479 research outputs found

    Methylobacterium and Its Role in Health Care-Associated Infection

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    Methylobacterium species are a cause of health care-associated infection, including infections in immunocompromised hosts. The ability of Methylobacterium species to form biofilms and to develop resistance to high temperatures, drying, and disinfecting agents may explain the colonization of Methylobacterium in the hospital environment in, e. g., endoscopes. Due to its slow growth, it can be easily missed during microbiological surveillance of endoscope reprocessing. The purpose of this minireview is to present an overview of documented infections and cross-contaminations with Methylobacterium related to endoscopic procedures and to illustrate the health care-associated relevance of this slow-growing bacterium

    Impact of solid surface hydrophobicity and micrococcal nuclease production on Staphylococcus aureus Newman biofilms

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    Staphylococcus aureus is commonly associated with biofilm-related infections and contributes to the large financial loss that accompany nosocomial infections. The micrococcal nuclease Nuc1 enzyme limits biofilm formation via cleavage of eDNA, a structural component of the biofilm matrix. Solid surface hydrophobicity influences bacterial adhesion forces and may as well influence eDNA production. Therefore, it is hypothesized that the impact of Nuc1 activity is dependent on surface characteristics of solid surfaces. For this reason, this study investigated the influence of solid surface hydrophobicity on S. aureus Newman biofilms where Nuc1 is constitutively produced. To this end, biofilms of both a wild-type and a nuc1 knockout mutant strain, grown on glass, salinized glass and Pluronic F-127-coated silanized glass were analysed. Results indicated that biofilms can grow in the presence of Nuc1 activity. Also, Nuc1 and solid surface hydrophobicity significantly affected the biofilm 3D-architecture. In particular, biofilm densities of the wild-type strain on hydrophilic surfaces appeared higher than of the mutant nuc1 knockout strain. Since virulence is related to bacterial cell densities, this suggests that the virulence of S. aureus Newman biofilms is increased by its nuclease production in particular on a hydrophilic surface

    Influence of sub-inhibitory concentrations of antimicrobials on micrococcal nuclease and biofilm formation in Staphylococcus aureus

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    Abstract A major contributor to biomaterial associated infection (BAI) is Staphylococcus aureus. This pathogen produces a protective biofilm, making eradication difficult. Biofilms are composed of bacteria encapsulated in a matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) comprising polysaccharides, proteins and extracellular DNA (eDNA). S. aureus also produces micrococcal nuclease (MN), an endonuclease which contributes to biofilm composition and dispersion, mainly expressed by nuc1. MN expression can be modulated by sub-minimum inhibitory concentrations of antimicrobials. We investigated the relation between the biofilm and MN expression and the impact of the application of antimicrobial pressure on this relation. Planktonic and biofilm cultures of three S. aureus strains, including a nuc1 deficient strain, were cultured under antimicrobial pressure. Results do not confirm earlier findings that MN directly influences total biomass of the biofilm but indicated that nuc1 deletion stimulates the polysaccharide production per CFU in the biofilm in in vitro biofilms. Though antimicrobial pressure of certain antibiotics resulted in significantly increased quantities of polysaccharides per CFU, this did not coincide with significantly reduced MN activity. Erythromycin and resveratrol significantly reduced MN production per CFU but did not affect total biomass or biomass/CFU. Reduction of MN production may assist in the eradication of biofilms by the host immune system in clinical situations

    Streptococcus mutans adhesion force sensing in multi-species oral biofilms

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    Bacteria utilize chemical and mechanical mechanisms to sense their environment, to survive hostile conditions. In mechanical sensing, intra-bilayer pressure profiles change due to deformation induced by the adhesion forces bacteria experience on a surface. Emergent properties in mono-species Streptococcus mutans biofilms, such as extracellular matrix production, depend on the adhesion forces that streptococci sense. Here we determined whether and how salivary-conditioning film (SCF) adsorption and the multi-species nature of oral biofilm influence adhesion force sensing and associated gene expression by S. mutans. Hereto, Streptococcus oralis, Actinomyces naeslundii, and S. mutans were grown together on different surfaces in the absence and presence of an adsorbed SCF. Atomic force microscopy and RT-qPCR were used to measure S. mutans adhesion forces and gene expressions. Upon SCF adsorption, stationary adhesion forces decreased on a hydrophobic and increased on a hydrophilic surface to around 8 nN. Optical coherence tomography showed that triple-species biofilms on SCF-coated surfaces with dead S. oralis adhered weakly and often detached as a contiguous sheet. Concurrently, S. mutans displayed no differential adhesion force sensing on SCF-coated surfaces in the triple-species biofilms with dead S. oralis, but once live S. oralis were present S. mutans adhesion force sensing and gene expression ranked similar as on surfaces in the absence of an adsorbed SCF. Concluding, live S. oralis may enzymatically degrade SCF components to facilitate direct contact of biofilm inhabitants with surfaces and allow S. mutans adhesion force sensing of underlying surfaces to define its appropriate adaptive response. This represents a new function of initial colonizers in multi-species oral biofilms

    Environmental and centrifugal factors influencing the visco-elastic properties of oral biofilms in vitro

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    Centrifugal compaction causes changes in the surface properties of bacterial cells. It has been shown previously that the surface properties of planktonic cells change with increasing centrifugal compaction. This study aimed to analyze the influences of centrifugal compaction and environmental conditions on the visco-elastic properties of oral biofilms. Biofilms were grown out of a layer of initially adhering streptococci, actinomyces or a combination of these. Different uni-axial deformations were induced on the biofilms and the load relaxations were measured over time. Linear-Regression-Analysis demonstrated that both the centrifugation coefficient for streptococci and induced deformation influenced the percentage relaxation. Centrifugal compaction significantly influenced relaxation only upon compression of the outermost 20% of the biofilm (p < 0.05), whereas biofilm composition became influential when 50% deformation was induced, invoking re-arrangement of the bacteria in deeper biofilm structures. In summary, the effects of centrifugal compaction of initially adhering, centrifuged bacteria extend to the visco-elastic properties of biofilms, indicating that the initial bacterial layer influences the structure of the entire biofilm

    A quantitative model for the surface restructuring of repeatedly plasma treated silicone rubber

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    Surface restructuring in ambient air of medical grade silicone rubber surfaces modified by repeated RF plasma treatments using various discharge gases including oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide and ammonia, was studied quantitatively. From advancing and receding water contact angle data, the fraction of the surface covered by mobile and immobile polar groups, and a characteristic time constant of the restructuring process were calculated. For argon plasma treated surfaces, the fraction of immobile polar groups increased with repeated plasma treatments, but remained relatively constant for samples repeatedly treated by an ammonia plasma. The use of an oxygen plasma only yielded incorporation of mobile polar groups but not of immobile polar groups. The increase in the restructuring time constants of argon and ammonia plasma treated silicone rubber with the number of plasma treatments suggested enhanced crosslinking of the silicone rubber by these plasmas. In contrast, when an oxygen plasma was repeatedly used, the restructuring time constant decreased suggesting chain cleavage by an oxygen plasma. Tentatively, the carbon dioxide plasma treatment of silicone rubber may initially (up to 3-4 repeated treatments) yield chain cleavage, while the occurrence of crosslinking is indicated after more repetitions.</p

    Microbial adhesion to surface-grafted polyacrylamide brushes after long-term exposure to PBS and reconstituted freeze-dried saliva

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    Polyacrylamide (PAAm) brushes, covalently grafted from silicon wafer surfaces were examined for their ability to inhibit microbial adhesion after long-term exposure to PBS or reconstituted freeze-dried saliva for time intervals from 48 h up to 1 month at 37 degrees C. Microbial adhesion after exposure was studied in a parallel plate flow chamber. Infrared spectra showed that PAAm brushes exhibit good chemical stability upon incubation in both PBS and reconstituted freeze-dried saliva up to 1 month. Reductions in microbial adhesion on PAAm brushes after exposure to PBS or reconstituted freeze-dried saliva varied from 63 to 93% depending on the microbial strain considered, even after 1 month of exposure of the brushes to reconstituted freeze-dried saliva. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part A: 94A: 997-1000,2010

    A narrative review on current duodenoscope reprocessing techniques and novel developments

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    Duodenoscopy-associated infections occur worldwide despite strict adherence to reprocessing standards. The exact scope of the problem remains unknown because a standardized sampling protocol and uniform sampling techniques are lacking. The currently available multi-society protocol for microbial culturing by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Society for Microbiology, published in 2018 is too laborious for broad clinical implementation. A more practical sampling protocol would result in increased accessibility and widespread implementation. This will aid to reduce the prevalence of duodenoscope contamination. To reduce the risk of duodenoscopy-associated pathogen transmission the FDA advised four supplemental reprocessing measures. These measures include double high-level disinfection, microbiological culturing and quarantine, ethylene oxide gas sterilization and liquid chemical sterilization. When the supplemental measures were advised in 2015 data evaluating their efficacy were sparse. Over the past five years data regarding the supplemental measures have become available that place the efficacy of the supplemental measures into context. As expected the advised supplemental measures have resulted in increased costs and reprocessing time. Unfortunately, it has also become clear that the efficacy of the supplemental measures falls short and that duodenoscope contamination remains a problem. There is a lot of research into new reprocessing methods and technical applications trying to solve the problem of duodenoscope contamination. Several promising developments such as single-use duodenoscopes, electrolyzed acidic water, and vaporized hydrogen peroxide plasma are already applied in a clinical setting

    The role of small-colony variants in failure to diagnose and treat biofilm infections in orthopedics

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    Biomaterial-related infection of joint replacements is the second most common cause of implant failure, with serious consequences. Chronically infected replacements cannot be treated without removal of the implant, as the bio film mode of growth protects the bacteria against antibiotics. This review discusses bio film formation on joint replacements and the important clinical phenomenon of small-colony variants (SCVs). These slow-growing phenotypic variants often remain undetected or are misdiagnosed using hospital microbiological analyses due to their unusual morphological appearance and biochemical reactions. In addition, SCVs make the infection difficult to eradicate. They often lead to recurrence since they respond poorly to standard antibiotic treatment and can sometimes survive intracellularly
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