19,054 research outputs found

    Synthesis of neutral nickel catalysts for ethylene polymerization – the influence of ligand size on catalyst stability

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    A facile synthesis of nickel salicylaldimine complexes with labile dissociating ligands is described. In addition to producing highly active ethylene polymerization catalysts, important insights into the effect of ligand size on catalyst stability and information on the mechanism of polymerization are provided

    Phase behavior of a confined nano-droplet in the grand-canonical ensemble: the reverse liquid-vapor transition

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    The equilibrium density distribution and thermodynamic properties of a Lennard-Jones fluid confined to nano-sized spherical cavities at constant chemical potential was determined using Monte Carlo simulations. The results describe both a single cavity with semipermeable walls as well as a collection of closed cavities formed at constant chemical potential. The results are compared to calculations using classical Density Functional Theory (DFT). It is found that the DFT calculations give a quantitatively accurate description of the pressure and structure of the fluid. Both theory and simulation show the presence of a ``reverse'' liquid-vapor transition whereby the equilibrium state is a liquid at large volumes but becomes a vapor at small volumes.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, to appear in J. Phys. : Cond. Mat

    Quantum turbulence at finite temperature: the two-fluids cascade

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    To model isotropic homogeneous quantum turbulence in superfluid helium, we have performed Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of two fluids (the normal fluid and the superfluid) coupled by mutual friction. We have found evidence of strong locking of superfluid and normal fluid along the turbulent cascade, from the large scale structures where only one fluid is forced down to the vorticity structures at small scales. We have determined the residual slip velocity between the two fluids, and, for each fluid, the relative balance of inertial, viscous and friction forces along the scales. Our calculations show that the classical relation between energy injection and dissipation scale is not valid in quantum turbulence, but we have been able to derive a temperature--dependent superfluid analogous relation. Finally, we discuss our DNS results in terms of the current understanding of quantum turbulence, including the value of the effective kinematic viscosity

    Fusion-Fission of 16O+197Au at Sub-Barrier Energies

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    The recent discovery of heavy-ion fusion hindrance at far sub-barrier energies has focused much attention on both experimental and theoretical studies of this phenomenon. Most of the experimental evidence comes from medium-heavy systems such as Ni+Ni to Zr+Zr, for which the compound system decays primarily by charged-particle evaporation. In order to study heavier systems, it is, however, necessary to measure also the fraction of the decay that goes into fission fragments. In the present work we have, therefore, measured the fission cross section of 16O+197Au down to unprecedented far sub-barrier energies using a large position sensitive PPAC placed at backward angles. The preliminary cross sections will be discussed and compared to earlier studies at near-barrier energies. No conclusive evidence for sub-barrier hindrance was found, probably because the measurements were not extended to sufficiently low energies.Comment: Fusion06 - Intl. Conf. on Reaction Mechanisms and Nuclear Structure at the Coulomb Barrier, San Servolo, Venezia, Italy, March 19-223, 2006 5 pages, 4 figure

    Flow Induced Organization and Memory of a Vortex Lattice

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    We report on experiments probing the evolution of a vortex state in response to a driving current in 2H-NbSe2_2 crystals. By following the vortex motion with fast transport measurements we find that the current enables the system to reorganize and access new configurations. During this process the system exhibits a long-term memory: if the current is turned off the vortices freeze in place remembering their prior motion. When the current is restored the motion resumes where it stopped. The experiments provide evidence for a dynamically driven structural change of the vortex lattice and a corresponding dynamic phase diagram that contains a previously unknown regime where the critical current can be either increasedincreased or decreaseddecreased by applying an appropriate driving current.Comment: 5 pages, 4figure

    Variation with mass of \boldmath{B(E3; 0_1^+ \to 3_1^-)} transition rates in A=124−134A=124-134 even-mass xenon nuclei

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    B(E3;01+→31−)B(E3; 0_1^+ \to 3_1^-) transition matrix elements have been measured for even-mass 124−134^{124-134}Xe nuclei using sub-barrier Coulomb excitation in inverse kinematics. The trends in energy E(3−)E(3^-) and B(E3;01+→31−)B(E3; 0_1^+ \to 3_1^-) excitation strengths are well reproduced using phenomenological models based on a strong coupling picture with a soft quadrupole mode and an increasing occupation of the intruder h11/2h_{11/2} orbital.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, PRC in pres

    Order in driven vortex lattices in superconducting Nb films with nanostructured pinning potentials

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    Driven vortex lattices have been studied in a material with strong pinning, such as Nb films. Samples in which natural random pinning coexists with artificial ordered arrays of defects (submicrometric Ni dots) have been fabricated with different geometries (square, triangular and rectangular). Three different dynamic regimes are found: for low vortex velocities, there is a plastic regime in which random defects frustrate the effect of the ordered array; then, for vortex velocities in the range 1-100 m/s, there is a sudden increase in the interaction between the vortex lattice and the ordered dot array, independent on the geometry. This effect is associated to the onset of quasi long range order in the vortex lattice leading to an increase in the overlap between the vortex lattice and the magnetic dots array. Finally, at larger velocities the ordered array-vortex lattice interaction is suppresed again, in agreement with the behavior found in numerical simulations.Comment: 8 text pages + 4 figure
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