8 research outputs found

    Louhepenkereen syvätiivistys

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    Tämän insinöörityön aiheena oli tutkia pudotustiivistystä louhepenkereen syvätiivistysmenetelmänä. Työn tavoitteena oli laatia työohje, joka helpottaisi pudotustiivistyksen suunnittelua, suoritusta ja laadunvalvontaa tulevaisuudessa. Laadunvalvontaan liittyen kartoitettiin uusia tutkimusmenetelmiä, joilla olisi mahdollista todentaa louhepenkereen laatu tiiveyden ja kantavuuden kautta. Työn toteutuksessa tutkittiin maarakennusalan kirjallisuutta ja haastateltiin neljää alan asiantuntijaa sähköpostikyselyin. Lisäksi perehdyttiin pudotustiivistystä sisältäneisiin rakennushankkeisiin. Tutkimuksen mukaan pudotustiivistys sopii erittäin hyvin louhepenkereiden syvätiivistysmenetelmäksi. Seismisillä ja sähkömagneettisilla menetelmillä on mahdollisuus louhepenkereiden tiiveyden valvonnassa, mutta ne vaativat lisää käytännön tutkimuksia, jotta saataisiin enemmän vertailupohjaa tuloksiin ja voitaisiin luotettavasti mitata tiiveyttä louhepenkereissä.The aim of this final project was to research deep dynamic compaction of blasted rock embankments and draw up a manual that helps in the planning, executing and quality controlling of deep dynamic compaction. This final project also looked for new methods to prove the compactness and bearing capacity of blasted rock embankments. Literature on earthworks was studied and specialists were interviewed to accomplish this final project. Taking a closer look at construction projects that included deep dynamic compaction also helped making this final project. The results seem to indicate that deep dynamic compaction is a very good deep compaction method for blasted rock embankments. Research methods that are based on seismic and electromagnetic methods have an opportunity to become one of the methods to measure strength features of blasted rock embankments. However, seismic and electromagnetic methods need more practical research to become a reliable method for proving the strength of blasted rock embankments

    A nationwide real-world study on dynamic ustekinumab dosing and concomitant medication use among Crohn's disease patients in Finland

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    Background Real-world evidence to support optimal ustekinumab dosing for refractory Crohn's disease (CD) patients remains limited. Data from a retrospective nationwide chart review study was utilized to explore ustekinumab dosing dynamics and optimization, identify possible clinical predictors of dose intensification, and to evaluate ustekinumab trough concentrations (TCs) and concomitant medication use in Finland. Methods Information gathered from17 Finnish hospitals included clinical chart data from 155 adult CD patients who received intravenous ustekinumab induction during 2017-2018. Data on ustekinumab dosing and TCs, concomitant corticosteroid and immunosuppressant use, and antiustekinumab antibodies were analyzed in a two-year follow-up, subject to availability. Results Among 140 patients onustekinumab maintenance therapy, dose optimization was required in 55(39%) of the patients, and 41/47 dose-intensified patients (87%) persisted on ustekinumab. At baseline, dose-intensified patient group had significantly higher C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, and at week 16, significantly lower ustekinumab TCs than in patients without dose intensification. Irrespective of dose optimization, a statistically significant reduction in the use of corticosteroids was observed at both 16 weeks and one year, coupled with an increased proportion of patients on ustekinumab monotherapy. Antiustekinumab antibodies were undetectable in all 28 samples from 25 patients collected throughout the study period. Conclusions Nearly a third of all CD patients on ustekinumab maintenance therapy, with a history of treatment-refractory and long-standing disease, required dose intensification. These patients persisted on ustekinumab and had significant reduction of corticosteroid use. Increased baseline CRP was identified as the sole indicator of dose intensification.Peer reviewe

    A nationwide real-world study on dynamic ustekinumab dosing and concomitant medication use among Crohn's disease patients in Finland

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    Background Real-world evidence to support optimal ustekinumab dosing for refractory Crohn's disease (CD) patients remains limited. Data from a retrospective nationwide chart review study was utilized to explore ustekinumab dosing dynamics and optimization, identify possible clinical predictors of dose intensification, and to evaluate ustekinumab trough concentrations (TCs) and concomitant medication use in Finland.Methods Information gathered from17 Finnish hospitals included clinical chart data from 155 adult CD patients who received intravenous ustekinumab induction during 2017-2018. Data on ustekinumab dosing and TCs, concomitant corticosteroid and immunosuppressant use, and antiustekinumab antibodies were analyzed in a two-year follow-up, subject to availability.Results  Among 140 patients onustekinumab maintenance therapy, dose optimization was required in 55(39%) of the patients, and 41/47 dose-intensified patients (87%) persisted on ustekinumab. At baseline, dose-intensified patient group had significantly higher C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, and at week 16, significantly lower ustekinumab TCs than in patients without dose intensification. Irrespective of dose optimization, a statistically significant reduction in the use of corticosteroids was observed at both 16 weeks and one year, coupled with an increased proportion of patients on ustekinumab monotherapy. Antiustekinumab antibodies were undetectable in all 28 samples from 25 patients collected throughout the study period.Conclusions Nearly a third of all CD patients on ustekinumab maintenance therapy, with a history of treatment-refractory and long-standing disease, required dose intensification. These patients persisted on ustekinumab and had significant reduction of corticosteroid use. Increased baseline CRP was identified as the sole indicator of dose intensification.</div

    S60-sovelluksen lokalisointi

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    Insinöörityön tavoitteena oli toteuttaa ResComi Oy:n tekemään S60-sovellukseen lokalisointi. Tarkoituksena oli toteuttaa lokalisointi suomen kielen lisäksi englannin kielellä Symbian-sovelluskehityksen suosittelemalla tavalla sekä suunnitella ja toteuttaa lokalisointi tietokantapohjaisena ratkaisuna. Tarkoituksena oli myös helpottaa uusien kielien lisääminen sovellukseen. Insinöörityön tuloksena saatiin toteutettua S60-sovelluksen lokalisointi, joka jatkokehityksen kannalta helpottaa uusien kielien lisäämisen sovelluksen käyttökieliksi. Tietokantapohjaisen toteutuksen myötä päästiin tutkimaan tietokantojen käyttöä lokalisoinnissa ja tutustumaan tietokantojen käyttöön Symbian-sovelluskehityksessä. Koska insinöörityö tehtiin osana asiakasprojektia, ei salassapitovelvollisuuden vuoksi kaikkia vaiheita ja sovelluksen lähdekoodeja ole käsitelty tässä, vaan on tehty vastaavanlaisia esimerkkejä.The objective of this Bachelor’s thesis was to implement a localization for the S60 application made by ResComi Oy. The purpose was to implement a localization both in Finnish and in English according to Symbian software development and also to design and implement a localization as a database based solution. Another was to make adding new languages to the application easier. As a result of this thesis, we managed to implement the localization of the S60 application which in further development makes adding new languages to the application easier. With a database based solution it was also able to study the usage of databases in the localization and get to know the usage of databases in the Symbian software development. Because this thesis was made as part of a customer project and because of the confidentiality every stage of the work process and source codes will not be handled in this document but similar examples are given