27 research outputs found

    Validation of an ear tag–based accelerometer system for detecting grazing behavior of dairy cows

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    peer-reviewedThe objective of the study was to develop a grazing algorithm for an ear tag–based accelerometer system (Smartbow GmbH, Weibern, Austria) and to validate the grazing algorithm with data from a noseband sensor. The ear tag has an acceleration sensor, a radio chip, and temperature sensor for calibration and it can monitor rumination and detect estrus and localization. To validate the ear tag, a noseband sensor (RumiWatch, Itin and Hoch GmbH, Liestal, Switzerland) was used. The noseband sensor detects pressure and acceleration patterns, and, with a software program specific to the noseband, pressure and acceleration patterns are used to classify data into eating, ruminating, drinking, and other activities. The study was conducted at the University of Minnesota West Central Research and Outreach Center (Morris, MN) and at Teagasc Animal and Grassland Research and Innovation Centre (Moorepark, Fermoy, Co. Cork, Ireland). During May and June 2017, observational data from Minnesota and Ireland were used to develop the grazing algorithm. During September 2018, data were collected by the ear tag and noseband sensor from 12 crossbred cows in Minnesota for a total of 248 h and from 9 Holstein-Friesian cows in Ireland for a total of 248 h. A 2-sided t-test was used to compare the percentage of grazing and nongrazing time recorded by the ear tag and the noseband sensor. Pearson correlations and concordance correlation coefficients (CCC) were used to evaluate associations between the ear tag and noseband sensor. The percentage of total grazing time recorded by the ear tag and by the noseband sensor was 37.0% [95% confidence interval (CI): 32.1 to 42.0] and 40.5% (95% CI: 35.5 to 45.6), respectively, in Minnesota, and 35.4% (95% CI: 30.6 to 40.2) and 36.9% (95% CI: 32.1 to 41.8), respectively, in Ireland. The ear tag and noseband sensor agreed strongly for monitoring grazing in Minnesota (r = 0.96; 95% CI: 0.94 to 0.97, CCC = 0.95) and in Ireland (r = 0.92; 95% CI: 0.90 to 0.94, CCC = 0.92). The results suggest that there is potential for the ear tag to be used on pasture-based dairy farms to support management decision-making

    Vaccine Coverage Dutch National Influenza Prevention Program 2021: brief monitor.

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    During the annual influenza vaccination campaign of 2021, more people were vaccinated compared to 2020. The vaccine coverage in the general population increased from 20.8% in 2020 to 22.9% in 2021. Among persons with an increased risk for complications due to influenza, because of age or a medical condition, vaccine coverage increased from 54.0% to 58.3%. A possible explanation for the increase in influenza vaccine coverage could be that people were more aware of the importance of influenza vaccination, e.g. because the importance of vaccination against influenza was emphasized during the COVID-19 pandemic. Interestingly, since the COVID-19 pandemic (2020 and 2021) more people started flu vaccination than before. These are people who also received an invitation for vaccination in earlier years, but were not vaccinated then. The highest vaccine coverage (77.5%) was observed among persons of 65 years or older who also had a medical indication for vaccination. Vaccine coverage was lower in persons under 60 years of age with a medical indication for vaccination (27.0%)

    Vaccine Coverage Dutch National Pneumococcal vaccination Program Adults 2021: brief monitor.

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    Increase in pneumococcal vaccine coverage in 2021 During the second campaign of the pneumococcal vaccination program for adults (NPPV) in 2021, people born in 1948 to 1952 were invited for vaccination. Of these, 74.1% were vaccinated. This is higher than in 2020, when people born in 1941 to 1947 were invited and 73.0% were vaccinated. Vaccine coverage did not differ much between the years of birth and was between 72% and 74% in all birth years. The vaccine coverage was slightly higher in women (74.4%) than in men (73.8%)

    Vaccinatiegraad Nationaal Programma Pneumokokkenvaccinatie Volwassenen 2021: monitor in het kort.

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    Tijdens de tweede campagne van het programma pneumokokkenvaccinatie voor volwassenen (NPPV) in 2021 werden mensen geboren in 1948 t/m 1952 uitgenodigd voor vaccinatie. Hiervan werd 74,1% gevaccineerd. Dit is hoger dan in 2020, toen mensen geboren in 1941 t/m 1947 werden uitgenodigd en 73,0% werd gevaccineerd. De vaccinatiegraad verschilde niet veel tussen de geboortejaren en lag in alle geboortejaren tussen de 72% en 74%. De vaccinatiegraad was iets hoger bij vrouwen (74,4%) dan bij mannen (73,8%)

    Genetic evaluation of health costs in US organic Holstein calves and cows

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    Minimizing the incidence of disease on organic dairy farms is important for both economic and animal welfare purposes. The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for total disease treatment costs using producer-recorded treatments in organic Holstein dairy calves and cows. Individual cow and calf health data were collected from 16 USDA certified organic farms from across the United States. Eleven of these farms provided treatment costs for some or all of the following cow health issues (mean cost): mastitis (46.10),milkfever(46.10), milk fever (39.05), ketosis (29.81),metritis(29.81), metritis (28.66), retained placenta (45.59),displacedabomasum(45.59), displaced abomasum (439.71), lameness (66.36),indigestion(66.36), indigestion (22.94), respiratory (48.35),anddied(48.35), and died (64.98). These farms also provided the following health costs for calves (mean cost): respiratory (56.37)andscours(56.37) and scours (25.21). Costs included consultant fees, therapeutics, and producer labor. The total lactational health cost (HCOST) was analyzed using animal models adjusted for the fixed effects of lactation and herd and the random effect of herd-year-season of calving with animal relationships based on the blending of pedigree and genomic relationships established from 2,347 genotyped cows. Along with HCOST, the binary traits stayability and presence of disease were included in a trivariate model such that lactations absent of disease were considered to be missing HCOST. To estimate the genetic relationship between nulliparous and primiparous health costs, a 2-trait linear model was fitted for total nulliparous health costs (NHCOST) and first lactation HCOST. The most expensive cow-lactation was $643.86 and 26.5% of lactations encountered disease. The heritability for HCOST was 0.03 ± 0.01, and the repeatability was 0.21 ± 0.01. The heritability of NHCOST was 0.06 ± 0.01, and the genetic correlation between NHCOST and HCOST was 0.98 ± 0.51. Traits representing the repeated nature of disease have a genetic component that should foster improved disease resistance among organic Holstein dairy cows. However, total cost of disease did not lead to gains in genetic variation over consideration of disease traits considered as binary variables and is a more laborious phenotype to obtain, diminishing its appeal for use in routine genetic evaluations

    Vaccinatiegraad Nationaal Programma Grieppreventie 2021: monitor in het kort.

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    Tijdens de jaarlijkse griepvaccinatiecampagne van 2021 werden meer mensen tegen griep gevaccineerd dan in 2020. Het percentage gevaccineerden in de totale Nederlandse bevolking steeg van 20,8% in 2020 naar 22,9% in 2021. Binnen de groep mensen die een verhoogd risico lopen op complicaties bij griep, de doelgroep van het Nationaal Programma Grieppreventie (NPG), steeg het percentage gevaccineerden van 54,0% naar 58,3%. Een mogelijke verklaring voor deze stijgingen is dat mensen zich mogelijk meer bewust waren van het belang van vaccineren, onder andere doordat vanwege de COVID-19-pandemie het belang van griepvaccinatie werd benadrukt. Opvallend is dat sinds de COVID-19-pandemie (2020 en 2021) relatief veel mensen zijn gestart met griepvaccinatie. Dit zijn mensen die al eerder een uitnodiging voor griepvaccinatie ontvingen, maar daar niet op ingingen. De hoogste vaccinatiegraad (77,5%) werd gezien bij personen van 65 jaar of ouder die naast hun leeftijd ook een medische indicatie voor griepvaccinatie hadden. Personen onder de 60 jaar met een medische indicatie lieten zich minder vaak vaccineren tegen griep (vaccinatiegraad: 27,0%)

    Relationships of beta-casein genetics with production, fertility, and survival of purebred organic Holstein dairy cows

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    The objective of this study was to compare β-casein genotype of purebred certified-organic Holstein cows, and their effect on production, fertility, and survival. Holstein cows (n = 1,982) from 13 certified-organic dairy herds from the western, midwestern, and northeastern United States were genomically tested with CLARIFIDE Plus (Zoetis) for β-casein genotype. Two hundred fourteen cows were A1A1 (11%), 848 cows were A1A2 (43%), and 920 cows were A2A2 (46%). In total, 2,249 lactation records, 1,025 from the first parity and 1,224 records during second and greater parities were used. Test-day milk, fat, and protein production (305-d) and somatic cell score were obtained from the Dairy Herd Improvement Association. A lower limit of 50 d for days open was applied, and cows with more than 250 d open had days open set to 250 d. Independent variables for statistical analysis were the fixed effects of herd, parity, β-casein genotype (A1A1, A1A2, A2A2), and β-casein genotype by parity interaction. Cow nested within parity was the random effect in the statistical models for fertility and production traits. Herd had a significant effect on all fertility, production, and survival variables. Parity affected the number of times bred per pregnancy and days open, milk, fat, and protein production, and somatic cell score. Beta-casein genotype and herd influenced the percentage of cows surviving to first and second lactation. Results indicate no difference in production and fertility regarding β-casein genotype for organic dairy herds. Survival was biased against the A1 allele, which is indicated by lower survival rates during first lactation. These results may offer organic producers more flexibility in breeding and culling decisions to produce A2A2 milk