4 research outputs found

    DuPontTM Debut®DuoActive (DPX-R3D76): Ein neues Produkt für optimierte Herbizidprogramme in Rüben

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    DuPontTM Debut®DuoActive (Triflusulfuron-methyl 71 g/kg, Lenacil 714 g/kg) ist ein neues Herbizid zur Kontrolle dikotyler Unkräuter in Zucker- und Futterrüben. Mit der Kombination eines blatt- mit einem bodenaktiven Wirkstoff werden sowohl typische Leitunkräuter als auch schwierig kontrollierbare Unkräuter wie z.B. Ausfallraps (Brassica napus), Knötericharten (Polygonum ssp.), Hundspetersilie (Aethusa cynapium) und Klettenlabkraut (Galium aparine) erfolgreich kontrolliert. Debut®DuoActive ist ein ausgezeichneter Partner für Standardtankmischungen auf Basis von Phen/-Desmedipham, Ethofumesat und Metamitron. Eingebunden in ein Herbizidprogramm hilft Debut®DuoActive die Effizienz von Standardmischungen deutlich zu verbessern und die Notwendigkeit von Nachbehandlungen zu vermindern. Beantragt ist die Anwendung in der Futter- und Zuckerrübe (BBCH 10 - 39) mit einer Aufwandmenge von 210 g/ha (+ 0,1 % (v/v) DuPontTM Trend®).DuPontTM Debut®DuoActive (DPX-R3D76): A new product for optimized herbicide programs in beetsDuPontTM Debut®DuoActive (triflusulfuron-methyl 71 g/kg, Lenacil 714 g/kg) is a new herbicide for the control of broadleaf weeds in fodder and sugar beets. The combination of a leave with a soil active ingredient controls successfully typical broadleaf weeds as well as hard to control weeds like volunteer oilseed rape (Brassica napus), knotweeds (Polygonum ssp.), fool's parsley (Aethusa cynapium) and cleavers (Galium aparine). Debut®DuoActive is an excellent partner for standard tankmixes based on the active ingredients Phen/-desmedipham, ethofumesate und metamitron. As part of a herbicide program Debut®DuoActive helps to improve significantly the efficiency of standard herbicide tankmixes and reduces the necessity of possible subsequent treatment. Registration is applied for use in fodder and sugar beet (BBCH 10-39) with a use rate of 210 g/ha (+ 0.1 % (v/v) DuPontTM Trend®)

    Staphylococcal Plasmids, Transposable and Integrative Elements

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    Strains of Staphylococcus aureus, and to a lesser extent other staphylococcal species, are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. An important factor in the notoriety of these organisms stems from their frequent resistance to many antimicrobial agents used for chemotherapy. This review catalogues the variety of mobile genetic elements that have been identified in staphylococci, with a primary focus on those associated with the recruitment and spread of antimicrobial resistance genes. These include plasmids, transposable elements such as insertion sequences and transposons, and integrative elements including ICE and SCC elements. In concert, these diverse entities facilitate the intra- and inter-cellular gene mobility that enables horizontal genetic exchange, and have also been found to play additional roles in modulating gene expression and genome rearrangement