164 research outputs found
Equations of motion, symmetry currents and EFT below the electroweak scale
The low-energy effective field theory is constructed by integrating out
Standard Model states with masses proximate to the electroweak scale. We report
the equations of motion for this theory, including corrections due to higher
dimensional operators up to mass dimension six. We construct the corresponding
symmetry currents, and discuss how the
symmetry, and global symmetries, are manifested when Standard Model states are
integrated out. Including contributions from higher dimensional operators to
the equations of motion modifies the interpretation of conserved currents. We
discuss the corrections to the electromagnetic current as an example, showing
how modifications to the equation of motion, and corresponding surface terms,
have a direct interpretation in terms of multipole charge distributions that
act to source gauge fields.Comment: 13 page
On interference and non-interference in the SMEFT
We discuss interference in the limit in the
Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT). Dimension six operators that
contribute to scattering events can experience a suppression of interference effects
with the Standard Model in this limit. This occurs for subsets of phase space
in some helicity configurations. We show that approximating these scattering
events by on-shell scattering results for intermediate
unstable gauge bosons, and using the narrow width approximation, can miss
interference terms present in the full phase space. Such interference terms can
be uncovered using off-shell calculations as we explicitly show and calculate.
We also study the commutation relation between the SMEFT expansion and the
narrow width approximation, and discuss some phenomenological implications of
these results.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures. Updated to published JHEP versio
Scattering Equations and Factorization of Amplitudes II: Effective Field Theories
We continue the program of extending the scattering equation framework by
Cachazo, He and Yuan to a double-cover prescription. We discuss how to apply
the double-cover formalism to effective field theories, with a special focus on
the non-linear sigma model. A defining characteristic of the double-cover
formulation is the emergence of new factorization relations. We present several
factorization relations, along with a novel recursion relation. Using the
recursion relation and a new prescription for the integrand, any non-linear
sigma model amplitude can be expressed in terms of off-shell three-point
amplitudes. The resulting expression is purely algebraic, and we do not have to
solve any scattering equation. We also discuss soft limits, boundary terms in
BCFW recursion, and application of the double-cover prescription to other
effective field theories, like the special Galileon theory.Comment: 39+14 page
Gauge fixing the Standard Model Effective Field Theory
We gauge fix the Standard Model Effective Field Theory in a manner invariant
under background field gauge transformations using a geometric description of
the field connections.Comment: 4 pages. Accepted in PR
Baryon number, lepton number, and operator dimension in the SMEFT with flavor symmetries
For a large set of flavor symmetries, the lowest-dimensional baryon- or
lepton-number violating operators in the Standard Model effective field theory
(SMEFT) with flavor symmetry are of mass dimension 9. As a consequence, baryon-
and lepton-number violating processes are further suppressed with the
introduction of flavor symmetries, e.g., the allowed scale associated with
proton decay is typically lowered to GeV, which is significantly lower
than the GUT scale. To illustrate these features, we discuss Minimal Flavor
Violation for the Standard Model augmented by sterile neutrinos.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure
The double copy for heavy particles
We show how to double-copy Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET) to Heavy Black
Hole Effective Theory (HBET) for spin . In particular, the double copy
of spin- HQET with scalar QCD produces spin- HBET, while the double copy
of spin-1/2 HQET with itself gives spin-1 HBET. Finally, we present novel
all-order-in-mass Lagrangians for spin-1 heavy particles.Comment: 6 page
Tidal effects in quantum field theory
We apply the Hilbert series to extend the gravitational action for a scalar
field to a complete, non-redundant basis of higher-dimensional operators that
is quadratic in the scalars and the Weyl tensor. Such an extension of the
action fully describes tidal effects arising from operators involving two
powers of the curvature. As an application of this new action, we compute all
spinless tidal effects at the leading post-Minkowskian order. This computation
is greatly simplified by appealing to the heavy limit, where only a severely
constrained set of operators can contribute classically at the one-loop level.
Finally, we use this amplitude to derive the tidal
corrections to the Hamiltonian and the scattering angle.Comment: 13 pages + appendices, 1 figure. v2: corrected typo in EM amplitud
Ward identities for the standard model effective field theory
We derive Ward identities for the Standard Model Effective Field Theory using
the background field method. The resulting symmetry constraints on the Standard
Model Effective Field Theory are basis independent, and constrain the
perturbative and power-counting expansions. A geometric description of the
field connections, and real representations for the
generators, underlies the derivation.Comment: 6 page
On-shell heavy particle effective theories
We introduce on-shell variables for Heavy Particle Effective Theories (HPETs)
with the goal of extending Heavy Black Hole Effective Theory to higher spins
and of facilitating its application to higher post-Minkowskian orders. These
variables inherit the separation of spinless and spin-inclusive effects from
the HPET fields, resulting in an explicit spin-multipole expansion of the
three-point amplitude for any spin. By matching amplitudes expressed using the
on-shell HPET variables to those derived from the one-particle effective
action, we find that the spin-multipole expansion of a heavy spin- particle
corresponds exactly to the multipole expansion (up to order ) of a Kerr
black hole, that is, without needing to take the infinite spin limit. Finally,
we show that tree-level radiative processes with same-helicity bosons emitted
from a heavy spin- particle exhibit a spin-multipole universality.Comment: 28 pages + appendice
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