. The opening of new farm grounds and the cultivation of extractive species, such as marine seaweeds, increases worldwide, aiming to provide renewable biomass for food and non-food applications. The potential for European large-scale open ocean farming of the commercial green seaweed crop Ulva is not yet fully realized. Here we conducted manipulative cultivation experiments in order to investigate the effects of hatchery temperature (10 and 15◦C), nutrient addition (PES and 3xPES) and swarmer density (500 and 10,000 swarmers ml−1 ) on the biomass yield and biochemical composition (fatty acid, protein, carbohydrate, pigment and phenolic content) of off-shore cultivated Ulva fenestrata in a Swedish seafarm. High seedling densities were optimal for the growth of this northern hemisphere crop strain and significantly increased the mean biomass yield by ~84% compared to low seedling densities. Variations of nutrients or changes in temperature levels during the hatchery phase were not necessary to increase the subsequent growth in an open-water seafarm, however effects of the factors on the thallus habitus (thallus length/width) were observed. We found no significant effect of the environmental factors applied in the hatchery on the total fatty acid or crude protein content in the off-shore cultivated Ulva. However, low seedling density and low temperature increased the total carbohydrate content and furthermore, high temperature in combination with high nutrient levels decreased the pigment content (chlorophyll a, b, carotenoids). Low temperature in combination with high nutrient levels increased the phenolic content. Our study confirms the successful and sustainable potential for large-scale off-shore cultivation of the Scandinavian crop U. fenestrata. We conclude that high seedling density in the hatchery is most important for increasing the total biomass yield of sea-farmed U. fenestrata, and that changing temperature or addition of nutrients overall does not have a large effect on the biochemical composition. To summarize, our study contributes novel insights into the large-scale off-shore cultivation potential of northern hemisphere U. fenestrata and underpins suitable pre-treatments during the hatchery phase of seedlings to facilitate a successful and cost-efficient large-scale rope cultivation

    Harvest Time Can Affect the Optimal Yield and Quality of Sea Lettuce (Ulva fenestrata) in a Sustainable Sea-Based Cultivation

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    Seaweed biomass is a renewable resource with multiple applications. Sea-based cultivation of seaweeds can provide high biomass yields, low construction, operation, and maintenance costs and could offer an environmentally and economically sustainable alternative to land-based cultivations. The biochemical profile of sea-grown biomass depends on seasonal variation in environmental factors, and the optimization of harvest time is important for the quality of the produced biomass. To identify optimal harvest times of Swedish sea-based cultivated sea lettuce (Ulva fenestrata), this study monitored biomass yield, morphology, chemical composition, fertility, and biofouling at five different harvesting times in April – June 2020. The highest biomass yields (approximately 1.2 kg fw [m rope]–1) were observed in late spring (May). The number and size of holes in the thalli and the amount of fertile and fouled tissue increased with prolonged growth season, which together led to a significant decline in both biomass yield and quality during summer (June). Early spring (April) conditions were optimal for obtaining high fatty acid, protein, biochar, phenolic, and pigment contents in the biomass, whereas carbohydrate and ash content, as well as essential and non-essential elements, increased later in the growth season. Our study results show that the optimal harvest time of sea-based cultivated U. fenestrata depends on the downstream application of the biomass and must be carefully selected to balance yield, quality, and desired biochemical contents to maximize the output of future sea-based algal cultivations in the European Northern Hemisphere
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