28 research outputs found

    Transformer-based Subject Entity Detection in Wikipedia Listings

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    In tasks like question answering or text summarisation, it is essential to have background knowledge about the relevant entities. The information about entities - in particular, about long-tail or emerging entities - in publicly available knowledge graphs like DBpedia or CaLiGraph is far from complete. In this paper, we present an approach that exploits the semi-structured nature of listings (like enumerations and tables) to identify the main entities of the listing items (i.e., of entries and rows). These entities, which we call subject entities, can be used to increase the coverage of knowledge graphs. Our approach uses a transformer network to identify subject entities at the token-level and surpasses an existing approach in terms of performance while being bound by fewer limitations. Due to a flexible input format, it is applicable to any kind of listing and is, unlike prior work, not dependent on entity boundaries as input. We demonstrate our approach by applying it to the complete Wikipedia corpus and extracting 40 million mentions of subject entities with an estimated precision of 71% and recall of 77%. The results are incorporated in the most recent version of CaLiGraph.Comment: Published at Deep Learning for Knowledge Graphs workshop (DL4KG) at International Semantic Web Conference 2022 (ISWC 2022

    NASTyLinker: NIL-Aware Scalable Transformer-based Entity Linker

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    Entity Linking (EL) is the task of detecting mentions of entities in text and disambiguating them to a reference knowledge base. Most prevalent EL approaches assume that the reference knowledge base is complete. In practice, however, it is necessary to deal with the case of linking to an entity that is not contained in the knowledge base (NIL entity). Recent works have shown that, instead of focusing only on affinities between mentions and entities, considering inter-mention affinities can be used to represent NIL entities by producing clusters of mentions. At the same time, inter-mention affinities can help to substantially improve linking performance for known entities. With NASTyLinker, we introduce an EL approach that is aware of NIL entities and produces corresponding mention clusters while maintaining high linking performance for known entities. The approach clusters mentions and entities based on dense representations from Transformers and resolves conflicts (if more than one entity is assigned to a cluster) by computing transitive mention-entity affinities. We show the effectiveness and scalability of NASTyLinker on NILK, a dataset that is explicitly constructed to evaluate EL with respect to NIL entities. Further, we apply the presented approach to an actual EL task, namely to knowledge graph population by linking entities in Wikipedia listings, and provide an analysis of the outcome.Comment: Preprint of a paper in the research track of the 20th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC'23

    KGrEaT: A Framework to Evaluate Knowledge Graphs via Downstream Tasks

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    In recent years, countless research papers have addressed the topics of knowledge graph creation, extension, or completion in order to create knowledge graphs that are larger, more correct, or more diverse. This research is typically motivated by the argumentation that using such enhanced knowledge graphs to solve downstream tasks will improve performance. Nonetheless, this is hardly ever evaluated. Instead, the predominant evaluation metrics - aiming at correctness and completeness - are undoubtedly valuable but fail to capture the complete picture, i.e., how useful the created or enhanced knowledge graph actually is. Further, the accessibility of such a knowledge graph is rarely considered (e.g., whether it contains expressive labels, descriptions, and sufficient context information to link textual mentions to the entities of the knowledge graph). To better judge how well knowledge graphs perform on actual tasks, we present KGrEaT - a framework to estimate the quality of knowledge graphs via actual downstream tasks like classification, clustering, or recommendation. Instead of comparing different methods of processing knowledge graphs with respect to a single task, the purpose of KGrEaT is to compare various knowledge graphs as such by evaluating them on a fixed task setup. The framework takes a knowledge graph as input, automatically maps it to the datasets to be evaluated on, and computes performance metrics for the defined tasks. It is built in a modular way to be easily extendable with additional tasks and datasets.Comment: Accepted for the Short Paper track of CIKM'23, October 21-25, 2023, Birmingham, United Kingdo

    Information extraction from co-occurring similar entities

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    Knowledge about entities and their interrelations is a crucial factor of success for tasks like question answering or text summarization. Publicly available knowledge graphs like Wikidata or DBpedia are, however, far from being complete. In this paper, we explore how information extracted from similar entities that co-occur in structures like tables or lists can help to increase the coverage of such knowledge graphs. In contrast to existing approaches, we do not focus on relationships within a listing (e.g., between two entities in a table row) but on the relationship between a listing’s subject entities and the context of the listing. To that end, we propose a descriptive rule mining approach that uses distant supervision to derive rules for these relationships based on a listing’s context. Extracted from a suitable data corpus, the rules can be used to extend a knowledge graph with novel entities and assertions. In our experiments we demonstrate that the approach is able to extract up to 3M novel entities and 30M additional assertions from listings in Wikipedia. We find that the extracted information is of high quality and thus suitable to extend Wikipedia-based knowledge graphs like DBpedia, YAGO, and CaLiGraph. For the case of DBpedia, this would result in an increase of covered entities by roughly 50%

    The CaLiGraph ontology as a challenge for OWL reasoners

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    CaLiGraph is a large-scale cross-domain knowledge graph generated from Wikipedia by exploiting the category system, list pages, and other list structures in Wikipedia, containing more than 15 million typed entities and around 10 million relation assertions. Other than knowledge graphs such as DBpedia and YAGO, whose ontologies are comparably simplistic, CaLiGraph also has a rich ontology, comprising more than 200,000 class restrictions. Those two properties – a large A-box and a rich ontology – make it an interesting challenge for benchmarking reasoners. In this paper, we show that a reasoning task which is particularly relevant for CaLiGraph, i.e., the materialization of owl:hasValue constraints into assertions between individuals and between individuals and literals, is insufficiently supported by available reasoning systems. We provide differently sized benchmark subsets of CaLiGraph, which can be used for performance analysis of reasoning systems

    Language-agnostic relation extraction from abstracts in Wikis

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    Large-scale knowledge graphs, such as DBpedia, Wikidata, or YAGO, can be enhanced by relation extraction from text, using the data in the knowledge graph as training data, i.e., using distant supervision. While most existing approaches use language-specific methods (usually for English), we present a language-agnostic approach that exploits background knowledge from the graph instead of language-specific techniques and builds machine learning models only from language-independent features. We demonstrate the extraction of relations from Wikipedia abstracts, using the twelve largest language editions of Wikipedia. From those, we can extract 1.6 M new relations in DBpedia at a level of precision of 95%, using a RandomForest classifier trained only on language-independent features. We furthermore investigate the similarity of models for different languages and show an exemplary geographical breakdown of the information extracted. In a second series of experiments, we show how the approach can be transferred to DBkWik, a knowledge graph extracted from thousands of Wikis. We discuss the challenges and first results of extracting relations from a larger set of Wikis, using a less formalized knowledge graph