210 research outputs found

    Bandit Online Optimization Over the Permutahedron

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    The permutahedron is the convex polytope with vertex set consisting of the vectors (π(1),,π(n))(\pi(1),\dots, \pi(n)) for all permutations (bijections) π\pi over {1,,n}\{1,\dots, n\}. We study a bandit game in which, at each step tt, an adversary chooses a hidden weight weight vector sts_t, a player chooses a vertex πt\pi_t of the permutahedron and suffers an observed loss of i=1nπ(i)st(i)\sum_{i=1}^n \pi(i) s_t(i). A previous algorithm CombBand of Cesa-Bianchi et al (2009) guarantees a regret of O(nTlogn)O(n\sqrt{T \log n}) for a time horizon of TT. Unfortunately, CombBand requires at each step an nn-by-nn matrix permanent approximation to within improved accuracy as TT grows, resulting in a total running time that is super linear in TT, making it impractical for large time horizons. We provide an algorithm of regret O(n3/2T)O(n^{3/2}\sqrt{T}) with total time complexity O(n3T)O(n^3T). The ideas are a combination of CombBand and a recent algorithm by Ailon (2013) for online optimization over the permutahedron in the full information setting. The technical core is a bound on the variance of the Plackett-Luce noisy sorting process's "pseudo loss". The bound is obtained by establishing positive semi-definiteness of a family of 3-by-3 matrices generated from rational functions of exponentials of 3 parameters

    Leading strategies in competitive on-line prediction

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    We start from a simple asymptotic result for the problem of on-line regression with the quadratic loss function: the class of continuous limited-memory prediction strategies admits a "leading prediction strategy", which not only asymptotically performs at least as well as any continuous limited-memory strategy but also satisfies the property that the excess loss of any continuous limited-memory strategy is determined by how closely it imitates the leading strategy. More specifically, for any class of prediction strategies constituting a reproducing kernel Hilbert space we construct a leading strategy, in the sense that the loss of any prediction strategy whose norm is not too large is determined by how closely it imitates the leading strategy. This result is extended to the loss functions given by Bregman divergences and by strictly proper scoring rules.Comment: 20 pages; a conference version is to appear in the ALT'2006 proceeding

    Optimal dynamic portfolio selection with earnings-at-risk

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    In this paper we investigate a continuous-time portfolio selection problem. Instead of using the classical variance as usual, we use earnings-at-risk (EaR) of terminal wealth as a measure of risk. In the settings of Black-Scholes type financial markets and constantly-rebalanced portfolio (CRP) investment strategies, we obtain closed-form expressions for the best CRP investment strategy and the efficient frontier of the mean-EaR problem, and compare our mean-EaR analysis to the classical mean-variance analysis and to the mean-CaR (capital-at-risk) analysis. We also examine some economic implications arising from using the mean-EaR model. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.postprin