14 research outputs found

    Top- and bottom-mass effects in hadronic Higgs production at small transverse momenta through LO+NLL

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    The resummed transverse momentum distribution of the Higgs boson in gluon fusion through LO+NLL for small transverse momenta is considered, where the Higgs is produced through a top- and bottom-quark loop. We study the mass effects with respect to the infinite top-mass approach. The top-mass effects are small and the heavy-top limit is valid to better than 4% as long as the Higgs' transverse momentum stays below 150 GeV. When the bottom loop is considered as well, the discrepancy reaches up to about 10%. We conclude that bottom-mass effects cannot be included in a reasonable manner by a naive reweighting procedure in the heavy-top limit. We compare our results to an earlier, alternative approach based on POWHEG.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Transverse momentum resummation for Higgs production via gluon fusion in the MSSM

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    The resummed transverse momentum distribution of supersymmetric Higgs bosons produced through gluon fusion at NLO+NLL is presented, including the exact quark and squark mass dependences. Considering various MSSM scenarios, we compare our results to previous ones within the POWHEG approach. We analyze the impact of the bottom loop which becomes the dominant contribution to the gluon fusion cross section for a wide range of the parameter space for the pseudo-scalar and heavy Higgs.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figure

    Higgs production in gluon fusion at next-to-next-to-leading order QCD for finite top mass

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    The inclusive Higgs production cross section from gluon fusion is calculated through NNLO QCD, including its top quark mass dependence. This is achieved through a matching of the 1/mtop expansion of the partonic cross sections to the exact large s-hat limits which are derived from k_T-factorization. The accuracy of this procedure is estimated to be better than 1% for the hadronic cross section. The final result is shown to be within 1% of the commonly used effective theory approach, thus confirming earlier findings.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figure

    Hadronic Higgs production through NLO 

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    The next-to-leading order (NLO) cross section of the gluon fusion process is matched to parton showers in the MC@NLO approach. We work in the framework of MadGraph5_aMC@NLO and document the inclusion of the full quark-mass dependence in the Standard Model (SM) as well as the state-of-the-art squark and gluino effects within the Minimal Supersymmetric SM  embodied in the program SusHi. The combination of the two programs is realized by a script which is publicly available and whose usage is detailed. We discuss the input cards and the relevant parameter switches. One of our focuses is on the shower scale which is specifically important for gluon-induced Higgs production, particularly in models with enhanced Higgs-bottom Yukawa coupling