3 research outputs found

    Direct single-molecule observation of calcium-dependent misfolding in human neuronal calcium sensor-1

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    Neurodegenerative disorders are strongly linked to protein misfolding, and crucial to their explication is a detailed understanding of the underlying structural rearrangements and pathways that govern the formation of misfolded states. Here we use single-molecule optical tweezers to monitor misfolding reactions of the human neuronal calcium sensor-1, a multispecific EF-hand protein involved in neurotransmitter release and linked to severe neurological diseases. We directly observed two misfolding trajectories leading to distinct kinetically trapped misfolded conformations. Both trajectories originate from an on-pathway intermediate state and compete with native folding in a calcium-dependent manner. The relative probability of the different trajectories could be affected by modulating the relaxation rate of applied force, demonstrating an unprecedented real-time control over the free-energy landscape of a protein. Constant-force experiments in combination with hidden Markov analysis revealed the free-energy landscape of the misfolding transitions under both physiological and pathological calcium concentrations. Remarkably for a calcium sensor, we found that higher calcium concentrations increased the lifetimes of the misfolded conformations, slowing productive folding to the native state. We propose a rugged, multidimensional energy landscape for neuronal calcium sensor-1 and speculate on a direct link between protein misfolding and calcium dysregulation that could play a role in neurodegeneration

    Exploring folding pathways of single proteins using mechanical manipulation

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    Protein folding is still a major area of active research. Despite significant progress in understanding the underlying principles, we still cannot efficiently predict the folding mechanism for even a moderately sized protein. Proteins are generally thought to fold by diffusion over a three-dimensional energy landscape. Traditional bulk methods have proven to be very powerful in the study of the folding process but they often suffer from inherent ensemble averaging. Single molecule techniques open up new vistas for studying protein folding, allowing direct analysis of the distribution of events that characterize the heterogeneous folding process. Recently it has become possible to directly manipulate individual proteins using optical tweezers. Here we illustrate the experimental strategy and how this approach has provided a fresh perspective on the protein folding problem

    Conformational Dynamics of Single Protein Molecules Studied by Direct Mechanical Manipulation

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    Advances in single-molecule manipulation techniques have recently enabled researchers to study a growing array of biological processes in unprecedented detail. Individual molecules can now be manipulated with subnanometer precision along a simple and well-defined reaction coordinate, the molecular end-to-end distance, and their conformational changes can be monitored in real time with ever-improving time resolution. The behavior of biomolecules under tension continues to unravel at an accelerated pace and often in combination with computational studies that reveal the atomistic details of the process under investigation. In this chapter, we explain the basic principles of force spectroscopy techniques, with a focus on optical tweezers, and describe some of the theoretical models used to analyze and interpret single-molecule manipulation data. We then highlight some recent and exciting results that have emerged from this research field on protein folding and protein-ligand interactions