401 research outputs found

    Expanding the Dimensions of Best Practice in CBL

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    Four community-based learning projects that differ across time to completion, discipline, and team are examples used in developing a framework of possible project models in which universities can engage with community partners. The case study method contextualizes this framework and produces suggestions for "best practice" when project goals change over time, and new partnerships develop, as project needs and priorities change. Authors discuss the political nature of working with various stakeholders and offer suggestions for successful project completion based on student, faculty, and community partner perspectives. The authors seek to expand the scope of what constitutes best practice in CBL

    The effect of community service learning on undergraduate persistence in three institutional contexts

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    This study explores the role of community service learning (CSL) in promoting undergraduate persistence relative to other experiences students have in college, their entering characteristics, and institutional features. By following the 2009 freshmen cohort at three Midwestern universities over three years, this study finds that students’ experiences while in college (CSL, full-time enrollment, and GPA) have a stronger effect on the likelihood of reenrollment than students’ entering characteristics (age, gender, and race). Our separate analyses for each institution allow us to consider how the differences between the three universities (student body composition, retention rate, CSL program) might lead CSL courses to play a particularly critical role in student persistence in certain types of universities

    Let us pick the organization: understanding adult student perceptions of service-learning practice

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    Service learning offers a pedagogy by which adult students are guided toward understanding their potential for leadership in civic life and community development, strengthening the impact that universities have in communities. In this study, qualitative data is analyzed to determine how adult students perceive their service-learning experiences and what the university could do to involve them more in the future. Respondents provide some evidence that they value opportunities to give back to communities where they have a connection; appreciate hands-on learning that is integrated with classroom learning; benefit from placement experiences that build upon prior knowledge and skills; and prefer greater choice in the selection of their service-learning placement. As the number of adult students entering higher education continues to rise and their retention remains a challenge, understanding how these students are engaged by service learning becomes an important area of exploration for post-secondary institution

    The effect of community service learning on undergraduate persistence in three institutional contexts.

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    This study explores the role of community service learning (CSL) in promoting undergraduate persistence relative to other experiences students have in college, their entering characteristics, and institutional features. By following the 2009 freshmen cohort at three Midwestern universities over three years, this study finds that students’ experiences while in college (CSL, full-time enrollment, and GPA) have a stronger effect on the likelihood of reenrollment than students’ entering characteristics (age, gender, and race). Our separate analyses for each institution allow us to consider how the differences between the three universities (student body composition, retention rate, CSL program) might lead CSL courses to play a particularly critical role in student persistence in certain types of universities

    Changes in the technological landscape over time : everyday technologies relevance and difficulty levels as perceived by older adults with and without cognitive impairment.

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    BACKGROUND: Everyday technology, ET (e.g. computers, TV's and vending machines) perceived as relevant and used in everyday activities change continuously. Not being able to keep up with these changes may hinder participation in activities. OBJECTIVE: To investigate stability and change in perceived relevance of ET, and in levels of perceived ET difficulty across two different occasions in time and between two similar samples of older adults with and without cognitive impairment. METHODS: Data of perceived relevance and difficulty in ET use in the samples (n= 157/118), collected with the Everyday Technology Use Questionnaire (ETUQ) was investigated. RESULTS: Thirty-three (70%) of the ETs in the ETUQ significantly increased in relevance, while the perceived levels of difficulty were statistically similar in 40/47 ETs (85%) across the two time occasions. CONCLUSIONS: The perceived relevance of ET among older adults with and without cognitive impairment was indicated to increase over time, but the levels of perceived levels of difficulty of ETs did not change as much. This knowledge could be used to support and facilitate ET use in the aging population, and in general to influence society's view of older people as active users of ET in activities at home and in public spaces.Swedish Brain PowerThe Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (FAS)The Health Care Sciences Postgraduate School,The regional agreement on medical training and clinical research between the Stockholm County Council and the Karolinska InstitutetManuscrip

    Exploring changing attitudes to non-invasive liver fibrosis tests in secondary care pathways: comparison of two national surveys

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    INTRODUCTION: The increasing availability of non-invasive tests (NITs) has created the opportunity to explore their use in improving risk stratification of advanced liver disease. The study aimed to determine the attitudes and practices among UK secondary care specialists, focusing primarily on attitudes to fibrosis assessment and the use of NITs. METHODS: Two web-based surveys were circulated, first between 2014 and 2015 (survey 1), and again in 2021 (survey 2). The surveys were promoted via the British Society of Gastroenterology, the British Association for the Study of the Liver and using Twitter. RESULTS: In survey 1, 215 healthcare professionals (HCPs) completed the online survey. 112 HCPs completed survey 2. 71 acute UK trusts were represented in survey 1 compared with 60 trusts in survey 2. Between the two surveys, the proportion of HCPs performing fibrosis assessment in all or nearly all cases rose from 45.1% to 74.1% (χ2=25.01; p<0.0001). 46.5% (n=33/71) respondents in acute services reported the use of NITs in clinical pathways in survey 1, rising to 70.0% (n=42/60) in survey 2 (χ2=7.35; p=0.007). Availability of tests has increased but is not universal. The proportion reporting availability as a barrier to uptake fell from 57.2% of responses in survey 1 to 38.4% in 2021 χ2=11.01; p=0.0009). CONCLUSION: Between 2014 and 2021, the role of NITs in fibrosis assessment has risen substantially, as has the proportion of clinicians using NITs in clinical pathways to assess risk of liver disease. Poor access to NITs remains the predominant barrier

    Does Screening in the Emergency Department Hurt or Help Victims of Intimate Partner Violence?

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    Study objective: Recent systematic reviews have noted a lack of evidence that screening for intimate partner violence does more good than harm. We assess whether patients screened for intimate partner violence on a computer kiosk in the emergency department (ED) experienced any adverse events during or subsequent to the ED visit and whether computer kiosk identification and referral of intimate partner violence in the ED setting resulted in safety behaviors or contact with referrals. Methods: We conducted a prospective, observational study in which a convenience sample of male and female ED patients triaged to the waiting room who screened positive (on a computer kiosk-based questionnaire) for intimate partner violence in the past year were provided with resources and information and invited to participate in a series of follow-up interviews. At 1-week and 3-month follow-up visits, we assessed intimate partner violence, safety issues, and use of resources. In addition, to obtain an objective measure of safety, we assessed the number of violence-related 911 calls to participant addresses within a call district 6 months before and 6 months after the index ED visit. Results: Of the 2,134 participants in a relationship in the last year, 548 (25.7%) screened positive for intimate partner violence. No safety issues, such as calling security or a partner’s interference with the screening, occurred during the ED visit for any patient who disclosed intimate partner violence. Of the 216 intimate partner violence victims interviewed in person and 65 contacted by telephone 1 week later, no intimate partner violence victims reported any injuries or increased intimate partner violence resulting from participating in the study. For the sample in the local police district, there was no increase in the number of intimate partner violence victims who called 911 in the 6 months after the ED visit. Finally, 35% (n131) reported they had contacted community resources during the 3-month follow-up period. Conclusion: Among patients screening positive for intimate partner violence, there were no identified adverse events related to screening, and many had contacted community resources

    More Than Provocative, Less Than Scientific: A Commentary on the Editorial Decision to Publish Cofnas (2020)

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    We are addressing this letter to the editors of Philosophical Psychology after reading an article they decided to publish in the recent vol. 33, issue 1. The article is by Nathan Cofnas and is entitled “Research on group differences in intelligence: A defense of free inquiry” (2020). The purpose of our letter is not to invite Cofnas’s contribution into a broader dialogue, but to respectfully voice our concerns about the decision to publish the manuscript, which, in our opinion, fails to meet a range of academic quality standards usually expected of academic publications
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