53 research outputs found

    A Christian Psychologist\u27s Take on Parenting in a Tech-Driven World

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    Technology is changing faster than any of us can comprehend or adapt to, and we must keep on the lookout for good research to support our decisions in coping with it. Posting about adapting to a digital world from In All Things - an online journal for critical reflection on faith, culture, art, and every ordinary-yet-graced square inch of God’s creation. https://inallthings.org/a-psychology-professors-take-on-parenting-in-a-tech-driven-world

    Plate Spinning Everyday: A Review of Power Women

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    There are ways to live so that the tensions between your callings will not snap the connection. Posting about ­­­­­­­­the book Power Women from In All Things - an online journal for critical reflection on faith, culture, art, and every ordinary-yet-graced square inch of God’s creation. https://inallthings.org/plate-spinning-everyday-a-review-of-power-women

    Health, More than a Biological Issue: Talking About Holistic Health

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    As a society, we often ignore psychological, social, and spiritual health, focusing on the much more objective biological health. Doing so is a disfavor to ourselves, because humans encompass all four aspects. Posting about ­­­­­­­­health for the whole person from In All Things - an online journal for critical reflection on faith, culture, art, and every ordinary-yet-graced square inch of God’s creation. https://inallthings.org/health-more-than-a-biological-issue-talking-about-holistic-health

    Social Media Around the Table

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    Social Media Around the Table

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    Social media and smart phones will probably affect your next social interaction—especially social gatherings of many people. Posting about being present with loved ones during the holidays from In All Things - an online journal for critical reflection on faith, culture, art, and every ordinary-yet-graced square inch of God’s creation. https://inallthings.org/social-media-around-the-table

    Green Space

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    Our time spent looking at, experiencing, and engaging with nature improves our lives. Posting about ­­­­­­­­the psychological benefits of time spent outdoors from In All Things - an online hub committed to the claim that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ has implications for the entire world. http://inallthings.org/green-space

    Parenting in the Moment

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    Family time is important to both of us, but a predictable schedule of when it will occur is simply not always possible. Posting about making adjustments in family life from In All Things - an online hub committed to the claim that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ has implications for the entire world. http://inallthings.org/parenting-in-the-moment

    Where Do All the Questions Go?

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    There are a variety of explanations for why children ask questions and why they stop, as well as how our culture as a whole is doing at asking questions. Posting about childrens\u27 attempts to understand the world around them from In All Things - an online journal for critical reflection on faith, culture, art, and every ordinary-yet-graced square inch of God’s creation. https://inallthings.org/where-do-all-the-questions-go

    Boys and Girls Being Boys and Girls

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    Are we responsible for the cultural and societal norms about gender that our children identify with, or are such things inevitable? Posting about the role of human developmental process in forming gender identity from In All Things - an online hub committed to the claim that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ has implications for the entire world. http://inallthings.org/boys-and-girls-being-boys-and-girls

    The Associations Between Self-Reported Exposure to the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster Zone and Mental Health Disorders in Ukraine

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    In 1986, Reactor 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant near Pripyat, Ukraine exploded, releasing highly-radioactive materials into the surrounding environment. Although the physical effects of the disaster have been well-documented, a limited amount of research has been conducted on association of the disaster with long-term, clinically-diagnosable mental health disorders. According to the diathesis–stress model, the stress of potential and unknown exposure to radioactive materials and the ensuing changes to ones life or environment due to the disaster might lead those with previous vulnerabilities to fall into a poor state of mental health. Previous studies of this disaster have found elevated symptoms of stress, substance abuse, anxiety, and depression in exposed populations, though often at a subclinical level.Materials and methodsWith data from The World Mental Health Composite International Diagnostic Interview, a cross-sectional large mental health survey conducted in Ukraine by the World Health Organization, the mental health of Ukrainians was modeled with multivariable logistic regression techniques to determine if any long-term mental health disorders were association with reporting having lived in the zone affected by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Common classes of psychiatric disorders were examined as well as self-report ratings of physical and mental health.ResultsReporting that one lived in the Chernobyl-affected disaster zone was associated with a higher rate of alcohol disorders among men and higher rates of intermittent explosive disorders among women in a prevalence model. Subjects who lived in the disaster zone also had lower ratings of personal physical and mental health when compared to controls. DiscussionStress resulting from disaster exposure, whether or not such exposure actually occurred or was merely feared, and ensuing changes in life circumstances is associated with increased rates of mental health disorders. Professionals assisting populations that are coping with the consequences of disaster should be aware of possible increases in psychiatric disorders as well as poorer perceptions regarding personal physical and mental health