54 research outputs found

    Bosons condensed in two modes with flavour-changing interaction

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    A quantum model is considered for NN bosons populating two orthogonal single-particle modes with tunable energy separation in the presence of flavour-changing contact interaction. The quantum ground state is well approximated as a coherent superposition (for zero temperature) or a mixture (at low temperature) of two quasi-classical states. In a mean field description, the systems realizes one of these states via spontaneous symmetry breaking. Both mean field states, in a certain parameter range, possess finite angular momentum and exhibit broken time-reversal symmetry in contrast to the quantum ground state. The phase diagram is explored at the mean-field level and by direct diagonalisation. The nature of the quantum ground state at zero and finite temperature is analyzed by means of the Penrose Onsager criterion. One of three possible phases shows fragmentation on the single-particle level together with a finite pair order parameter. Thermal and quantum fluctuations are characterized with respect to regions of universal scaling behavior. The non-equilibrium dynamics shows a sharp transition between a self-trapping and a pair-tunneling regime. A recently realized experimental implementation is discussed with bosonic atoms condensed in the two inequivalent energy minima X±X_{\pm} of the second band of a bipartite two-dimensional optical lattice.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, extended and revise

    Effective time-independent description of optical lattices with periodic driving

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    For a periodically driven quantum system an effective time-independent Hamiltonian is derived with an eigen-energy spectrum, which in the regime of large driving frequencies approximates the quasi-energies of the corresponding Floquet Hamiltonian. The effective Hamiltonian is evaluated for the case of optical lattice models in the tight-binding regime subjected to strong periodic driving. Three scenarios are considered: a periodically shifted one-dimensional (1D) lattice, a two-dimensional (2D) square lattice with inversely phased temporal modulation of the well depths of adjacent lattice sites, and a 2D lattice subjected to an array of microscopic rotors commensurate with its plaquette structure. In case of the 1D scenario the rescaling of the tunneling energy, previously considered by Eckardt et al. in Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 260404 (2005), is reproduced. The 2D lattice with well depth modulation turns out as a generalization of the 1D case. In the 2D case with staggered rotation, the expression previously found in the case of weak driving by Lim et al. in Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 130402 (2008) is generalized, such that its interpretation in terms of an artificial staggered magnetic field can be extended into the regime of strong driving.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Artificial Staggered Magnetic Field for Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices

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    A time-dependent optical lattice with staggered particle current in the tight-binding regime was considered that can be described by a time-independent effective lattice model with an artificial staggered magnetic field. The low energy description of a single-component fermion in this lattice at half-filling is provided by two copies of ideal two-dimensional massless Dirac fermions. The Dirac cones are generally anisotropic and can be tuned by the external staggered flux \p. For bosons, the staggered flux modifies the single-particle spectrum such that in the weak coupling limit, depending on the flux \p, distinct superfluid phases are realized. Their properties are discussed, the nature of the phase transitions between them is establised, and Bogoliubov theory is used to determine their excitation spectra. Then the generalized superfluid-Mott-insulator transition is studied in the presence of the staggered flux and the complete phase diagram is established. Finally, the momentum distribution of the distinct superfluid phases is obtained, which provides a clear experimental signature of each phase in ballistic expansion experiments.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Magnetic Trapping of Metastable Calcium Atoms

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    Metastable calcium atoms, produced in a magneto-optic trap (MOT) operating within the singlet system, are continuously loaded into a magnetic trap formed by the magnetic quadrupole field of the MOT. At MOT temperatures of 3 mK and 240 ms loading time we observe 1.1 x 10^8 magnetically trapped 3P2 atoms at densities of 2.4 x 10^8 cm^-3 and temperatures of 0.61 mK. In a modified scheme we first load a MOT for metastable atoms at a temperature of 0.18 mK and subsequently release these atoms into the magnetic trap. In this case 240 ms of loading yields 2.4 x 10^8 trapped 3P2 atoms at a peak density of 8.7 x 10^10 cm^-3 and a temperature of 0.13 mK. The temperature decrease observed in the magnetic trap for both loading schemes can be explained only in part by trap size effects.Comment: 4 figure

    Optimizing the production of metastable calcium atoms in a magneto-optical trap

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    We investigate the production of long lived metastable (3P2, n=4) calcium atoms in a magneto-optical trap operating on the 1S0 to 1P1 transition at 423 nm. For excited 1P1-atoms a weak decay channel into the triplet states 3P2 and 3P1 exists via the singlet 1D2 (n=3) state. The undesired 3P1-atoms decay back to the ground state within 0.4 ms and can be fully recaptured if the illuminated trap volume is sufficiently large. We obtain a flux of above 10^10 atoms/s into the 3P2-state. We find that our MOT life time of 23 ms is mainly limited by this loss channel and thus the 3P2-production is not hampered by inelasic collisions. If we close the loss channel by repumping the 1D2-atoms with a 671 nm laser back into the MOT cycling transition, a non-exponential 72 ms trap decay is observed indicating the presence of inelastic two-body collisions between 1S0 and 1P1 atoms.Comment: 4 pages incl. 3 figures, submitted to Applied Physics
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