32 research outputs found

    Uniform Arbitration Act Update - Foreword, The

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    The standard for review of arbitrator awards remains a hotly litigated topic. Pelc v. Petoskey, Hough v. State Farm Insurance, and Hart v. McChristian are examples of the limited review even when arbitral awards are challenged for errors of law or of fact. The student project covers these and many other cases decided under the UAA. All attorneys handling cases under the UAA, scholars writing on issues relating to the Act, and judges determining cases involving the statute should consider this comprehensive and high quality case analysis

    Book Review

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    As the use of arbitration as a dispute resolution mechanism continues to increase not only in the area of labor relations but also in other fields as well, the authority of arbitrators to issue remedies has likewise become a more important topic. The breadth of this power was established early on in labor-management arbitrations in the Steelworkers Trilogy.1 There the Supreme Court concluded that by entering into an arbitration agreement, a company and union could commission the arbitrator to bring an informed judgment to bear in reaching a fair resolution. The Court stated: This is especially true when it comes to formulating remedies. There the need is for flexibility in meeting a wide variety of situations. 2 Although the remedial authority of a labor arbitrator is broad, its bounds are not always certai

    Revised Uniform Arbitration Act: Modernizing, Revising, and Clarifying Arbitration Law, The

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    From the outset of the Drafting Committee\u27s deliberations, two issues came to the fore: federal preemption and adhesion contracts.23 The complexity of both matters presented substantial challenges to the Drafting Committee. The Drafting Committee needed to reach early agreement on an approach to preemption and adhesion, which affect so many areas covered by state arbitration la

    Uniform Arbitration Act: Introduction, The

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    The Uniform Arbitration Act (UAA) is one of the most successful laws promulgated by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL). Originally passed by NCCUSL in 1955, the UAA has served as the bases of arbitration statutes in some forty-eight jurisdictions. As more parties have incorporated arbitration clauses into contractual relationships, the importance of the UAA and its federal counterpart, the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA), have correspondingly increased. Supreme Court precedent at both federal and state levels abrogating the common law hostility against arbitration and replacing this attitude with and avowedly pro-arbitration doctrine has enhanced the arbitration proces

    Uniform Arbitration Act: Introduction, The

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    The Uniform Arbitration Act (UAA) is one of the most successful laws promulgated by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL). Originally passed by NCCUSL in 1955, the UAA has served as the bases of arbitration statutes in some forty-eight jurisdictions. As more parties have incorporated arbitration clauses into contractual relationships, the importance of the UAA and its federal counterpart, the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA), have correspondingly increased. Supreme Court precedent at both federal and state levels abrogating the common law hostility against arbitration and replacing this attitude with and avowedly pro-arbitration doctrine has enhanced the arbitration proces

    Assault on the Employment at Will Doctrine: Management Considerations

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    Reappraisal of the Private Pension System

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    Reappraisal of the Private Pension System

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    Judicial Review of Labor Arbitration Awards: The Enterprise Wheel Goes Around and Around

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