2,518 research outputs found

    Folate intake by women of child-bearing age: the impact of fortification

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    In 1994-95, 50 to 75 percent of men and 75 to 90 percent of women, depending on age, had usual intakes of folate below their folate requirement (Institute of Medicine, 1998). In 1998, folate fortification of enriched breads, breakfast cereals, pasta, rice, and flour became mandatory. This policy was established by the Food and Drug Administration to increase folate intake among women of child-bearing age and thereby to reduce the incidence of neural tube defects in newborns

    Replicating and Extending Our Understanding of How Managers Can Adjust the “Warm Glow Thermostat”

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    This article presents four studies that replicate and extend a recent article examining how guest participation in voluntary green programs (e.g., towel reuse) increases service satisfaction by evoking a “warm glow” response. Importantly for managers, we not only replicate across new hospitality and service contexts but also conceptualize alternative incentive paradigms, and test alternative mediators. In particular, we reconceptualize the “self-benefiting” versus “other-benefiting” incentive structure presented by Giebelhausen, Chun, Cronin, and Hult to consider “virtue,” “vice,” and “cash” incentives (i.e., three different types of self-benefiting incentives). The results provide managers with a better understanding of how they should promote and reward sustainable guest behavior. In addition to managerial implications, the present research also contributes to the academic literature on a growing phenomenon that has important implications for both business and society at large

    Sociodemographic, Knowledge and Attitudinal Factors Related to Meat Consumption in the U.S.

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    Objective To provide information about meat consumption and factors that explain differences among subpopulations, and to evaluate how knowledge and attitudes about nutrition and awareness of diet and health influence meat consumption. Design The 1994–1996 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals provided two nonconsecutive 24-hour recalls. The Diet and Health Knowledge Survey was administered at least 1 week after the last 24-hour recall. Meat subgroups (chicken, beef, pork, and processed pork products) were calculated from Food Guide Pyramid meat groups by using recipe ingredients. Subjects The study sample included 4,802 children and 9,460 adults from the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals and 5,649 adults from the Diet and Health Knowledge Survey. Statistics Weighted percentages and means described the food intake and self-assessed dietary characteristics. Relationships among types of meat intake, dietary characteristics, and demographics were evaluated using a two-stage, multivariate regression model. Results Individuals in higher income households consumed relatively more chicken; those in low-income households consumed more processed pork products. Those consuming no beef and smaller amounts of chicken had the lowest discretionary fat intakes. Beef and pork consumers were more likely to think that their diets were too high in fat, but less likely to believe it is important to eat a low-fat diet. Region of residence affected the probability of consuming most meats. Having a high level of education was associated with a lower likelihood of consuming beef and pork. Conclusions Sociodemographic factors are strong predictors of the probability of choosing particular types of meat and of the amounts eaten. Knowledge and attitudes about diet and meat products also influence choices

    Affective Forecasting and Self-Control: Why Anticipating Pride Wins Over Anticipating Shame in a Self-Regulation Context

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    We demonstrate that anticipating pride from resisting temptation facilitates self-control due to an enhanced focus on the self while anticipating shame from giving in to temptation results in self-control failure due to a focus on the tempting stimulus. In two studies we demonstrate the effects of anticipating pride (vs. shame) on self-control thoughts and behavior over time (Studies 1 and 2) and illustrate the process mechanism of self vs. stimulus focus underlying the differential influence of these emotions on self-control (Study 2). We present thought protocols, behavioral data (quantity consumed) and observational data (number/size of bites) to support our hypotheses

    The Warm Glow of Restaurant Checkout Charity

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    Checkout charity is a phenomenon whereby frontline employees (or self-service technologies) solicit charitable donations from customers during the payment process. Despite its growing ubiquity, little is known about this salient aspect of the service experience. The present research examines checkout charity in the context of fast-food restaurants and finds that, when customers donate, they experience a “warm glow” that mediates a relationship between donating and store repatronage. Study 1 utilizes three scenario-based experiments to explore the phenomenon across different charities and different participant populations using both self-selection and random assignment designs. Study 2 replicates with a field study. Study 3 examines national store–level sales data from a fast-food chain and finds that checkout fund-raising, as a percentage of sales, predicts store revenue—a finding consistent with results of Studies 1 and 2. Managers often infer, quite correctly, that many consumers do not like being asked to donate. Paradoxically, our results suggest this ostensibly negative experience can increase service repatronage. For academics, these results add to a growing body of literature refuting the notion that small prosocial acts affect behavior by altering an individual’s self-concept

    Faculty String Trio and Friends

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    Kennesaw State University School of Music presents: Faculty String Trio and Friends.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/1552/thumbnail.jp

    Transverse Growth of the Maxillo-Mandibular Complex in Untreated Children: A Longitudinal Cone Beam Computed Tomography Study

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the longitudinal transverse growth of the maxillo-mandibular complex in untreated children using the Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)Two sets of scans on 12 males (mean 8.75 years at T1 and 11.52 years at T2) and 18 females (mean 9.09 years at T1 and 10.80 years at T2) were analyzed using Dolphin 3D imaging. The transverse widths of various maxillary and mandibular skeletal landmarks and the dentoalveolar and dental landmarks at the level of first molars were measured. Overall, there were greater increases in the transverse dimension in the posterior than anterior portions of the maxilla and mandible. The increase in intergonial width of the mandible seems to be primarily due to the lengthening of the mandibular body. The dentoalveolar process at the first molar level increases at an equal rate corono-apically and is independent to the changes in molar inclination. When comparing maxillary dentoalveolar changes with that of the mandible, greater increases were noticed in the maxilla, which might be explained by the presence of sutural growth in the maxilla. Moreover, the first molars maintain their coordination with each other despite the differential increase in the maxillary and mandibular dentoalveolar processes. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Sagittal and Vertical Growth of the Maxillo–Mandibular Complex in Untreated Children: A Longitudinal Study on Lateral Cephalograms Derived from Cone Beam Computed Tomography

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    The aim of this longitudinal study was to evaluate the sagittal and vertical growth of the maxillo–mandibular complex in untreated children using orthogonal lateral cephalograms com-pressed from cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Two sets of scans, on 12 males (mean 8.75 years at T1, and 11.52 years at T2) and 18 females (mean 9.09 years at T1, and 10.80 years at T2), were analyzed using Dolphin 3D imaging. The displacements of the landmarks and rotations of both jaws relative to the cranial base were measured using the cranial base, and the maxillary and mandibular core lines. From T1 to T2, relative to the cranial base, the nasion, orbitale, A-point, and B-point moved anteriorly and inferiorly. The porion moved posteriorly and inferiorly. The ANB and mandibular plane angle decreased. All but one subject had forward rotation in reference to the cranial base. The maxillary and mandibular superimpositions showed no sagittal change on the A-point and B-point. The U6 and U1 erupted at 0.94 and 1.01 mm/year (males) and 0.82 and 0.95 mm/year (females), respectively. The L6 and L1 erupted at 0.66 and 0.88 mm/year (males), and at 0.41 mm/year for both the L6 and the L1 (females), respectively. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Faculty String Trio and Friends

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    Kennesaw State University School of Music presents: Faculty String Trio and Friends.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/1582/thumbnail.jp

    Qualitative Assessment of Digital Economy Implementation for Economic Recovery During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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    The digital economy in Yogyakarta, Indonesia assumed a pivotal part in keeping society working during the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic by empowering remote working, mechanizing measures, and encouraging contactless exchanges. The expanded utilization of digital technologies likewise carried society closer to building up a digital economy. The digital platforms used during COVID-19 can drive recovery and solidify future services. This study analyzes how Yogyakarta’s Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector faced difficult situations for the economy during the pandemic and how the government implemented the digital economy for MSMEs to recover the economy. This qualitative study uses in-depth online interviews for primary data and supporting books, journals, documents, and regulations to characterize the background. The research findings of this study report on the implementation of a digital economy to improve the economic situation. Specifically, the Yogyakarta government targeted bolstering MSMEs, focusing on online platform application development. Second, MSME owners and customers alike benefit from the platforms. Online, MSME owners can quickly sell their goods and customers may choose and buy goods. Third, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) users for MSMEs increased compared to the previous year and encompassed 70 percent of the total MSMEs. The research contribution can help to solve the problems faced by government, business and society by decreasing economic risk
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