165 research outputs found

    Attractive Optical Forces from Blackbody Radiation

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    Blackbody radiation around hot objects induces ac Stark shifts of the energy levels of nearby atoms and molecules. These shifts are roughly proportional to the fourth power of the temperature and induce a force decaying with the third power of the distance from the object. We explicitly calculate the resulting attractive blackbody optical dipole force for ground state hydrogen atoms. Surprisingly, this force can surpass the repulsive radiation pressure and actually pull the atoms against the radiation energy flow towards the surface with a force stronger than gravity. We exemplify the dominance of the "blackbody force" over gravity for hydrogen in a cloud of hot dust particles. This overlooked force appears relevant in various astrophysical scenarios, in particular, since analogous results hold for a wide class of other broadband radiation sources

    Self-organised Limit-Cycles, Chaos and Phase-Slippage with a Superfluid inside an Optical Resonator

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    We study dynamical phases of a driven Bose-Einstein condensate coupled to the light field of a high-Q optical cavity. For high field seeking atoms at red detuning the system is known to show a transition from a spatially homogeneous steady-state to a self-organized regular lattice exhibiting super-radiant scattering into the cavity. For blue atom pump detuning the particles are repelled from the maxima of the light-induced optical potential suppressing scattering. We show that this generates a new dynamical instability of the self-ordered phase, leading to the appearance of self-ordered stable limit-cycles characterized by large amplitude self-sustained oscillations of both the condensate density and cavity field. The limit-cycles evolve into chaotic behavior by period doubling. Large amplitude oscillations of the condensate are accompanied by phase-slippage through soliton nucleation at a rate which increases by orders of magnitude in the chaotic regime. Different from a superfluid in a closed setup, this driven dissipative superfluid is not destroyed by the proliferation of solitons since kinetic energy is removed through cavity losses.Comment: 4 figure

    An atom-photon pair laser

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    We study the quantum dynamics of an ultracold atomic gas in a deep optical lattice within an optical high-QQ resonator. The atoms are coherently illuminated with the cavity resonance tuned to a blue vibrational sideband, so that photon scattering to the resonator mode is accompanied by vibrational cooling of the atoms. This system exhibits a threshold above which pairwise stimulated generation of a cavity photon and an atom in the lowest vibrational band dominates spontaneous scattering and we find a combination of optical lasing with a buildup of a macroscopic population in the lowest lattice band. Including output coupling of ground-state atoms and replenishing of hot atoms into the cavity volume leads to a coherent, quantum correlated atom-photon pair source very analogous to twin light beam generation in a nondegenerate optical parametric oscillator.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Collective Enhancement and Suppression of Excitation Decay in Optical Lattices

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    We calculate radiative lifetimes of collective electronic excitations of atoms in an infinite one dimensional lattice. The translational symmetry along the lattice restricts the photon wave vector component parallel to the lattice to the exciton wave number and thus the possible emission directions. The resulting radiation damping rate and emission pattern of the exciton strongly deviates from independent atom. For some wave numbers and polarizations the excitons superradiantly decay very fast, while other excitons show zero radiation damping rate and form propagating meta-stable excitations. Such states could be directly coupled via tailored evanescent fields from a nearby fiber.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure
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