4 research outputs found

    Team Resource Management in Surgery and Endoscopy

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    Background: In the field of acute medicine, the vast majority of riskfuland prognosis-relevant procedures are not performed by individuals butrather by (ad hoc) teams. Method: Findings in scientific papersimpressively show the causes of medical mishaps and severe errors aswell as the lasting effectiveness of training in team resource formats(Team Resource Management, TRM) in order to combat these chains oferrors in acute medicine. Results: The analysis of the literature since2003 and the numerous findings regarding the research of medical errorsshow that more than 70% of the severe and prognosis-relevant mishapsand complications can be assigned to the medical providers themselves.The implementation and continuous advancement of patient safety in thefield of human factors as well as the application of TRM-relatedprinciples requires a sound and widely accepted safety culture as abasis. Conclusions: TRM training measures and non-punitive criticalincident reporting systems effectively contribute to an increasing andmeasurable improvement of the safety culture in acute medicine

    The current state of hospital-based emergency medicine in Germany

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    Germany has a long tradition of having physicians, often anesthesiologists with additional training in emergency medicine, deliver prehospital emergency care. Hospital-based emergency medicine in Germany also differs significantly from the Anglo-American model, and until recently having separate emergency rooms for different departments was the norm. In the past decade, many hospitals have created “centralized emergency departments” [Zentrale Notaufnahme (ZNAs)]. There is ongoing debate about the training and certification of physicians working in the ZNAs and whether Germany will adopt a specialty board certification for emergency medicine

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    Team Resource Management in Surgery and Endoscopy

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    Background: In the field of acute medicine, the vast majority of riskfuland prognosis-relevant procedures are not performed by individuals butrather by (ad hoc) teams. Method: Findings in scientific papersimpressively show the causes of medical mishaps and severe errors aswell as the lasting effectiveness of training in team resource formats(Team Resource Management, TRM) in order to combat these chains oferrors in acute medicine. Results: The analysis of the literature since2003 and the numerous findings regarding the research of medical errorsshow that more than 70% of the severe and prognosis-relevant mishapsand complications can be assigned to the medical providers themselves.The implementation and continuous advancement of patient safety in thefield of human factors as well as the application of TRM-relatedprinciples requires a sound and widely accepted safety culture as abasis. Conclusions: TRM training measures and non-punitive criticalincident reporting systems effectively contribute to an increasing andmeasurable improvement of the safety culture in acute medicine