57 research outputs found

    Has the accuracy of German macroeconomic forecasts improved?

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    The major focus of this paper is to determine whether the accuracy of German macroeconomic forecasts has improved over time. We examine 1-year-ahead forecasts of real GDP and inflation for 1967 to 2001 made by three major German forecasting groups and the OECD. We examine the accuracy of the forecasts over the entire period and in three sub-periods. We conclude that, with some exceptions, the errors of the German forecasters were similar to those of their US and UK counterparts. While the absolute size of the forecast errors has declined, this is not the case for relative accuracy. A benchmark comparison of these predictions with the ex post forecasts of a macroeconometric model indicates that the quality of the growth forecasts can be improved but that the expected increase in accuracy may not be substantial. --Forecast evaluations,macroeconomic forecasting,accuracy limits

    The Clinton era and the U.S. business cycle : what did change?

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    The 1990s were the most prosperous decade in U.S. economic history. The paper analyses to which extent this period fits into preceding cyclical experience. This is done by classifying the period 1991-12 to 2000-12 with the help of a 4-phase classification scheme based on multivariate discriminance analysis. It is shown that in relation to the post 1970 experience, the ?fabulous decade? saw considerable shifts of influence between the 19 classifying variables. Most noteworthy are the much reduced influence of M2, Net Exports, and Unemployment on the one side and the increase of Real GNP, inflation, Government Expenditure and of Unit Labor Cost on the other side. This confirms interpretations of the fabulous decade as the result of a forbearing monetary policy made possible by a deficit targeting fiscal policy, low inflation and a productivity jump. However, the era looses some of its uniqueness when it is seen in the entire post WW II cycle history. --U.S. business cycle,4-phase scheme,discriminance analysis,Clinton era

    Has the Accuracy of German Macroeconomic Forecasts Improved?

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    This paper asks whether the accuracy of German macroeconomic forecasts has improved over time. We examine one-year-ahead forecasts of rates of real GDP growth and inflation for the years 1967 to 2010 by three major German forecasters and the OECD. We find that overall error levels are high but not much different from those for the U.S. and U.K. In the 1980s and 1990s accuracy improved somewhat, but has now returned to its 1970s level, indicating that it reflects the variance of growth and inflation. Benchmark comparisons of these predictions with ex post forecasts of a macroecono-metric model indicate that accuracy can be improved but it will be difficult to achieve.Forecast evaluations; macroeconomic forecasting; accuracy limits

    Forecasting with macroeconometric models

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    Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich - einige Fragezeichen

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    Die Debatte um den „Standort Deutschland“ wird durch immer neue Ergebnisse angeheizt. Was ist von den vorgestellten Befunden zu halten? Professor Ullrich Heilemann weist auf die oft willkürlichen inhaltlichen Verengungen, methodischen Mängel und die defizitäre empirische Basis hin. --

    Bald so wie überall? Strukturwandel der ostdeutschen Wirtschaft 1992-2006

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    Ullrich Heilemann und Stefan Wappler, Universität Leipzig, untersuchen die strukturelle - vor allem die sektorale - Dimension des Anpassungs- und Aufholprozesses der ostdeutschen Wirtschaft.Strukturwandel, Regionale Entwicklung, Shift-Share-Analyse, Neue Bundesländer

    Zu wenig Wettbewerb? Zu Stand und Entwicklung der Genauigkeit makroökonomischer Prognosen

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    Ungeachtet der vielfältigen Anstrengungen hat sich die Genauigkeit makroökonomischer Prognosen seit den 1970er Jahren nicht verbessert. Deshalb mahnen (manche) Ökonomen "mehr Wettbewerb" unter den Prognoseinstituten an – und hoffen, dass die allokative Effizienz marktlicher Lösungen auch bei Makroprognosen eintritt. Allerdings handelt es sich um sehr spezifische Informationsgüter: Sie ähneln öffentlichen Gütern, ihre Genauigkeit und ihre allgemeine Güte lassen sich schwer messen, aus vergangenen Ergebnissen kann nicht auf den künftigen Erfolg/Misserfolg geschlossen werden. Folgerichtig führt die wettbewerbstheoretische Analyse nicht zu klaren Indizien, dass "mehr Wettbewerb" die Prognosegüte erhöht. Dieses noch vage Ergebnis wird von einer empirischen Untersuchung ausgewählter nationaler Prognosemärkte unterstrichen: Weder die Anzahl der Prognoseinstitute noch das Verhältnis von kommerziellen zu nicht-kommerziellen Prognostikern zeigte einen positiven Einfluss auf die Treffsicherheit. Trotz der Skepsis der Autoren darüber, dass makroökonomische Prognosen zurzeit überhaupt wesentlich verbesserbar wären, werden Vorschläge unterbreitet, wie der Prognosewettbewerb intensiviert werden könnte. -- Despite manifold efforts, accuracy of macroeconomic forecasts has not improved since the 1970s. Therefore, (some) economists demand "more competition" among forecasting institutions, hoping that allocative efficiency of market solutions holds in the field of macroeconomic forecasts, too. However, forecasts are very special information goods: they show some similarities with public goods, their accuracy as well as their general quality is hard to measure, past performance is no guide to future success. Theoretical deliberations do not reveal any clear indications for improvements via "more competition". This result is supported by an empirical analysis of selected national markets for macroeconomic forecasts. Neither the number of forecasters nor the ratio of profit to non-profit institutions showed a positive impact on forecasting accuracy. Though the authors are sceptical that at present macroeconomic forecasts have much room for improvement, they offer some proposals on how to increase competition in this field.empirical macroeconomics,forecasting accuracy,competition

    The economics of German Unification reconsidered

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    Gesamtwirtschaftliche Wirkungen der Haushaltspolitik des Koalitionsvertrages

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    In ihrem Koalitionsvertrag haben sich CDU, CSU und SPD am 11.11.2005 auf ein Programm mit weitreichenden haushaltspolitischen und gesamtwirtschaftlichen Wirkungen geeinigt. Wie lassen sich diese Wirkungen konkret berechnen und welches sind die Ergebnisse? Welche Folgen hat das Koalitionsprogramm für die europäischen Nachbarländer? --