1,058 research outputs found

    Geoecological arguments for field terracing in parts of the southern Gongola Basin, Tangale-Waja region, NE-Nigeria

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    The paper presents a short introduction to the environmental factors, e.g. climate, geology, relief forms and soils of the study area in the southern parts of the Gongola Basin. The study area covers the high mountain range of the Tangale-Waja Uplands and the adjacent pediplain, following in the north. It is asked if the natural factors enforced former inhabitants of the area to develop special land use techniques like field terracing to ensure the essential crop production under insufficient geoecological conditions

    Change in population and land use intensity under the aspect of the physical environment and accessibility

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    The land use in the Tangale-Waja area is analysed according to the two basic categories of geography: Firstly the manifold interaction between men and environment which form the spatial characteristics of an area, and secondly the decrease of influence with increasing distance. The importance of these two elementary factors is described by indicators as accessibility for the period from the precolonial situation until the time after World War II, when new roads were constructed through the mountainous area. Living in a hilly environment the self contained population (formerly called "hill pagans") had developed special agricultural techniques which can be considered ecologically well adapted. The opening up of the area after the pacification, Christianity and education, led to a considerable increase in population, the expansion of land under cultivation, and the change of settlement structure by down-hill population movement. This resulted in overuse of the fragile natural resources. The size of farm steads became too small for the family unit and the still low accessibility of the hinterland of the main interregional roads as well as inappropriate techniques of agricultural production are shortcomings causing heavy damage to the physical environment and decreasing living standards of the local population

    Naturpotential, Landnutzung und jüngere Landschaftszerstörung in Nyapau (Nordost-Nigeria)

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    Die Ergebnisse der Feldforschungen, die hier vorgestellt werden, beruhen auf gemeinsamen Feldaufenthalten der Autoren in dem Untersuchungsgebiet in den Jahren 1990 und 1994. Die ersten Geländebegehungen in diesem Gebiet fanden zusammen mit Günter NAGEL im Februar 1990 statt. Einige seiner Anregungen für interdisziplinäre Arbeiten von Geisteswissenschaftlern und Physischen Geographen zur Landschaftsgenese dieses Raumes, seines Natur- und Nutzungspotentials und der realen aktuellen Inwertsetzung durch die ansässigen Waja wird er, so hoffen die Autoren, in den folgenden Ausführungen wiedererkennen. In dieser Untersuchung wurde vor allem der Frage nachgegangen, welche Beziehungen im südlichen Gongola-Becken zwischen der jüngeren Land-schaftsgenese und dem Natur- und Nutzungspotential bestehen, und wie letzteres von der Bevölkerung in Wert gesetzt wird. Von Interesse sind auch die Auswirkungen der jüngeren Nutzung auf den Naturraum und ihrer Wahrnehmung durch die Bevölkerung

    Étapes de l'histoire du peuplement dans la région de l'Atakora

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    Pendants les années 1997 et 1998, un groupe des chercheurs de SFB 268 a effectué, dans la région de l’Atakora, des recherches botaniques, ethnologiques et géographiques concernant l’histoire du peuplement. Les travaux étaient concentrés sur la partie ouest de la région, c’est-à-dire le triangle Boukombé, Natitingou, Toucountouna. En résultat, il est possible aujourd’hui de faire une chronologie relative à l’histoire du peuplement dans cette région. En contraire, il manque toujours une chronologie absolue, pour cela il faut encore des recherches approfondies. Pourtant nous allons proposer, dans le cours de cette contribution, des hypothèses montrant le cadre, dans lequel une périodisation peut être possible

    Early Holocene aeolian sediments in southwestern Crete−preliminary results

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    The soilscapes along the southern and western coast of Crete (Greece) are dominated by coarse-grained reddish-brown slope sediments whose natural (pre-anthropogenic) configuration and properties are difficult to reconstruct due to the long history of intense land use. As a consequence, datable terrestrial sediment archives of pre-anthropogenic genesis are scarce. We present preliminary results of a study performed on an accumulation within an alluvial fan south of Stomio Bay in southwestern Crete. The studied profile is located in a small depression and is composed of a sequence of sandy to silty yellowish-brown calcareous sediments overlying coarse-grained slope sediments, including a fossil topsoil horizon. Based on macroscopic, micromorphological, geochemical, geophysical and mineralogical analysis, we interpret the fine-grained sediments to have a local aeolian origin. OSL dating indicates a final deposition phase during the early Holocene. Considering the scarcity of early Holocene terrestrial archives in Crete, the analysed profile provides valuable data for the reconstruction of landscape dynamics and paleoecological conditions as well as soil-sediment configurations during this time period. Additional research is needed to address the specific source area(s) as well as the ages of the deposition of slope sediments and formation of the fossil topsoil