1,372 research outputs found

    Entwicklung der Flächenbelegung von Ernährungsgütern tierischen Ursprungs im Zeitraum 2000-2013

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    Die Ressource „Land“ ist einer zunehmenden Nutzungskonkurrenz durch einen steigenden Bedarf an Anbaufläche für Ernährungszwecke und für Energiepflanzen ausgesetzt. In dem Beitrag werden die Ergebnisse von Berechnungen der Umweltökonomischen Gesamtrechnungen zur Flächennutzung durch die inländische Erzeugung und den Verbrauch von Ernährungsgütern tierischen Ursprungs aufgezeigt. Knapp 60 % der landwirtschaftlichen Nutzfläche im Inland (2013: 9,9 Mio. ha) werden zum Anbau von Futtermitteln genutzt. Ein großer Teil davon – 40 % – entfällt allein auf die Herstellung von exportierten Ernährungsgütern tierischen Ursprungs. Vermehrt werden Futtermittel und Ernährungsgüter tierischen Ursprungs importiert, um den Bedarf an Futtermitteln der inländischen Tierhaltung und den Inlandsverbrauch von Ernährungsgütern abzudecken. Die gesamte Fläche für den Inlandsverbrauch betrug im Jahr 2013 12,2 Mio. ha und überstieg damit die Fläche, die im Inland für den Futtermittelanbau zur Verfügung stand

    Euro-currency market as recycling medium

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    The Impact of Exchange Rate Changes Between Key Currencies on the Debt Service Burden of Developing Countries

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    This paper focuses mainly on the impact of exchange rate changes in key currencies on the external debt of developing countries. It presents a systematic way of analysing the impact of a strongly depreciating U.S. dollar vis-a-vis other major currencies on the external debt of developing countries.

    Effects of street design on outdoor thermal comfort

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    The paper deals with the dependence of outdoor thermal comfort on street design with emphasis on summer conditions in hot and dry climate. The effects of the height-to-width ratio (H/W) and street orientation, the asymmetry of the vertical profile, the use of galleries, overhanging facades, as well as the use of rows of trees were investigated. The study was conducted by means of the three dimensional model ENVI-met, which simulates the microclimatic changes within urban environments in a high spatial and temporal resolution. Thermal comfort is assessed by means of the physiologically equivalent temperature PET. The results reveal that the vertical profile and orientation of the urban canyon have a decisive impact on the human thermal sensation at street level, as well as all other design details studied. This is mostly because affecting the sun exposure and so the heat gained by a human body. Shading appeared as the most important condition of comfort in the summertime, which can be reached by an appropriate combination of all those urban design describers

    Molecular Methods Used for the Identification of Potentially Probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri Strains

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    Forty potentially probiotic Lactobacillus strains as well as reference strains of different genera were grown under standardised conditions. Cell masses were harvested and DNA was isolated. For identification, all strains were subjected to genus-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and the affiliation with the genus Lactobacillus was confirmed for all isolates. Using two species-specific primer-pairs for Lactobacillus reuteri, specific amplicons were observed for eight of the forty investigated strains. For differentiation, these eight strains as well as the reference strains of the species L. reuteri and closely related species were subjected to randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR using fourteen arbitrary primers. Two selected strains as well as probiotic and common reference strains were further investigated applying pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). With the latter two methods, individual profiles were found for most strains, but no difference between probiotic and common strains could be made out

    Performance ManagementWork

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