22 research outputs found

    Potential value of Cs-137 capsules

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    We determined the value of Cs-137 compared to Co-60 as a source for the irradiation of fruit (apples and cherries), pork and medical supplies. Cs-137, in the WESF capsule form, had a value of approximately 0.40/CiasasubstituteforCo60pricedatapproximately0.40/Ci as a substitute for Co-60 priced at approximately 1.00/Ci. The comparison was based on the available curies emitted from the surface of each capsule. We developed preliminary designs for fourteen irradiation facilities; seven were based on Co-60 and seven were based on Cs-137. These designs provided the basis for estimating capital and operating costs which, in turn, provided the basis for determining the value of Cs-137 relative to Co-60 in these applications. We evaluated the effect of the size of the irradiation facility on the value of Cs-137. The cost of irradiation is low compared to the value of the product. Irradiation of apples for disinfestation costs .01to.02perpound.Irradiationfortrichinasafeporkcosts.01 to .02 per pound. Irradiation for trichina-safe pork costs .02 per pound. Irradiation of medical supplies for sterilization costs $.07 to .12 per pound. The cost of the irradiation source, either Co-60 or Cs-137, contributed only a minor amount to the total cost of irradiation, about 5% for the fruit and hog cases and about 20% for the medical supply cases. We analyzed the sensitivity of the irradiation costs and Cs-137 value to several key assumptions

    Improved algebraic cryptanalysis of QUAD, Bivium and trivium via graph partitioning on equation systems

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    We present a novel approach for preprocessing systems of polynomial equations via graph partitioning. The variable-sharing graph of a system of polynomial equations is defined. If such graph is disconnected, then the corresponding system of equations can be split into smaller ones that can be solved individually. This can provide a tremendous speed-up in computing the solution to the system, but is unlikely to occur either randomly or in applications. However, by deleting certain vertices on the graph, the variable-sharing graph could be disconnected in a balanced fashion, and in turn the system of polynomial equations would be separated into smaller systems of near-equal sizes. In graph theory terms, this process is equivalent to finding balanced vertex partitions with minimum-weight vertex separators. The techniques of finding these vertex partitions are discussed, and experiments are performed to evaluate its practicality for general graphs and systems of polynomial equations. Applications of this approach in algebraic cryptanalysis on symmetric ciphers are presented: For the QUAD family of stream ciphers, we show how a malicious party can manufacture conforming systems that can be easily broken. For the stream ciphers Bivium and Trivium, we nachieve significant speedups in algebraic attacks against them, mainly in a partial key guess scenario. In each of these cases, the systems of polynomial equations involved are well-suited to our graph partitioning method. These results may open a new avenue for evaluating the security of symmetric ciphers against algebraic attacks

    Técnica de biópsia hepática em eqüino por laparoscopia Hepatic biopsy in horses by laparoscopy

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    Este trabalho experimental objetivou a avaliação do uso da laparoscopia para biópsia hepática em eqüino e o estudo das possíveis alterações clínicas e laboratoriais decorrentes de tal procedimento. Foram utilizados 10 animais, os quais foram submetidos a procedimento cirúrgico em posição quadrupedal, por abordagem pelo flanco direito, no 17º espaço intercostal, após jejum alimentar e hídrico de 36 e 18 horas respectivamente. A avaliação pós-operatória constou de exame físico diário e colheita de amostras de sangue seriadas. O procedimento possibilitou inspeção dos órgãos e estruturas anatômicas localizados dorsalmente à direita da cavidade abdominal, favorecendo a escolha do local de biópsia hepática. Não foram observadas alterações no exame físico dos animais. Os exames hematológicos e de função hepática não apresentaram alterações significativas. Concluiu-se que o emprego da laparoscopia para realização de biópsia hepática em eqüino é simples, eficaz e seguro.<br>The purpose of this research was to evaluate the use of laparoscopy in obtaining hepatic biopsy in horses and to determine a possible clinical and laboratorial changes related to the procedure. Ten animals were submitted to 36 hours of fastening and 18 hours of water deprivation and then operated in the standing position, through a right flank approach at the level of the 17th intercostal space. Post-operative evaluation consisted of daily physical examination and seriated blood sampling. The procedure allowed for wide visualization of the viscera and anatomical structures located on the right side of the abdominal cavity, favouring the choice of the spot for hepatic biopsy collection. No changes were noted in the physical state of the animals and alterations in hemogram and hepatic function tests were not statistically significant. It was concluded that laparoscopy is a simple, effective and safe technique for obtaining hepatic biopsy specimens in horses