24 research outputs found

    Iz Hrvatske agencije za hranu

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    Eterična ulja i njihove komponente, kao grupa fitogenih aditiva hrani, imaju velike mogućnosti korištenja u tovu brojlera. Zbog njihovih antimikrobnih i antioksidativnih svojstava te djelovanja na poboljšanu probavljivost hrane, može se očekivati njihov pozitivan utjecaj na zdravstveni status životinja, a time i bolje krajnje rezultate tova. U ovome se istraživanju pratio utjecaj XTRACTTM (kombinacija komponenti eteričnih ulja karvakrola, cinamaldehida i kapsaicina), Aroma Korma® (kobinacija eteričnih ulja Foeniculum vulgare i Citrus limon), zeolita te kombinacija XTRACTTM i Aroma Korma® sa zeolitom na proizvodne pokazatelje tova pilića, njihov imunostimulirajući učinak, utjecaj na antioksidativni status krvi i mišićnoga tkiva, utjecaj na mikropopulaciju crijeva pilića, utjecaj na mikrobiološku kontaminaciju mesa, utjecaj na klaoničke pokazatelje tovnih pilića i tehnološka svojstva pilećega mesa te utjecaj na senzorska svojstva pilećega mesa. Pokus je proveden na brojlerima Ross 308, koji su bili podijeljeni u 6 skupina (kontrolna i skupine različitih eteričnih ulja, zeolita ili njihove kombinacije). Tov je trajao 42 dana, a sveukupno su bila obuhvaćena 288 pilića obaju spolova (po 48 u svakoj skupini). Dodatci eteričnih ulja i prirodnoga zeolita imali su različit utjecaj na pojedine praćene vrijednosti. Zasebno dodani XTRACTTM i citrus komorač imali su dobar utjecaj na praćena svojstva u tovu, tehnološka svojstava mesa, zdravstveni status pilića, parametre u krvi i mesu, mikrobiološku kontaminaciju i senzorska svojstva. Zeolit, kao samostalni dodatak, najslabije je utjecao na praćena svojstva, ali je u kombinaciji s XTRACTTM i citrus komoračem njegovo djelovanje bilo izražajnije.Essential oils and their components, as a group of phytogenic feed additive, have great potential uses in broiler fattening. Due to their antimicrobial and antioxidant properties and effects on improved food digestibility their positive impact on animals the health status can be expected, and therefore better final fattening results. In this research we studied the impact of XTRACTTM (a combination of essential oils components carvacrol, cinnamaldehid and capsicum Oleoresin), Arom Korm ® (essential oil combination of Foeniculum vulgare and Citrus limon), zeolite and a combination of zeolite with XTRACTTM or Aroma Korma ® on the fattening performance of chickens, their immunostimulating effect, the impact on the antioxidant status of the blood and muscle tissue, the impact on intestine micropopulation of chickens, effect on microbial contamination of meat, the impact on processing performances of broiler chicken and meat properties, and impact on the sensory quality of the chicken meat. The experiment was conducted on Ross 308 broilers, divided into 6 groups (control and treatment groups depending on the different supplements of essential oils, zeolites, or combinations thereof). The fattening lasted 42 days and total of 288 both sex chicks were included (48 per in each group). Influence of the addition of essential oils and natural zeolite had a different impact on the observed individual values. Separately added XTRACTTM and Aroma Korm ® had a good effect on the observed properties of fattening, the technological properties of meat, chicken health status, antioxidant parameters of blood and meat, microbiological contamination and organoleptic properties. Zeolite, as a standalone supplement, had the lowest impact on the observed properties, but in combination with Aroma Korm ® or XTRACTTM, Zeolite improved their activity


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    Eterična ulja i njihove komponente, kao grupa fitogenih aditiva hrani, imaju velike mogućnosti korištenja u tovu brojlera. Zbog njihovih antimikrobnih i antioksidativnih svojstava te djelovanja na poboljšanu probavljivost hrane, može se očekivati njihov pozitivan utjecaj na zdravstveni status životinja, a time i bolje krajnje rezultate tova. U ovome se istraživanju pratio utjecaj XTRACTTM (kombinacija komponenti eteričnih ulja karvakrola, cinamaldehida i kapsaicina), Aroma Korma® (kobinacija eteričnih ulja Foeniculum vulgare i Citrus limon), zeolita te kombinacija XTRACTTM i Aroma Korma® sa zeolitom na proizvodne pokazatelje tova pilića, njihov imunostimulirajući učinak, utjecaj na antioksidativni status krvi i mišićnoga tkiva, utjecaj na mikropopulaciju crijeva pilića, utjecaj na mikrobiološku kontaminaciju mesa, utjecaj na klaoničke pokazatelje tovnih pilića i tehnološka svojstva pilećega mesa te utjecaj na senzorska svojstva pilećega mesa. Pokus je proveden na brojlerima Ross 308, koji su bili podijeljeni u 6 skupina (kontrolna i skupine različitih eteričnih ulja, zeolita ili njihove kombinacije). Tov je trajao 42 dana, a sveukupno su bila obuhvaćena 288 pilića obaju spolova (po 48 u svakoj skupini). Dodatci eteričnih ulja i prirodnoga zeolita imali su različit utjecaj na pojedine praćene vrijednosti. Zasebno dodani XTRACTTM i citrus komorač imali su dobar utjecaj na praćena svojstva u tovu, tehnološka svojstava mesa, zdravstveni status pilića, parametre u krvi i mesu, mikrobiološku kontaminaciju i senzorska svojstva. Zeolit, kao samostalni dodatak, najslabije je utjecao na praćena svojstva, ali je u kombinaciji s XTRACTTM i citrus komoračem njegovo djelovanje bilo izražajnije.Essential oils and their components, as a group of phytogenic feed additive, have great potential uses in broiler fattening. Due to their antimicrobial and antioxidant properties and effects on improved food digestibility their positive impact on animals the health status can be expected, and therefore better final fattening results. In this research we studied the impact of XTRACTTM (a combination of essential oils components carvacrol, cinnamaldehid and capsicum Oleoresin), Arom Korm ® (essential oil combination of Foeniculum vulgare and Citrus limon), zeolite and a combination of zeolite with XTRACTTM or Aroma Korma ® on the fattening performance of chickens, their immunostimulating effect, the impact on the antioxidant status of the blood and muscle tissue, the impact on intestine micropopulation of chickens, effect on microbial contamination of meat, the impact on processing performances of broiler chicken and meat properties, and impact on the sensory quality of the chicken meat. The experiment was conducted on Ross 308 broilers, divided into 6 groups (control and treatment groups depending on the different supplements of essential oils, zeolites, or combinations thereof). The fattening lasted 42 days and total of 288 both sex chicks were included (48 per in each group). Influence of the addition of essential oils and natural zeolite had a different impact on the observed individual values. Separately added XTRACTTM and Aroma Korm ® had a good effect on the observed properties of fattening, the technological properties of meat, chicken health status, antioxidant parameters of blood and meat, microbiological contamination and organoleptic properties. Zeolite, as a standalone supplement, had the lowest impact on the observed properties, but in combination with Aroma Korm ® or XTRACTTM, Zeolite improved their activity

    Enhancing the productive performances and broiler meat quality by phytogens

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    Sažetak Zbog svojih antioksidativnih svojstava, utjecaja na poboljšanje okusa hrane, djelovanja na poboljšanje funkcija probave, te sposobnosti povećanja imunološkog odgovora organizma, fitogeni, u koje se ubrajaju eterična ulja i njihove komponente, imaju veliki potencijal za primjenu u tovu brojlera. Tome još više doprinose i njihova antimikrobna svojstva, po čemu ih se smatra prirodnom i prihvatljivom zamjenom za antimikrobne promotore rasta. Mehanizam djelovanja, kompatibilnost s ostalim komponentama hrane, procjena sigurnosti i toksičnosti, područja su koja treba istražiti detaljnije prije nego što se fitobiotike počne masovno koristiti u tovu peradi. Trenutno postoji interes za njihovom primjenom, ali su takvi proizvodi još uvijek nedovoljno poznati uzgajivačima peradi. Dokazan je pozitivan utjecaj uljnih ekstrakata timijana (timola i karvakrola) i cimeta (cinamaldehida) dodanih u hranu pilića (po 100 i 200 ppm) na povećanje tjelesne mase, unos hrane i konverziju hrane. Osim toga, veća količina eteričnih ulja (EU) u hrani značajno je utjecala na randman, količinu abdominalne masti i na veličinu unutrašnjih organa (jetre, srca i želuca), dok su tretmani s EU timijana i cimeta značajno smanjili količinu kolesterola u serumu, odnos heterofila i limfocita (engl. H/L ratio), a povisili broj eritrocita, hematokrit, leukocite i hemoglobin u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom, kako bi upotreba eteričnih ulja u budućnosti bila što uspješnija, neophodno je, na međunarodnoj razini, standardizirati komercijalno dostupne komponente eteričnih ulja.Due to its antioxidant properties, ability to improve taste of feed, digestion function and to boost immune response, phytogens, which include essential oils and their components, have a great potential for use in broiler fattening. Furthermore, because of its antimicrobial properties they could be used as a natural and acceptable replacement for antimicrobial growth promoters. Before the considerable use of phytogens in broiler fattening, the mechanism of its action, compatibility with other feed components, safety and toxicological assessment should be explored more detailed. Despite the fact that phytogens can be applied in poultry production, breeders are still not well informed about their use. The positive effect of oil extract of thyme (thymol and carvacrol) and cinnamon (cinnamaldehyde) added to the chickens feed (at 100 and 200 ppm) demonstrated improved weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion. In addition, larger quantities of essential oils in feed, significantly affected feed conversation ratio, abdominal fat and internal organs percentage (liver, heart and gizzard), while treatments with essential oils of thyme and cinnamon significantly reduced cholesterol and H/L ratio, and raised erythrocytes count (RBC), PCV, Hb and white blood cell count (WBC) compared with the control group. On the international level is necessary to standardize commercially available components of essential oils to improve their everyday use


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    Potražnja za hranom, osobito mesom, svakodnevno raste te se javlja potreba za povećanom opskrbom proteina iz održivih izvora u što se ubraja i farmski uzgoj kukaca. Upotreba kukaca u hrani za ljude i životinje ima potencijalno značajne prednosti za okoliš, gospodarstvo i dostupnost hrane. Niz organizacija, uključujući Organizaciju za hranu i poljoprivredu Ujedinjenih naroda (FAO), proučavale su mogućnost korištenja kukaca kao izvora hrane i hrane za životinje. S obzirom da se prilikom ovakve proizvodnje hrane za životinje nameću i pitanja rizika za zdravlje, kako ljudi, tako i životinja, Europska agencija za sigurnost hrane (EFSA) u listopadu 2015. g. izradila je profil rizika o upotrebi kukaca i tako odgovorila na pitanja o mogućim opasnostima prilikom proizvodnje, prerade i konzumacije ovog alternativnog izvora proteina. Zbog nedostatka podataka, preporuka EFSA-e je poticanje daljnjih istraživanja vezanih za proizvodnju i korištenje kukaca kao izvora proteinske hrane za ljude i životinje. Istraživanja rađena na laboratorijskim životinjama pokazala su da je nutritivna vrijednost proteina kukaca slična proteinima sojinog i ribljeg brašna te da kukci mogu zamijeniti dio tradicionalne hranidbe životinja. Kukci su također prirodni izvori hrane u peradi te su često korišteni kao komplementarni izvori hrane za životinje u zemljama u razvoju. Uzimajući u obzir dosadašnja istraživanja, hranjenje peradi proteinima kukaca trebalo bi biti ekonomski isplativije, te prihvatljivije sa stajališta očuvanja okoliša, budući da se kao hrana za uzgoj kukaca koriste mesnokoštani nusproizvodi, čija upotreba nije dozvoljena u hranidbi domaćih životinja te postoji realan problem oko njihovog zbrinjavanja. Stoga je za očekivati da će rezultati analiza mesa peradi dati bolji uvid u prednosti i nedostatke korištenja proteina kukaca u hranidbi peradi, kako sa stajališta sigurnosti hrane za životinje, tako i sa stajališta proizvodnje i prerade.Demand for food, especially meat, is increasing every day so the need for increasing protein supply from renewable sources is also increasing, which includes factory-farming insects. The use of insects in food and feed has potentially significant benefits for the environment, economy and availability of food. A number of organizations, including the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), have studied the possibility of using insects as a source of food and feed. Due to possible health risk issues of such food production for both, people and animals, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) developed a risk profile of using insects in October 2015. This profile answers the questions concerning the possible risks during production, processing and consumption of such alternative source of protein. Because of the lack of data, the EFSA recommends further researches related to production and use of insects as a source of protein for human and animal consumption. Studies conducted on laboratory animals have shown that the nutritional value of insects’ protein is similar to soy and fishmeal protein so they can replace part of the traditional animal diet. Insects are also natural dietary sources for poultry and often used as complementary sources for animal feed in developing countries. Taking into account previous studies, feeding the poultry with insect’s protein should be more economical and preferable from the standpoint of environmental protection. Furthermore, using meat and bone waste as food for insect’s growth, which is not allowed as fodder, resolves a real problem of waste disposal. Therefore, it is expected that results of poultry meat analysis will give a better insight into the advantages and disadvantages of using insect protein in poultry feeding, from the standpoint of the safety of animal feed, production and processing


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    Mikotoksini predstavljaju značajan problem kao kontaminanti hrane za životinje i ljude. Stoga je nužno njihovo praćenje u hrani na višegodišnjoj razini, jer na njihovu pojavu prvenstveno utječu vremenske prilike i tehnologija primarne proizvodnje koju treba prilagoditi svakoj pojedinačnoj situaciji. U 2013. godini zabilježena je povećana kontaminacija kukuruza i kompletnih krmnih smjesa za mliječna goveda aflatoksinima, što je rezultiralo posljedično povećanom kontaminacijom mlijeka aflatoksinom M1. U Republici Hrvatskoj povećana kontaminacija kukuruza aflatoksina bila je posebno izražena na području 3 županije: Osječko-baranjske, Vukovarsko-srijemske i Brodsko-posavske, gdje su uzeta ukupno 564 uzorka kukuruza i 261 uzorak smjese za mliječna goveda. Kontaminacija pojedinačnih uzoraka kukuruza kretala se u rasponu od 0,001 do 2,07 mg/kg, a prosječna kontaminacija kukuruza s AFB1 iznosila je 0,036 mg/kg kukuruza (dozvoljena konc. 0,02 mg/kg). Kontaminacija pojedinačnih uzoraka krmnih smjesa za mliječne krave kretala se od 0,001 do 0,254, dok je prosječna kontaminacija smjese iznosila 0,013 mg/kg (dozvoljena konc. 0,005 mg/kg). U isto vrijeme određena je koncentracija AFM1 u mlijeku čime je u tim županijama bila obuhvaćena dnevna proizvodnja mlijeka od 76806 L koje su isporučene trima velikim mljekarama u RH. Kontaminacija mlijeka kretala se od 0,001 do 0,897 μg/kg, dok je prosječna kontaminacija mlijeka iznosila 0,06 μg/kg (dozvoljena konc. 0,05 μg/kg).Mycotoxins are one of the important contaminants of animal feed and food. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor their concentration in feed on several years basis, because their incidence is primarily affected by weather conditions and technology of primary production whish must be adapted to any particular situation. Increased aflatoxin (AF) contamination of corn and feed mixture for dairy cows was recorded in 2013, which resulted in subsequent increased contamination of milk with aflatoxin M1. In Croatia, special attention is devoted to monitoring aflatoxin in three counties (Osijek-Baranja, Vukovar-Srijem and Brod-Posavina County) where a total of 564 corn samples and 261 sample mixtures for dairy cows were taken. Contamination of the individual samples of corn ranged from 0.001 to 2.07 mg/kg, and the average contamination value of maize with AFB1 was 0.036 mg/kg (allowed conc. 0.02 mg / kg). Contamination of the feed mixture for dairy cows samples ranged from 0.001 to 0.254 mg/kg, while the average contamination value of mixture was 0.013 mg/kg (allowed conc. 0.005 mg/kg). At the same time the analysis of aflatoxin M1 in milk was made which covered the daily milk production in these counties of 76806 litres of milk in three largest dairies in Croatia. Contamination of milk ranged from 0.001 to 0.897 μg/kg, while the average contamination value of milk was 0.06 μg/kg (allowed conc. 0.05 μg/kg)


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    Confectionery cakes are products obtained by mixing, shaping, baking, or other suitable processing procedures of two or more ingredients, giving the characteristic sensory properties of the product. They can be filled or topped with fruit, chocolate and other creams or toppings. The chemical composition and high water and sugar content make confectionery cakes suitable for the growth and multiplication of various microorganisms. Since contamination can occur at all stages of the production process, conducting good hygiene practices is necessary to obtain a product safe for consumption. The aim of this study was to provide insight into the contamination of confectionery cakes at the market in the Republic of Croatia by potentially pathogenic microorganisms and microorganisms as indicators of hygienic production. The cakes were sampled during a one-year period in 12 cities in Croatia. Samples were analysed according to the microbiological criteria prescribed by Commission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 of 15 November 2005 on microbiological criteria for foodstuffs and as recommended by the Guideline of Microbiological Criteria (Ministry of Agriculture, 2011). Results of the study showed that no pathogenic bacteria whose presence could have adverse health effects, were identified in confectionery cakes


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    Confectionery cakes are products obtained by mixing, shaping, baking, or other suitable processing procedures of two or more ingredients, giving the characteristic sensory properties of the product. They can be filled or topped with fruit, chocolate and other creams or toppings. The chemical composition and high water and sugar content make confectionery cakes suitable for the growth and multiplication of various microorganisms. Since contamination can occur at all stages of the production process, conducting good hygiene practices is necessary to obtain a product safe for consumption. The aim of this study was to provide insight into the contamination of confectionery cakes at the market in the Republic of Croatia by potentially pathogenic microorganisms and microorganisms as indicators of hygienic production. The cakes were sampled during a one-year period in 12 cities in Croatia. Samples were analysed according to the microbiological criteria prescribed by Commission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 of 15 November 2005 on microbiological criteria for foodstuffs and as recommended by the Guideline of Microbiological Criteria (Ministry of Agriculture, 2011). Results of the study showed that no pathogenic bacteria whose presence could have adverse health effects, were identified in confectionery cakes


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    Mikotoksini predstavljaju značajan problem kao kontaminanti hrane za životinje i ljude. Stoga je nužno njihovo praćenje u hrani na višegodišnjoj razini, jer na njihovu pojavu prvenstveno utječu vremenske prilike i tehnologija primarne proizvodnje koju treba prilagoditi svakoj pojedinačnoj situaciji. U 2013. godini zabilježena je povećana kontaminacija kukuruza i kompletnih krmnih smjesa za mliječna goveda aflatoksinima, što je rezultiralo posljedično povećanom kontaminacijom mlijeka aflatoksinom M1. U Republici Hrvatskoj povećana kontaminacija kukuruza aflatoksina bila je posebno izražena na području 3 županije: Osječko-baranjske, Vukovarsko-srijemske i Brodsko-posavske, gdje su uzeta ukupno 564 uzorka kukuruza i 261 uzorak smjese za mliječna goveda. Kontaminacija pojedinačnih uzoraka kukuruza kretala se u rasponu od 0,001 do 2,07 mg/kg, a prosječna kontaminacija kukuruza s AFB1 iznosila je 0,036 mg/kg kukuruza (dozvoljena konc. 0,02 mg/kg). Kontaminacija pojedinačnih uzoraka krmnih smjesa za mliječne krave kretala se od 0,001 do 0,254, dok je prosječna kontaminacija smjese iznosila 0,013 mg/kg (dozvoljena konc. 0,005 mg/kg). U isto vrijeme određena je koncentracija AFM1 u mlijeku čime je u tim županijama bila obuhvaćena dnevna proizvodnja mlijeka od 76806 L koje su isporučene trima velikim mljekarama u RH. Kontaminacija mlijeka kretala se od 0,001 do 0,897 μg/kg, dok je prosječna kontaminacija mlijeka iznosila 0,06 μg/kg (dozvoljena konc. 0,05 μg/kg).Mycotoxins are one of the important contaminants of animal feed and food. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor their concentration in feed on several years basis, because their incidence is primarily affected by weather conditions and technology of primary production whish must be adapted to any particular situation. Increased aflatoxin (AF) contamination of corn and feed mixture for dairy cows was recorded in 2013, which resulted in subsequent increased contamination of milk with aflatoxin M1. In Croatia, special attention is devoted to monitoring aflatoxin in three counties (Osijek-Baranja, Vukovar-Srijem and Brod-Posavina County) where a total of 564 corn samples and 261 sample mixtures for dairy cows were taken. Contamination of the individual samples of corn ranged from 0.001 to 2.07 mg/kg, and the average contamination value of maize with AFB1 was 0.036 mg/kg (allowed conc. 0.02 mg / kg). Contamination of the feed mixture for dairy cows samples ranged from 0.001 to 0.254 mg/kg, while the average contamination value of mixture was 0.013 mg/kg (allowed conc. 0.005 mg/kg). At the same time the analysis of aflatoxin M1 in milk was made which covered the daily milk production in these counties of 76806 litres of milk in three largest dairies in Croatia. Contamination of milk ranged from 0.001 to 0.897 μg/kg, while the average contamination value of milk was 0.06 μg/kg (allowed conc. 0.05 μg/kg)