18 research outputs found

    Serious gaming supporting competence development in sustainable manufacturing

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    Becoming a sustainable global manufacturing enterprise is a challenge for almost every manufacturing organization in the world because of its multidimensional nature. Sustainability combines environmental, economic, and social dimensions and is considered to be a complex and hard to learn subject needing a lot of experience and competences. Traditional ways to create such experience and develop competences like role playing and simulations tend to take a lot of time and are expensive. On the other hand, serious gaming has proven to support learners in acquiring new and complex knowledge and is ideally suited to support problem based learning by creating engaging experiences around a contextual problem where users must apply competences to solve these presented challenges. This chapter introduces a new learning environment which is build around a gaming engine supporting the development of competences in specific subject areas. Selected competences in sustainable global manufacturing lead to the definition of scenarios, which then can be executed by a game engine, thus creating experience within the user. A knowledge ecology space allows the user to interact and reflect on learning outcomes with other participants. The subject of sustainable global manufacturing is the application case presented in this chapter showing how specific competences in this area have been identified and how a game scenario has been developed. Finally, its implementation and evaluation is discussed

    An idea model for distributed Idea Management

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    Processes of Open Innovation and innovation in Living-Labs applying the co-creation paradigm do involve many participating innovators across different organisations and stakeholder groups. This is especially true when dealing with disruptive or radical innovations instead of incremental ones. Any methodology and/or tools supporting such processes are distributed and need to be able to transfer knowledge artefacts such as ideas from one application to another. This paper describes how a repository storing ideas has to be organised in order to address the most important requirements coming from the tasks of creating and evaluating ideas. A model is presented which can be implemented using Internet standards like REST.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    Modelling Dynamics in Collaboration: An Extension to the Collaborative Network Relationship Analysis

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    Abstract. This is a concept paper which introduces a dynamic extension to a collaborative network relationship analysis approach. The extension is based on the MetaMatrix approach known from the Dynamic Network Analysis field. Several entity classes representing agents, tasks, resources and knowledge are introduced and possible relations between entities of the different classes are analysed. All entity classes and relation classes are attributed with time related data which allows dynamic changes the system. Finally, some illustrative examples of typical collaborative interactions are introduced and explained

    Modelling Dynamics in Collaboration: An Extension to the Collaborative Network Relationship Analysis

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    Part 10: Behavioral AspectsInternational audienceThis is a concept paper which introduces a dynamic extension to a collaborative network relationship analysis approach. The extension is based on the MetaMatrix approach known from the Dynamic Network Analysis field. Several entity classes representing agents, tasks, resources and knowledge are introduced and possible relations between entities of the different classes are analysed. All entity classes and relation classes are attributed with time related data which allows dynamic changes the system. Finally, some illustrative examples of typical collaborative interactions are introduced and explained

    Getting Collaborative Networks Sustainable: Drivers and Barriers Within a Digital Laboratories Network

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    Part 1: Sustainable Collaborative NetworksInternational audienceRapid technology changesand the transition todigitalisedproduction and educationpose significant challenges toengineeringeducation. Hands-onexperimentation requiresaccess to new technologies, often in a labsetting. Cross-organisationalcollaboration and resource sharing can reduce costs and increase utilisation. Success depends on trust, practicalresourcemanagement, smooth service delivery,and performance. This paper presentsan initial evaluation of a resourcemanagement approach using an online labbooking process,considering stakeholders'various roles and needs. In addition, we gathered external inputsthrough twosurveys targeting industry and students as potential customersandinterviews with professionals working in collaborative working environments to assess drivers and barriers to network success using SCORmetrics. These findings are essentialinputs for lower-level design decisions, such as designingtheunderlying business models, the relationship betweeneducation and research for the labs, the rules of use, and how to motivate collaborators


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    Part 15: Co-located EventInternational audienceThe Third International Conference on Serious Games Development and Applications is this year organised as a satellite conference to IFIP-ICEC2012 in Bremen. SGDA 2012 appears in the sequence of the successes of the First International Workshop on Serious Games Development and Application held in Derby in 2010 and Second International Conference on Serious Games Development and Applications, held in Lisbon in 2011. The aim of SGDA is to collect and disseminate knowledge on serious games technologies, design and development; to provide practitioners and interdisciplinary communities with a peer-reviewed forum to discuss the state-of-the-art in serious games research, their ideas and theories, and innovative applications of serious games; to explain cultural, social and scientific phenomena by means of serious games; to concentrate on the interaction between theory and application; to share best practice and lessons learnt; to develop new methodologies in various application domains using games technologies; and to explore perspectives of future developments and innovative applications relevant to serious games and related areas

    The Challenge of Learning for Networked SMEs to Increase Competitiveness in Virtual Enterprises

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    Part 16: Collaboration SpacesInternational audienceCollaborative Networked Organisations (CNO) face the same if not even harder problems when trying to transform towards a learning organisation. Small and medium sized organisations - which still represent the motor for job creation in Europe - often respond to market turbulence by engaging in non-hierarchical CNOs such as Virtual Enterprises. A proven method to support learning in distributed set-ups is Serious Gaming, but the question remains whether the application of such tools is equally effective in SMEs compared with monolithic large organisations. In SMEs and networks of SMEs learning needs to move towards contextualised learning and a serious gaming based transformative environments such as TARGET can be used to achieve learning goals and competence development in distributed set-ups. This paper introduces such a transformative environment and highlights the background, its usage, benefits and limitations

    Using Behavioral Indicators to Assess Competences in a Sustainable Manufacturing Learning Scenario

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    Part 3: Human Factors, Learning and InnovationInternational audienceThis paper introduces a learning scenario created for a serious game to develop competences in the domain of sustainable manufacturing, by applying a Lifecycle Assessment (LCA). A set of behavioral indicators is introduced to assess how particular competences do change while the player is engaged in playing the game scenario. It furthermore presents early evaluation results of the game scenario on a sample of master grade students at the University of Bremen