5 research outputs found

    Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat (SWOT) of the Implementation of HTR Policy in Indonesia

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    The aim of this research is to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in implementing HTR (Hutan Tanaman Rakyat, in Indonesian, or Plantation Forest Folk) policies. This study is located in area of HTR throughout Indonesia, distributed in 26 Provinces in Indonesia starting from Aceh to Papua. Population in this study is region/ Regency implementing HTR development in Indonesia. Total population is 127 regions/regencies. This study takes all regions which are 127 regencies implementing HTR development in Indonesia. The Analysis using SWOT is given: The strenght (S) of HTR is the strong will from the communities and local government in managing the forest areas; the availability of areas; the support of the Central and Local Governments. The result of this study are: The weakness (W) of HTR is the limited of the human resources of the forestry extension officers; the limited of the human resources from the communities; the uncertainty of investors. The Opportunity (O) of HTR is the existence of the forest land utilization markets with non forestry commodities; the government’s policies in increasing IPM on the backward regions. The Threat (T) of HTR is the assurance of the sustainability of forestry production; the fluctuation in the demands of  timber; land claims by the communities or indigenous. The reccomendation from the SWOT analysis are: SO: issue forestry incentive regulation; optimize the development of agroforestry; optimize funding (APBD, APBN, non APBN/APBD) for the development of the HTR, WO: increase the number of the human resources of the forestry extension officers; present forestry investors. TO: mentoring the implementation of the HTR program; empowering and communities institutional facilitation; increasing coordination with technical agencies, and WO: coordinate among agencies and the academic feasibility study and the roadmap of the HTR Keywords: SWOT, HTR Policy, Forest in Indonesi

    Society Empowerment and Its Relation with the Productivity of Hutan Tanaman Rakyat (HTR)-Based Production Forest in Indonesia

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    One of six prioritized policies of forestry development in Indonesia is Revitalization of Forest Utilization and Forest Industry. The development of plantation, both industrial plantation and people plantation are a kind of way to satisfy the national wood industry needs. Hutan Tanaman Rakyat or HTR (Hutan Tanaman Rakyat, in Indonesian, or Plantation Forest Folk) is a plantation developed by a group of people in regard to improve potencies and qualities of production forest by applying silviculture which assures the forest resource preservation. HTR policy is Governmental policy aiming at alleviating poverty (pro-poor), creating job vacancy (pro-job) and improving growth quality though proportional investment between economic agents (pro-growth). This study aims at exploring society empowerment and the productivity of production forest products in HTR. This study employs survey method. This study is located in area of HTR throughout Indonesia, distributed in 26 Provinces in Indonesia starting from Aceh to Papua. Population in this study is region/ Regency implementing HTR development in Indonesia. Total population is 127 regions/regencies. Analysis unit (respondent) is Head of Forestry Service and Head of Society Empowerment, Market, Cooperative, and SME (to be noted, each region has different office name). Data analysis technique used is Cluster Analysis, Chi Square Cross Tabulation, and Factor Analysis. The result show The result of cluster analysis by Non-Hierarchical Cluster with Euclidean Distance showing 68 regencies classified in low productivity, 28 regencies classified in moderate productivity, and 31 regencies classified in high productivity. There is a relation between society empowerment and forest productivity. If the regency is able to implement society empowerment program well, it can produce good forest productivity. In contrast, if the regency cannot implement society empowerment well, forest productivity surely cannot be produced well. Factual data based on the table above proves it. Based on the empowerment variable, indicator of authority is the most dominant one as success or failure measurement of society empowerment. The authority states that forest group/society is given authority to change attitude or spirit (work ethics) to be their own. Therefore, they think that the change performed is the result of product of their willingness to achieve better change. Keywords: Society Empowerment, Productivity, HT

    The Influence of the Intelligence of Transglobal Leadership on Good Governance-Based Forest Management

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    In recent years the discussion about leadership in public sector has become an interesting topic which has attracted attention from many people with various backgrounds. In public sector, the demand for a great leader has also rapidly increased among society due to the need to provide the effectiveness of policy, resources allocation, time management and mobilizing participation. In Indonesia, forestry is seen as one of vulnerable sectors that need better leadership due to the failure of effective policy implementation such as massive illegal logging, forest fires or other problems causing deforestation. This study aims at analyzing the influence of Intelligence of Transglobal Leadership toward Good Governance-Based Forest Management by applying quantitative approach with survey method conducted in Community Forest (HTR) area over 26 Provinces in Indonesia covering regions from Aceh to Papua. The finding of this inquiry indicates significant influence of intelligence of transglobal leadership toward good governance based forest management by positive value of 0.359 on its coefficient structural model and 2.38 on Critical Ratio. It can be inferred that the intelligence of tranglobal leadership is essential for policy maker within forestry sector in Indonesia. &nbsp