34 research outputs found

    Contrasting cumulative risk and multiple individual risk models of the relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and adult health outcomes

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    BACKGROUND: A very large body of research documents relationships between self-reported Adverse Childhood Experiences (srACEs) and adult health outcomes. Despite multiple assessment tools that use the same or similar questions, there is a great deal of inconsistency in the operationalization of self-reported childhood adversity for use as a predictor variable. Alternative conceptual models are rarely used and very limited evidence directly contrasts conceptual models to each other. Also, while a cumulative numeric \u27ACE Score\u27 is normative, there are differences in the way it is calculated and used in statistical models. We investigated differences in model fit and performance between the cumulative ACE Score and a \u27multiple individual risk\u27 (MIR) model that enters individual ACE events together into prediction models. We also investigated differences that arise from the use of different strategies for coding and calculating the ACE Score. METHODS: We merged the 2011-2012 BRFSS data (N = 56,640) and analyzed 3 outcomes. We compared descriptive model fit metrics and used Vuong\u27s test for model selection to arrive at best fit models using the cumulative ACE Score (as both a continuous or categorical variable) and the MIR model, and then statistically compared the best fit models to each other. RESULTS: The multiple individual risk model was a better fit than the categorical ACE Score for the \u27lifetime history of depression\u27 outcome. For the outcomes of obesity and cardiac disease, the cumulative risk and multiple individual risks models were of comparable fit, but yield different and complementary inferences. CONCLUSIONS: Additional information-rich inferences about ACE-health relationships can be obtained from including a multiple individual risk modeling strategy. Results suggest that investigators working with large srACEs data sources could empirically derive the number of items, as well as the exposure coding strategy, that are a best fit for the outcome under study. A multiple individual risk model could also be considered in addition to the cumulative risk model, potentially in place of estimation of unadjusted ACE-outcome relationships

    Impact of Periodic Follow-Up Testing Among Urban American Indian Women With Impaired Fasting Glucose

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    of periodic follow-up testing among urban American Indian women with impaired fasting glucose. Prev Chronic Di

    Process evaluation in a multisite, primary obesity-prevention trial in American Indian schoolchildren

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    We describe the development, implementation, and use of the process evaluation component of a multisite, primary obesity prevention trial for American Indian schoolchildren. We describe the development and pilot testing of the instruments, provide some examples of the criteria for instrument selection, and provide examples of how process evaluation results were used to document and refine intervention components. The theoretical and applied framework of the process evaluation was based on diffusion theory, social learning theory, and the desire for triangulation of multiple modes of data collection. The primary objectives of the process evaluation were to systematically document the training process, content, and implementation of 4 components of the intervention. The process evaluation was developed and implemented collaboratively so that it met the needs of both the evaluators and those who would be implementing the intervention components. Process evaluation results revealed that observation and structured interviews provided the most informative data; however, these methods were the most expensive and time consuming and required the highest level of skill to undertake. Although the literature is full of idealism regarding the uses of process evaluation for formative and summative purposes, in reality, many persons are sensitive to having their work evaluated in such an in-depth, context-based manner as is described. For this reason, use of structured, quantitative, highly objective tools may be more effective than qualitative methods, which appear to be more dependent on the skills and biases of the researcher and the context in which they are used

    Pathways: a culturally appropriate obesity-prevention program for American Indian schoolchildren

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    Pathways, a culturally appropriate obesity prevention study for third-, fourth-, and fifth-grade American Indian schoolchildren includes an intervention that promotes increased physical activity and healthful eating behaviors. The Pathways intervention, developed through a collaboration of universities and American Indian nations, schools, and families, focuses on individual, behavioral, and environmental factors and merges constructs from social learning theory with American Indian customs and practices. We describe the Pathways program developed during 3 y of feasibility testing in American Indian schools, with special emphasis on the activities developed for the third grade; review the theoretical and cultural underpinnings of the program; outline the construction process of the intervention; detail the curriculum and physical education components of the intervention; and summarize the formative assessment and the school food service and family components of the intervention

    Clinical and Translational Scientist Career Success: Metrics for Evaluation

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    Despite the increased emphasis on formal training in clinical and translational research and the growth in the number and scope of training programs over the past decade, the impact of training on research productivity and career success has yet to be fully evaluated at the institutional level. In this article, the Education Evaluation Working Group of the Clinical and Translational Science Award Consortium introduces selected metrics and methods associated with the assessment of key factors that affect research career success. The goals in providing this information are to encourage more consistent data collection across training sites, to foster more rigorous and systematic exploration of factors associated with career success, and to help address previously identified difficulties in program evaluation

    Malaria chemoprophylaxis compliance in pregnant women: A cost-effectiveness analysis of alternative interventions

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    Compliance to malaria chemoprophylaxis among pregnant women in Malawi has historically been low. Three separate interventions, based upon an ethnographic study of malaria beliefs among pregnant women in Malawi, were introduced to increase compliance to the malaria chemoprophylaxis program provided by the Ministry of Health. Each intervention consisted of a health education message and an antimalarial drug. A cost-effectiveness analysis of the interventions was conducted to compare the interventions as alternative strategies to increase compliance among pregnant women.malaria cost-effectiveness compliance health education