21 research outputs found

    Effect of single intralesional treatment of surgically induced equine superficial digital flexor tendon core lesions with adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells: a controlled experimental trial

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    Background: Adipose tissue is a promising source of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) for the treatment of tendon disease. The goal of this study was to assess the effect of a single intralesional implantation of adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (AT-MSCs) on artificial lesions in equine superficial digital flexor tendons (SDFTs). Methods: During this randomized, controlled, blinded experimental study, either autologous cultured AT-MSCs suspended in autologous inactivated serum (AT-MSC-serum) or autologous inactivated serum (serum) were injected intralesionally 2 weeks after surgical creation of centrally located SDFT lesions in both forelimbs of nine horses. Healing was assessed clinically and with ultrasound (standard B-mode and ultrasound tissue characterization) at regular intervals over 24 weeks. After euthanasia of the horses the SDFTs were examined histologically, biochemically and by means of biomechanical testing. Results: AT-MSC implantation did not substantially influence clinical and ultrasonographic parameters. Histology, biochemical and biomechanical characteristics of the repair tissue did not differ significantly between treatment modalities after 24 weeks. Compared with macroscopically normal tendon tissue, the content of the mature collagen crosslink hydroxylysylpyridinoline did not differ after AT-MSC-serum treatment (p = 0.074) while it was significantly lower (p = 0.027) in lesions treated with serum alone. Stress at failure (p = 0.048) and the modulus of elasticity (p = 0.001) were significantly lower after AT-MSC-serum treatment than in normal tendon tissue. Conclusions: The effect of a single intralesional injection of cultured AT-MSCs suspended in autologous inactivated serum was not superior to treatment of surgically created SDFT lesions with autologous inactivated serum alone in a surgical model of tendinopathy over an observation period of 22 weeks. AT-MSC treatment might have a positive influence on collagen crosslinking of remodelling scar tissue. Controlled long-term studies including naturally occurring tendinopathies are necessary to verify the effects of AT-MSCs on tendon disease

    Local and systemic effect of transfection-reagent formulated DNA vectors on equine melanoma

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    Background Equine melanoma has a high incidence in grey horses. Xenogenic DNA vaccination may represent a promising therapeutic approach against equine melanoma as it successfully induced an immunological response in other species suffering from melanoma and in healthy horses. In a clinical study, twenty- seven, grey, melanoma-bearing, horses were assigned to three groups (n = 9) and vaccinated on days 1, 22, and 78 with DNA vectors encoding for equine (eq) IL-12 and IL-18 alone or in combination with either human glycoprotein (hgp) 100 or human tyrosinase (htyr). Horses were vaccinated intramuscularly, and one selected melanoma was locally treated by intradermal peritumoral injection. Prior to each injection and on day 120, the sizes of up to nine melanoma lesions per horse were measured by caliper and ultrasound. Specific serum antibodies against hgp100 and htyr were measured using cell based flow- cytometric assays. An Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for repeated measurements was performed to identify statistically significant influences on the relative tumor volume. For post-hoc testing a Tukey-Kramer Multiple-Comparison Test was performed to compare the relative volumes on the different examination days. An ANOVA for repeated measurements was performed to analyse changes in body temperature over time. A one-way ANOVA was used to evaluate differences in body temperature between the groups. A p–value < 0.05 was considered significant for all statistical tests applied. Results In all groups, the relative tumor volume decreased significantly to 79.1 ± 26.91% by day 120 (p < 0.0001, Tukey-Kramer Multiple-Comparison Test). Affiliation to treatment group, local treatment and examination modality had no significant influence on the results (ANOVA for repeated measurements). Neither a cellular nor a humoral immune response directed against htyr or hgp100 was detected. Horses had an increased body temperature on the day after vaccination. Conclusions This is the first clinical report on a systemic effect against equine melanoma following treatment with DNA vectors encoding eqIL12 and eqIL18 and formulated with a transfection reagent. Addition of DNA vectors encoding hgp100 respectively htyr did not potentiate this effect

    Araberfohlen mit Lahmheit der Hintergliedmaße

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    13-jährige Vollblutstute mit Umfangsvermehrung im Angesicht

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    Shetlandpony mit Lahmheit der Hintergliedmaße

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    Intermittierende Schlundverstopfung bei einem Fohlen

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    High‐field (3 Tesla) MRI of the navicular apparatus of sound horses shows good agreement to histopathology

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    Magnetic resonance imaging and the correlation to histopathological findings of the equine palmar foot of lame horses have been described previously, using 0.27 and 1.5 T systems. Compared to these, 3 T systems provide superior spatial resolution and imaging contrast. The aim of our prospective anatomic study was to characterize the imaging anatomy of the navicular region on 3 T MRI in comparison to histopathological findings. We hypothesized that 3 T MRI allows a good visualization of the entire navicular apparatus and reliable measurements of navicular cartilage and cortical bone thickness. Twenty front feet of sound horses were examined using a 3 T MRI system. For histopathological examination, sagittal tissue sections of the navicular bones and adjacent ligaments were prepared. Alterations in magnetic resonance signal were graded for each region and compared to corresponding histological slices. Overall, there was good visualization of the anatomical detail and a very good agreement between MRI and histology for compact bone and spongiosa, good agreement for the fibrocartilage and the distal sesamoidean impar ligament, but only moderate agreement for the hyaline cartilage and the collateral sesamoidean ligament. A comparative measurement of cartilage and cortical bone thickness on magnetic resonance images and histological sections was performed. In MRI, the hyaline cartilage of the articular surface appeared significantly thinner and the fibrocartilage of the flexor surface appeared significantly thicker compared to histology. Findings indicated that MRI at a field strength of 3 T allows reliable depiction of anatomic details of the navicular apparatus

    Impact of Different Diagnostic Procedures on Diagnosis, Therapy, and Outcome in Horses with Headshaking: Recommendations for Fast-Track Advanced Diagnostic and Therapeutic Protocols

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    Most horses affected by headshaking (HS) are diagnosed with idiopathic trigeminal-mediated headshaking (i-TMHS) when no underlying disease is found. Diagnosis is made by the exclusion of differentials considering history, clinical signs, and diagnostic investigations. Therefore, in horses presented with headshaking, many diagnostic procedures and therapies are conducted. Retrospectively, the digital patient records of 240 horses with HS were analysed regarding the impact of diagnostic procedures on diagnosis, therapy, and outcome. Horses were extensively examined using a standardised protocol including clinical (ophthalmologic, orthopaedic, neurologic, dental) examination, blood analysis, and imaging techniques (endoscopy, radiographs, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging). Many findings were revealed but were of clinical relevance in only 6% of the horses. These horses were, therefore, diagnosed with secondary headshaking (s-HS). In addition, all of these horses demonstrated a positive outcome. The CT of the head revealed 9/10 of the clinically relevant findings. Other diagnostic procedures had no major additional impact. Conclusively, the diagnostic investigation of horses with HS should aim at differentiating i-TMHS from s-HS. The clinical relevance of findings should be verified through diagnostic anaesthesia or targeted therapy depending on risks, invasiveness, and expected benefits. To reduce the multitude of examinations, diagnostic investigations should focus on the CT of the head in those horses with suspicion of i-TMHS based on typical history, clinical signs, and physical examination

    Comparison of computed tomography and high-field (3.0 T) magnetic resonance imaging of age-related variances in selected equine maxillary cheek teeth and adjacent tissues

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    Abstract Background Modern imaging techniques such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have the advantage of producing images without superimposition. Whilst CT is a well-established technique for dental diagnostics, MRI examinations are rarely used for the evaluation of dental diseases in horses. Regarding equine endodontic therapies which are increasingly implemented, MRI could help to portray changes of the periodontal ligament and display gross pulpar anatomy. Knowledge of age-related changes is essential for diagnosis, as cheek teeth and surrounding structures alter with increasing age. The aim of the present study was to highlight the advantages of CT and MRI regarding age-related changes in selected equine cheek teeth and their adjacent structures. Results The CT and MRI appearances of the maxillary 08 s and 09 s and adjacent structures were described by evaluation of post-mortem examinations of nine horses of different ages (Group A: <6 years, B: 6–15 years, C: ≥16 years). Most of the tissues selected were imaged accurately with MRI and CT. Magnetic resonance imaging gives an excellent depiction of soft endo- and periodontal units, and CT of hard dental and bony tissues. Negative correlation between dental age and pulpar sizes was found: 71.3% of the changes in pulp dimensions can be explained by teeth aging. Pulpar sizes ranged from 14.3 to 1.3 mm and were significantly smaller in older horses (p < 0.05). A common pulp chamber was present in 33% of the teeth with a mean dental age of 2.25 years. Ninety-four percent of the 08 and 09 alveoli of all groups were in direct contact with the maxillary sinus. An age-related regression was found (R2 = 0.88) for the distance between alveoli and the infraorbital canal. Conclusions The present study provides information about the dental and periodontal age-related morphology and its visibility using different imaging techniques. These results aid in evaluating diagnostic images and in deciding which is the superior imaging modality for clinical cases