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7 research outputs found
Support for Refactoring an Application towards an Adaptive Object Model
A. Hen-Tov
E. Guerra
+4 more
I. Forman
J. Miller
J. Silva
R. Johnson
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Late Bronze and Iron Age Livestock of the Southern Levant: Their Economic and Symbolic Roles
Arbuckle B.S.
Ben-Yosef E.
+34 more
De Groot A.
Faust A.
Grigson C.
Hamilakis Y.
Hamilakis Y.
Hellwing S.
Horwitz L.K.
Horwitz L.K.
Kisilevitz S.
Koch-Westenholz U.
Lauwerier R.C.
Lev-Tov J. S.
Lev-Tov J.S.E.
Lev-Tov J.S.E.
Lidar Sapir-Hen
Marom N.
Marom N.
Oppenheim A. L.
O’Day S. J.
Palmer C.
Redding R. W.
Russell N.
Sapir-Hen L.
Sapir-Hen L.
Sapir-Hen L.
Sapir-Hen L.
Sapir-Hen L.
Sapir-Hen L.
Sapir-Hen L.
Sasson A.
Wapnish P.
Wapnish P.
Zeder M. A.
Zeder M.A.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Jabotinsky's campaign in America: A previously unpublished interview
Budeiri Musai
Dothan Shmuel
+13 more
Geltman M.
Hen‐Tov Jacob
Jabotinsky V.
Katz Shmuel
Kennedy Dane
Knee Stuart E.
Kolatt Israel
Oscar Kraines
Perl William R.
Rafael Medoff
Shapira Anita
Shavit Yaakov
Stepelevich L.S.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Iranian Populism: Its Vicissitudes and Political Impact
Barber B.
Bayat A.
+17 more
Canovan M.
Conniff M. L.
Croucher S.
De la Torre C.
De la Torre C.
Dodson M.
Ehteshami A.
Hen Tov E.
Inonsecu G.
Kazemi F.
Khomeini R.
Khomeini R.
Milani M.
Naji K.
Pieterse N.
Ramazani R. K.
Taggart P.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Animal economy and social diversity in Byzantine Apollonia/Sozousa
Allentuck A.
Andrews P.
+37 more
Behrensmeyer A. K.
Binford L. R.
Broshi M.
Crabtree P. J.
Dauphin C. M.
Davies J. J.
Dayan T.
Dobney K.
Freestone I.
Grayson D. K.
Hesse B.
Hongo H.
Horwitz L. K.
Horwitz L. K.
Horwitz L. K.
Krueger P.
LaBianca Ø.
Lev-Tov J. S. E.
Lidar Sapir-Hen
Miriam Pines
O'Connor T.
O'Day S. J.
Oren Tal
Pearson M. P.
Sade M.
Sade M.
Sapir-Hen L.
Sapir-Hen L.
Sasson A.
Tal O.
Tal O.
Tal O.
Tal O.
Twiss K. C.
Zeder M. A.
Zeder M. A.
Zeder M. A.
Publication venue
'Maney Publishing'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Goose Keeping, Elite Emulation and Egyptianized Feasting at Late Bronze Lachish
Aboelsoud N.H
Aharoni Y
+64 more
Albarella U
Amiran R
author O.
author O.
Bietak M
Boessneck J
Boessneck J
Boessneck J
Boessneck J
Braunstein S.L
Bryan B.M
Bunimovitz S.
Burke A.A.
Cohen-Weinberger A
Cornelius I
Dever W.G
Dothan T
Dothan T
Ertman E.
Feucht E
Goren Y
Hayden B
Hellwing S.
Hellwing S.
Hesse B
Hesse B
Hoffmeier J.K
Horwitz L.K
Houlihan P.F
Ido Koch
Ikram S
Killebrew A.E
Killebrew A.E
Kozloff A.P
Lev-Tov J.S.E
Lev-Tov J.S.E.
Lev-Tov J.S.E.
Liebowitz H
Lilyquist C
Lipitiski E.
MacDonald K.
Martin M.A.S
Martin M.A.S
Mazar A
Mazar A.
Montgomery J.A
Morkot R.G
Morkot R.G
Morris W.F
Oren E.D
Parpola S
Petrie F
Redford D.B
Sapir-Hen L.
Southern Coastal Plain of Palestine in the Ramesside Period
Stager L.E
Tazawa T
Ussishkin D
Weinstein J.M
Wimmer S
Wimmer S
Wimmer S
Winter I.J
Publication venue
'Maney Publishing'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
‘The Inhabitants of Philistia’: On the identity of the Iron I settlers in the periphery of the Philistine heartland
Albright W. F.
Avraham Faust
+78 more
Barako T.
Barako T. J.
Barth F.
Ben-Shlomo D.
Ben-Shlomo D.
Ben-Shlomo D.
Ben-Shlomo D.
Ben-Shlomo D.
Ben-Shlomo D.
Biran A.
Bunimovitz S.
Bunimovitz S.
Cahill J. M.
Childe G. V.
Comaroff J. L.
Davis S.
Deetz J.
Dever W. G.
Diaz-Andreu M.
Dothan M.
Dothan T.
Dothan T.
Dothan T.
Edenburg C.
Eisenberg E.
Eriksen T. H.
Eriksen T. H.
Faust A.
Faust A.
Faust A.
Faust A.
Faust A.
Faust A.
Faust A.
Finkelstein I.
Finkelstein I.
Fischer P. M.
Funk R. B.
Gadot Y.
Gilboa A.
Gilboa A.
Gitin S.
Gosden C.
Graham J. A.
Higginbotham C.
Hodder I.
Hodder I.
Kaiser A.
Kelso J. L.
Killebrew A. E.
Killebrew A. E.
Killebrew A. E.
Lederman Z.
Lehmann G.
Lev-Tov J.
Maeir A. M.
Maeir A. M.
Maisler (Mazar) B.
Master D. M.
Mazar A.
Mazar A.
Mazar A.
Mazar A.
Mazar E.
Miller D.
Nahshoni P.
Oren E. D.
Panitz-Cohen N.
Petrie F.
Sapir-Hen L.
Singer I.
Singer I.
Stager L. E.
Stager L. E.
Stein G. J.
Steiner M. L.
Yasur-Landau A.
Zukerman A.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text