11 research outputs found

    ViPIOS: The Vienna Parallel Input/Output System

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    . In this paper we present the Vienna Parallel Input Output System (ViPIOS), a novel approach to enhance the I/O performance of high performance applications. It is a client-server based tool combining capabilities found in parallel I/O runtime libraries and parallel file systems. 1 Introduction In the last few years the applications in high performance computing (Grand Challenges [1]) shifted from being CPU-bound to be I/O-bound. Performance can not be scaled up by increasing the number of CPUs any more, but by increasing the bandwidth of the I/O subsystem. This situation is commonly known as the I/O bottleneck in high performance computing ([5]) In reaction all leading hardware vendors of multiprocessor systems provided powerful concurrent I/O subsystems. In accordance researchers focused on the design of appropriate programming tools to take advantage of the available hardware resources. 1.1 The ViPIOS approach Conventionally two different directions in developing programming supp..

    Mediators in the Architecture of Grid Information Systems

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    Across a wide variety of fields, huge datasets are being collected and accumulated at a dramatical pace. The datasets addressed by individual applications are very often heterogeneous and geographically distributed. In this paper, we describe our extensions and improvements to the reference implementation of the OGSA-DAI Grid Data Service prototype, an infrastructure that allows remote access to Grid databases, in order to provide a Virtual Data Source -- a clean abstraction of heterogeneous /distributed data for users and applications. By picturing general applicable access scenarios, we are showing the great need for such a Grid data mediation service as well as the compliance with important requirements of virtual data sources

    Business In the Grid: Project Results ∗

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    Abstract. In 2004 we have launched the Business In the Grid (BIG) project to, firstly, make business aware of Grid technology and, secondly, try to explore new business models. Personal interviews and an online survey were done to gain dissemination of Grid computing and collect information about the possibilities and challenges of business in the Grid. In this paper we present the preliminary results of the project and an outlook on business-adaptations of the Grid. 1