1,886 research outputs found

    Cosmological perturbations in massive gravity with doubly coupled matter

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    We investigate the cosmological perturbations around FLRW solutions to non- linear massive gravity with a new effective coupling to matter proposed recently. Unlike the case with minimal matter coupling, all five degrees of freedom in the gravity sector propagate on generic self-accelerating FLRW backgrounds. We study the stability of the cosmological solutions and put constraints on the parameters of the theory by demanding the correct sign for the kinetic terms for scalar, vector and tensor perturbations

    Dynamical F(R)F(R) gravities

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    It is offered that F(R)F(R)-modified gravities can be considered as nonperturbative quantum effects arising from Einstein gravity. It is assumed that nonperturbative quantum effects gives rise to the fact that the connection becomes incompatible with the metric, the metric factors and the square of the connection in Einstein - Hilbert Lagrangian have nonperturbative additions. In the simplest approximation both additions can be considered as functions of one scalar field. The scalar field can be excluded from the Lagrangian obtaining F(R)F(R)-gravity. The essence of quantum correction to the affine connection as a torsion is discussed.Comment: discussion on quantum corrections is adde

    On geometric relativistic foundations of matter field equations and plane wave solutions

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    In this paper, we start from the geometric relativistic foundations to define the basis upon which matter field theories are built, and their wave solutions are investigated, finding that they display repulsive interactions able to reproduce the exclusion principle in terms of its effects in a dynamical way, then discussing possible consequences and problems.Comment: 11 page

    Semiclassical Calculation of Multiparticle Scattering Cross Sections in Classicalizing Theories

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    It has been suggested in arXiv:1010.1415 that certain derivatively coupled non-renormalizable scalar field theories might restore the perturbative unitarity of high energy hard scatterings by classicalization, i.e. formation of multiparticle states of soft quanta. Here we apply the semiclassical method of calculating the multiparticle production rates to the scalar Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) theory which is suggested to classicalize. We find that the semiclassical method is applicable for the energies in the final state above the cutoff scale of the theory L_*^{-1}. We encounter that the cross section of the process two to N ceases to be exponentially suppressed for the particle number in the final state N smaller than a critical particle number N_{crit} ~ (E L_*)^{4/3}. It coincides with the typical particle number produced in two-particle collisions at high energies predicted by classicalization arguments.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, v2. Minor changes to match the published versio

    Measuring measurement--disturbance relationships with weak values

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    Using formal definitions for measurement precision {\epsilon} and disturbance (measurement backaction) {\eta}, Ozawa [Phys. Rev. A 67, 042105 (2003)] has shown that Heisenberg's claimed relation between these quantities is false in general. Here we show that the quantities introduced by Ozawa can be determined experimentally, using no prior knowledge of the measurement under investigation --- both quantities correspond to the root-mean-squared difference given by a weak-valued probability distribution. We propose a simple three-qubit experiment which would illustrate the failure of Heisenberg's measurement--disturbance relation, and the validity of an alternative relation proposed by Ozawa

    The Evolution of Universe with th B-I Type Phantom Scalar Field

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    We considered the phantom cosmology with a lagrangian L=1η[11+ηgμνϕ,μϕ,ν]u(ϕ)\displaystyle L=\frac{1}{\eta}[1-\sqrt{1+\eta g^{\mu\nu}\phi_{, \mu}\phi_{, \nu}}]-u(\phi), which is original from the nonlinear Born-Infeld type scalar field with the lagrangian L=1η[11ηgμνϕ,μϕ,ν]u(ϕ)\displaystyle L=\frac{1}{\eta}[1-\sqrt{1-\eta g^{\mu\nu}\phi_{, \mu}\phi_{, \nu}}]-u(\phi). This cosmological model can explain the accelerated expansion of the universe with the equation of state parameter w1w\leq-1. We get a sufficient condition for a arbitrary potential to admit a late time attractor solution: the value of potential u(Xc)u(X_c) at the critical point (Xc,0)(X_c,0) should be maximum and large than zero. We study a specific potential with the form of u(ϕ)=V0(1+ϕϕ0)e(ϕϕ0)u(\phi)=V_0(1+\frac{\phi}{\phi_0})e^{(-\frac{\phi}{\phi_0})} via phase plane analysis and compute the cosmological evolution by numerical analysis in detail. The result shows that the phantom field survive till today (to account for the observed late time accelerated expansion) without interfering with the nucleosynthesis of the standard model(the density parameter Ωϕ1012\Omega_{\phi}\simeq10^{-12} at the equipartition epoch), and also avoid the future collapse of the universe.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures,typos corrected, references added,figures added and enriched, title changed, main result remaine

    Kinetic energy driven superconductivity, the origin of the Meissner effect, and the reductionist frontier

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    Is superconductivity associated with a lowering or an increase of the kinetic energy of the charge carriers? Conventional BCS theory predicts that the kinetic energy of carriers increases in the transition from the normal to the superconducting state. However, substantial experimental evidence obtained in recent years indicates that in at least some superconductors the opposite occurs. Motivated in part by these experiments many novel mechanisms of superconductivity have recently been proposed where the transition to superconductivity is associated with a lowering of the kinetic energy of the carriers. However none of these proposed unconventional mechanisms explores the fundamental reason for kinetic energy lowering nor its wider implications. Here I propose that kinetic energy lowering is at the root of the Meissner effect, the most fundamental property of superconductors. The physics can be understood at the level of a single electron atom: kinetic energy lowering and enhanced diamagnetic susceptibility are intimately connected. According to the theory of hole superconductivity, superconductors expel negative charge from their interior driven by kinetic energy lowering and in the process expel any magnetic field lines present in their interior. Associated with this we predict the existence of a macroscopic electric field in the interior of superconductors and the existence of macroscopic quantum zero-point motion in the form of a spin current in the ground state of superconductors (spin Meissner effect). In turn, the understanding of the role of kinetic energy lowering in superconductivity suggests a new way to understand the fundamental origin of kinetic energy lowering in quantum mechanics quite generally

    Symmetry-preserving Loop Regularization and Renormalization of QFTs

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    A new symmetry-preserving loop regularization method proposed in \cite{ylw} is further investigated. It is found that its prescription can be understood by introducing a regulating distribution function to the proper-time formalism of irreducible loop integrals. The method simulates in many interesting features to the momentum cutoff, Pauli-Villars and dimensional regularization. The loop regularization method is also simple and general for the practical calculations to higher loop graphs and can be applied to both underlying and effective quantum field theories including gauge, chiral, supersymmetric and gravitational ones as the new method does not modify either the lagrangian formalism or the space-time dimension of original theory. The appearance of characteristic energy scale McM_c and sliding energy scale μs\mu_s offers a systematic way for studying the renormalization-group evolution of gauge theories in the spirit of Wilson-Kadanoff and for exploring important effects of higher dimensional interaction terms in the infrared regime.Comment: 13 pages, Revtex, extended modified version, more references adde

    Classification of life by the mechanism of genome size evolution

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    The classification of life should be based upon the fundamental mechanism in the evolution of life. We found that the global relationships among species should be circular phylogeny, which is quite different from the common sense based upon phylogenetic trees. The genealogical circles can be observed clearly according to the analysis of protein length distributions of contemporary species. Thus, we suggest that domains can be defined by distinguished phylogenetic circles, which are global and stable characteristics of living systems. The mechanism in genome size evolution has been clarified; hence main component questions on C-value enigma can be explained. According to the correlations and quasi-periodicity of protein length distributions, we can also classify life into three domains.Comment: 53 pages, 9 figures, 2 table

    On the instability of classical dynamics in theories with higher derivatives

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    The development of instability in the dynamics of theories with higher derivatives is traced in detail in the framework of the Pais-Uhlenbeck fourth oder oscillator. For this aim the external friction force is introduced in the model and the relevant solutions to equations of motion are investigated. As a result, the physical implication of the energy unboundness from below in theories under consideration is revealed.Comment: 9 pages, no figures and no tables, revtex4; a few misprints are correcte