17 research outputs found

    Characterization of cumulus cloud fields using trajectories in the center of gravity versus water mass phase space: 1. Cloud tracking and phase space description

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    We study the evolution of warm convective cloud fields using large eddy simulations of continental and trade cumulus. Individual clouds are tracked a posteriori from formation to dissipation using a 3‐D cloud‐tracking algorithm, and results are presented in the phase space of center of gravity altitude versus cloud liquid water mass (CvM space). The CvM space is shown to contain rich information on cloud field characteristics, cloud morphology, and common cloud development pathways, together facilitating a comprehensive understanding of the cloud field. In this part we show how the meteorological (thermodynamic) conditions that determine the cloud properties are projected on the CvM phase space and how changes in the initial conditions affect the clouds\u27 trajectories in this space. This part sets the stage for a detailed microphysical analysis that will be shown in part II

    Towards identification of a non-abelian state: observation of a quarter of electron charge at ν=5/2\nu=5/2 quantum Hall state

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    The fractional quantum Hall effect, where plateaus in the Hall resistance at values of coexist with zeros in the longitudinal resistance, results from electron correlations in two dimensions under a strong magnetic field. Current flows along the edges carried by charged excitations (quasi particles) whose charge is a fraction of the electron charge. While earlier research concentrated on odd denominator fractional values of ν\nu, the observation of the even denominator ν=5/2\nu=5/2 state sparked a vast interest. This state is conjectured to be characterized by quasiparticles of charge e/4, whose statistics is non-abelian. In other words, interchanging of two quasi particles may modify the state of the system to an orthogonal one, and does not just add a phase as in for fermions or bosons. As such, these quasiparticles may be useful for the construction of a topological quantum computer. Here we report data of shot noise generated by partitioning edge currents in the ν=5/2\nu=5/2 state, consistent with the charge of the quasiparticle being e/4, and inconsistent with other potentially possible values, such as e/2 and e. While not proving the non-abelian nature of the ν=5/2\nu=5/2 state, this observation is the first step toward a full understanding of these new fractional charges

    Time-dependent, non-monotonic response of warm convective cloud fields to changes in aerosol loading

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    Large eddy simulations (LESs) with bin microphysics are used here to study cloud fields’ sensitivity to changes in aerosol loading and the time evolution of this response. Similarly to the known response of a single cloud, we show that the mean field properties change in a nonmonotonic trend, with an optimum aerosol concentration for which the field reaches its maximal water mass or rain yield. This trend is a result of competition between processes that encourage cloud development versus those that suppress it. However, another layer of complexity is added when considering clouds’ impact on the field’s thermodynamic properties and how this is dependent on aerosol loading. Under polluted conditions, rain is suppressed and the non-precipitating clouds act to increase atmospheric instability. This results in warming of the lower part of the cloudy layer (in which there is net condensation) and cooling of the upper part (net evaporation). Evaporation at the upper part of the cloudy layer in the polluted simulations raises humidity at these levels and thus amplifies the development of the next generation of clouds (preconditioning effect). On the other hand, under clean conditions, the precipitating clouds drive net warming of the cloudy layer and net cooling of the sub-cloud layer due to rain evaporation. These two effects act to stabilize the atmospheric boundary layer with time (consumption of the instability). The evolution of the field’s thermodynamic properties affects the cloud properties in return, as shown by the migration of the optimal aerosol concentration toward higher values

    Aerosol effect on the evolution of the thermodynamic properties of warm convective cloud fields

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    Convective cloud formation and evolution strongly depend on environmental temperature and humidity profiles. The forming clouds change the profiles that created them by redistributing heat and moisture. Here we show that the evolution of the field’s thermodynamic properties depends heavily on the concentration of aerosol, liquid or solid particles suspended in the atmosphere. Under polluted conditions, rain formation is suppressed and the non-precipitating clouds act to warm the lower part of the cloudy layer (where there is net condensation) and cool and moisten the upper part of the cloudy layer (where there is net evaporation), thereby destabilizing the layer. Under clean conditions, precipitation causes net warming of the cloudy layer and net cooling of the sub-cloud layer (driven by rain evaporation), which together act to stabilize the atmosphere with time. Previous studies have examined different aspects of the effects of clouds on their environment. Here, we offer a complete analysis of the cloudy atmosphere, spanning the aerosol effect from instability-consumption to enhancement, below, inside and above warm clouds, showing the temporal evolution of the effects. We propose a direct measure for the magnitude and sign of the aerosol effect on thermodynamic instability

    Core and margin in warm convective clouds - part 1: core types and evolution during a cloud's lifetime

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    The properties of a warm convective cloud are determined by the competition between the growth and dissipation processes occurring within it. One way to observe and follow this competition is by partitioning the cloud to core and margin regions. Here we look at three core definitions, namely positive vertical velocity (Wcore), supersaturation (RHcore), and positive buoyancy (Bcore), and follow their evolution throughout the lifetime of warm convective clouds. Using single cloud and cloud field simulations with bin-microphysics schemes, we show that the different core types tend to be subsets of one another in the following order: Bcore⊆RHcore⊆Wcore. This property is seen for several different thermodynamic profile initializations and is generally maintained during the growing and mature stages of a cloud's lifetime. This finding is in line with previous works and theoretical predictions showing that cumulus clouds may be dominated by negative buoyancy at certain stages of their lifetime. The RHcore–Wcore pair is most interchangeable, especially during the growing stages of the cloud. For all three definitions, the core–shell model of a core (positive values) at the center of the cloud surrounded by a shell (negative values) at the cloud periphery applies to over 80 % of a typical cloud's lifetime. The core–shell model is less appropriate in larger clouds with multiple cores displaced from the cloud center. Larger clouds may also exhibit buoyancy cores centered near the cloud edge. During dissipation the cores show less overlap, reduce in size, and may migrate from the cloud center

    Core and margin in warm convective clouds - part 1: core types and evolution during a cloud's lifetime

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    The properties of a warm convective cloud are determined by the competition between the growth and dissipation processes occurring within it. One way to observe and follow this competition is by partitioning the cloud to core and margin regions. Here we look at three core definitions, namely positive vertical velocity (Wcore), supersaturation (RHcore), and positive buoyancy (Bcore), and follow their evolution throughout the lifetime of warm convective clouds. Using single cloud and cloud field simulations with bin-microphysics schemes, we show that the different core types tend to be subsets of one another in the following order: Bcore⊆RHcore⊆Wcore. This property is seen for several different thermodynamic profile initializations and is generally maintained during the growing and mature stages of a cloud's lifetime. This finding is in line with previous works and theoretical predictions showing that cumulus clouds may be dominated by negative buoyancy at certain stages of their lifetime. The RHcore–Wcore pair is most interchangeable, especially during the growing stages of the cloud. For all three definitions, the core–shell model of a core (positive values) at the center of the cloud surrounded by a shell (negative values) at the cloud periphery applies to over 80 % of a typical cloud's lifetime. The core–shell model is less appropriate in larger clouds with multiple cores displaced from the cloud center. Larger clouds may also exhibit buoyancy cores centered near the cloud edge. During dissipation the cores show less overlap, reduce in size, and may migrate from the cloud center

    How do changes in warm-phase microphysics affect deep convective clouds?

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    Understanding aerosol effects on deep convective clouds and the derived effects on the radiation budget and rain patterns can largely contribute to estimations of climate uncertainties. The challenge is difficult in part because key microphysical processes in the mixed and cold phases are still not well understood. For deep convective clouds with a warm base, understanding aerosol effects on the warm processes is extremely important as they set the initial and boundary conditions for the cold processes. Therefore, the focus of this study is the warm phase, which can be better resolved. The main question is: “How do aerosol-derived changes in the warm phase affect the properties of deep convective cloud systems?” To explore this question, we used a weather research and forecasting (WRF) model with spectral bin microphysics to simulate a deep convective cloud system over the Marshall Islands during the Kwajalein Experiment (KWAJEX). The model results were validated against observations, showing similarities in the vertical profile of radar reflectivity and the surface rain rate. Simulations with larger aerosol loading resulted in a larger total cloud mass, a larger cloud fraction in the upper levels, and a larger frequency of strong updrafts and rain rates. Enlarged mass both below and above the zero temperature level (ZTL) contributed to the increase in cloud total mass (water and ice) in the polluted runs. Increased condensation efficiency of cloud droplets governed the gain in mass below the ZTL, while both enhanced condensational and depositional growth led to increased mass above it. The enhanced mass loading above the ZTL acted to reduce the cloud buoyancy, while the thermal buoyancy (driven by the enhanced latent heat release) increased in the polluted runs. The overall effect showed an increased upward transport (across the ZTL) of liquid water driven by both larger updrafts and larger droplet mobility. These aerosol effects were reflected in the larger ratio between the masses located above and below the ZTL in the polluted runs. When comparing the net mass flux crossing the ZTL in the clean and polluted runs, the difference was small. However, when comparing the upward and downward fluxes separately, the increase in aerosol concentration was seen to dramatically increase the fluxes in both directions, indicating the aerosol amplification effect of the convection and the affected cloud system properties, such as cloud fraction and rain rate.</p

    Characterization of cumulus cloud fields using trajectories in the center of gravity versus water mass phase space: 1. Cloud tracking and phase space description

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    We study the evolution of warmconvective cloud fields using large eddy simulations of continental and trade cumulus. Individual clouds are tracked a posteriori from formation to dissipation using a 3-D cloud-tracking algorithm, and results are presented in the phase space of center of gravity altitude versus cloud liquid watermass (CvMspace). The CvMspace is shown to contain rich information on cloud field characteristics, cloud morphology, and common cloud development pathways, together facilitating a comprehensive understanding of the cloud field. In this part we show how themeteorological (thermodynamic) conditions that determine the cloud properties are projected on the CvMphase space and how changes in the initial conditions affect the clouds’ trajectories in this space. This part sets the stage for a detailed microphysical analysis that will be shown in part II

    Characterization of cumulus cloud fields using trajectories in the center of gravity versus water mass phase space: 2. Aerosol effects on warm convective clouds

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    In Part I of this work a 3-D cloud tracking algorithm and phase space of center of gravity altitude versus cloud liquid water mass (CvM space) were introduced and described in detail. We showed how new physical insight can be gained by following cloud trajectories in the CvM space. Here this approach is used to investigate aerosol effects on cloud fields of warm cumuli. We show a clear effect of the aerosol loading on the shape and size of CvM clusters. We also find fundamental differences in the CvM space between simulations using bin versus bulk microphysical schemes, with the bin scheme precipitation expressing much higher sensitivity to changes in aerosol concentrations. Using the bin microphysical scheme, we find that the increase in cloud center of gravity altitude with increase in aerosol concentrations occurs for a wide range of cloud sizes. This is attributed to reduced sedimentation, increased buoyancy and vertical velocities, and increased environmental instability, all of which are tightly coupled to inhibition of precipitation processes and subsequent feedbacks of clouds on their environment. Many of the physical processes shown here are consistent with processes typically associated with cloud invigoration