30 research outputs found

    Inheritance tax-exempt transfer of German businesses: Imperative or unjustified subsidy? An empirical analysis

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    This contribution addresses the substantial tax subsidies for businesses introduced by the German Inheritance Tax Act 2009. Advocates in favour of the vast or even entire tax exemption for businesses stress the potential damage of the inheritance tax on businesses, as those often lack liquid assets to meet tax liability. This submission tackles this issue empirically based on data of the German Inheritance Tax Statistics and the SOEP. The results indicate that former German inheritance tax law has not endangered transferred businesses. Hence, there is no need for the tremendous tax privilege for businesses in current German inheritance tax law. A virtual uniformed inheritance tax without tax privileges, which meets revenue neutrality per tax class according to current tax law, provokes in some cases relative high tax loads which might trouble businesses. --

    Inheritance tax-exempt transfer of German businesses: Imperative or unjustified subsidy? An empirical analysis

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    This contribution addresses the substantial tax subsidies for businesses introduced by the German Inheritance Tax Act 2009. Advocates in favour of the vast or even entire tax exemption for businesses stress the potential damage of the inheritance tax on businesses, as those often lack liquid assets to meet tax liability. This submission tackles this issue empirically based on data of the German Inheritance Tax Statistics and the SOEP. The results indicate that former German inheritance tax law has not endangered transferred businesses. Hence, there is no need for the tremendous tax privilege for businesses in current German inheritance tax law. A virtual uniformed inheritance tax without tax privileges, which meets revenue neutrality per tax class according to current tax law, provokes in some cases relative high tax loads which might trouble businesses

    Krankt das deutsche Steuersystem am Mittelstandsbauch und der kalten Progession?

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    ErbSiHM 0.1

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    This contribution describes ErbSiHM 0.1 which is an inheritance tax simulation model. ErbSiHM 0.1 comprises of a microsimulation model based on the data of the German Inheritance Tax Statistics 2002 and a group simulation model employing the data of the SOEP. The microsimulation model of ErbSiHM 0.1 allows for detailed analyses of revenue and distributional effects of the German inheritance tax or inheritance tax reform proposals. In addition the impact of the inheritance tax on the tax burden of particular groups of taxpayers can be detected. As the German Inheritance Tax Statistics do not include data of transfers of low-value estates a supplementary group model based on the data of the SOEP has been designed. This SOEP-based supplementary model is in particular useful to estimate revenue effects of tax reforms

    Zurück zum Zehnten: Modelle für die nächste Erbschaftsteuerreform

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    The recent German estate tax reform is criticized with regard to its unconstitutionality and for economical reasons. In particular it is in question whether the extensive tax exemption for firms can be justified by welfare arguments. From an economic point of view it is preferable to establish an estate tax with a broad tax base and low tax rates. The empirical results of our analyses gained by the microsimulation model ERBSIHM show that extremely low tax rates could be obtained. The current progressive tax rate could be halved. Alternative a rather low proportional tax rate of about 10% could be achieved. Such moderate tax rates would certainly increase the acceptance of the estate tax. In addition, such an estate tax reform would meet demands for equability of taxation as well as for low compliance costs and neutral taxation. -- An der Verfassungsmäßigkeit der neuen Erbschaft- und Schenkungsteuer bestehen ebenso erhebliche Zweifel wie an deren ökonomischer Vernunft. Insbesondere ist fraglich, ob die ins Feld geführten Gemeinwohlgründe tatsächlich die weitgehende bzw. vollständige Steuerfreistellung von Unternehmensvermögen rechtfertigen. Aus ökonomischer Sicht ist eine Erbschaftsteuer mit niedrigen Steuersätzen und einer breiten Bemessungsgrundlage ohne sachliche Steuerbefreiungen vorzuziehen. Die mit Hilfe des Mirkosimulationsmodells ERBSIHM vorgenommene empirische Untersuchung hat gezeigt, dass sowohl im Rahmen eines progressiven Tarifs als auch bei einem Proportionaltarif äußerst moderate Steuersätze implementiert werden könnten. Bei Beibehaltung der progressiven Tarifstruktur ließen sich die Steuersätze halbieren. Alternativ wäre ein einheitlicher Proportionalsteuersatz von nicht einmal 10% möglich. Derart niedrige Steuersätze wären sicherlich förderlich für die Akzeptanz der Erbschaftsteuer. Zudem sprechen Gleichmäßigkeitsüberlegungen, geringere Kosten der Besteuerung und das Postulat der Neutralität der Besteuerung für eine solche Reform.

    ErbSiHM 0.1

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    This contribution describes ErbSiHM 0.1 which is an inheritance tax simulation model. ErbSiHM 0.1 comprises of a microsimulation model based on the data of the German Inheritance Tax Statistics 2002 and a group simulation model employing the data of the SOEP. The microsimulation model of ErbSiHM 0.1 allows for detailed analyses of revenue and distributional effects of the German inheritance tax or inheritance tax reform proposals. In addition the impact of the inheritance tax on the tax burden of particular groups of taxpayers can be detected. As the German Inheritance Tax Statistics do not include data of transfers of low-value estates a supplementary group model based on the data of the SOEP has been designed. This SOEP-based supplementary model is in particular useful to estimate revenue effects of tax reforms. --

    Zur Diskussion der Thesaurierungsbegünstigung nach § 34a EStG

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    Der Beitrag weist nach, dass ein Verzicht auf die optimale Ausübung des Antragswahlrechts nach § 34a EStG zu merklichen Vermögenseinbußen führen kann. Zudem wird im Standardmodell mit exogenen, zeitkonstanten Steuersätzen und bei Identität von Soll- und Habenzinsen gezeigt, dass Gewinne auch bei optimaler Antragspolitik aufgrund der Abgeltungsteuer ausgeschüttet werden sollten und Fremdkapital die günstigste Finanzierungsform darstellt. Sind die Steuersätze in späteren Perioden dagegen niedriger als der Steuersatz in der Primärgewinnperiode, kann die Nutzung von § 34a EStG für diesen Gewinn vorteilhaft sein. Bei einem über dem Habenzins liegenden Sollzins kann die Fremdfinanzierung nachteilig werden. Im Fall der Existenz einbehaltener und nach § 34a EStG besteuerter Gewinne erweist sich die Auskehr von Eigenkapital nur beim Spitzensteuersatz von 45% in jedem Fall als optimal. -- This paper provides evidence for the rationallity to optimize the option offered by § 34a EStG in case of retained profits. Nevertheless, despite § 34a EStG distribution of profits is favourable, if tax rates are exogenous and over time constant and if there is no difference between the interest on debt and equity. In this setting debt is the optimal source of funds. Both effects are the result of the 25% withholding tax on private capital investments. In case of lower tax rates in later periodes firms can benefit from claiming against § 34a EStG for the (retained) profit of the current period. In case of relatively higher interest rates for debt equity can become the favourable form of financing. If § 34a EStG-taxed profits are in fund the transfer of equity is only unambiguous recommendable for entrepreneurs with the maximum marginal tax rate of 45%.